Releases: denizyuret/Knet.jl
Releases · denizyuret/Knet.jl
Knet v1.4.0
Closed issues:
- Use GPUArray / KnetArray (#150)
- Illegal memory access with CuArrays (#251)
- cat 4D arrays along channel dimension (#319)
- Concatenation in 3 dimension missing (#400)
- Feature request: group convolutions (#407)
- StackOverflowError when broadcast between number and KnetArray{Bool} (#502)
- Tutorial 15. quickstart fail (Knet 1.2.7, Julia 1.1.1, Windows 10) (#508)
- [bug when broadcasting KnetArray] UndefVarError: lib not defined (#534)
- Use CuArrays, eliminate dependency on nvcc by implementing gpu kernels in julia (#550)
- Is it possible to provide Knet GPU support in BinaryBuilder (#566)
- cudnn 8.0 compatibility (#569)
- Get rid of @cu calls, replace them with CUDA calls (#580)
- Create Knet.Ops20 and add benchmarking for operator set (#583)
- Knet GPU selection and auto device selection (#586)
- Create a profiling suite (#588)
- Missing website (#592)
- CUDA.pool not defined (#595)
Merged pull requests:
- Ops20 (#596) (@denizyuret)
Knet v1.3.8
Knet v1.3.6
Closed issues:
- SpecialFunctions loggamma update (#486)
- test with CUDAapi v4.0 (#543)
- Memory allocation and deallocation of temporary variables (#548)
- Error when testing Knet (#553)
- Broadcasted copyto! .(+/*)= operator is undefined for AutoGrad (#554)
- Bug: Loading a model made using the Chain struct fails (#557)
- collect now needs size, collect(progress()) fails (#558)
- How to cite Knet in a research? (#559)
- Loading Knet breaks Julia's copyto! on 1.5 (#561)
- Performance degradation (#562)
- NLL loss (#563)
- Installing and
using Knet
doesn't work (#565) - GPU tests suggested in the documentation failing (#568)
Merged pull requests:
- add gpu install docs for azure/ubuntu18.04 (#546) (@jw3126)
- GPU discoverability with CUDAapi v4.0 (#549) (@iuliancioarca)
- Further notes on GPU tools, especially for windows (#560) (@RocketRoss)
Knet v1.3.4
Closed issues:
- AssertionError: vec(value(x)) isa WTYPE (#537)
- Cannot
an object of type AutoGrad.Result{Float32} to an object of type Float64 (#538)
Merged pull requests:
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#539) (@JuliaTagBot)
v1.3.3 (2020-02-01)
Closed issues:
- Convert KnetArray to CuArray and back (#535)
- aws images do not work (#533)
- Feature Request: Compatibility with CuArrays 1.6.0 (#532)
- julia1.3.0/knet132 build conf.jl gradcheck error (#528)
- Test error on test/serialize.jl and broken tests on test/conv.jl (#527)
- the error of test for Knet in dropout.jl (#524)
- memory usage printings (#523)
Merged pull requests:
- fixed primitive for bmm, added more gradient tests for bmm (#526) (ekinakyurek)
- A numerical example for Knet.nll for the documentation (#525) (Alexander-Barth)
v1.3.2 (2019-11-29)
Closed issues:
- conv4 allocates outside of the memory pool (#518)
- scaling xavier intializer comparared to other frameworks (#515)
Merged pull requests:
- Alexander barth master (#522) (denizyuret)
- fix issue #518: conv4 allocates outside of the memory pool #518 (#521) (denizyuret)
- xavier intializer using the same convention as TensorFlow and PyTorch (#520) (Alexander-Barth)