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1. Introduction

Drivers for switches and pushbuttons are provided, plus a retriggerable delay class. The switch and button drivers support debouncing. The switch driver provides for running a callback or launching a coroutine (coro) on contact closure and/or opening.

The pushbutton driver extends this to support long-press and double-click events.

2. Modules

  1. Flashes the four Pyboard LED's asynchronously for 10s. The simplest uasyncio demo. Import it to run.
  2. This provides classes for interfacing switches and pushbuttons and also a software retriggerable delay object. Pushbuttons are a generalisation of switches providing logical rather than physical status along with double-clicked and long pressed events.
  3. Test/demonstration programs for

3. Module

This module provides the following classes:

  • Switch This supports debouncing a normally open switch connected between a pin and ground. Can run callbacks or schedule coros on contact closure and/or opening.
  • Pushbutton A generalisation of Switch to support normally open or normally closed switches connected to ground or 3V3. Can run callbacks or schedule coros on double-click or long press events.
  • Delay_ms A class providing a retriggerable delay measured in ms. Can be used to run a callback or to schedule a coro. Its state can be tested by any coro.

The module provides examples of usage. In the following text the term function implies a Python callable: namely a function, bound method, coroutine or bound coroutine interchangeably.


The Switch class relies on millisecond-level timing: callback functions must be designed to terminate rapidly. This applies to all functions in the application; coroutines should yield regularly. If these constraints are not met, switch events can be missed.

3.1 Switch class

This assumes a normally open switch connected between a pin and ground. The pin should be initialised as an input with a pullup. A function may be specified to run on contact closure or opening; where the function is a coroutine it will be scheduled for execution and will run asynchronously. Debouncing is implicit: contact bounce will not cause spurious execution of these functions.

Constructor argument (mandatory):

  1. pin The initialised Pin instance.


  1. close_func Args: func (mandatory) a function to run on contact closure. args a tuple of arguments for the function (default ())
  2. open_func Args: func (mandatory) a function to run on contact open. args a tuple of arguments for the function (default ())
  3. __call__ Call syntax e.g. myswitch() returns the physical debounced state of the switch i.e. 0 if grounded, 1 if connected to 3V3.

Methods 1 and 2 should be called before starting the scheduler.

Class attribute:

  1. debounce_ms Debounce time in ms. Default 50.
from pyb import LED
from machine import Pin
import uasyncio as asyncio
from aswitch import Switch

async def pulse(led, ms):
    await asyncio.sleep_ms(ms)

async def my_app():
    await asyncio.sleep(60)  # Dummy application code

pin = Pin('X1', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)  # Hardware: switch to gnd
red = LED(1)
sw = Switch(pin)
sw.close_func(pulse, (red, 1000))  # Note how coro and args are passed
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(my_app())  # Run main application code

3.2 Pushbutton class

This can support normally open or normally closed switches, connected to gnd (with a pullup) or to 3V3 (with a pull-down). The Pin object should be initialised appropriately. The assumption is that on initialisation the button is not pressed.

The Pushbutton class uses logical rather than physical state: a button's state is considered True if pressed, otherwise False regardless of its physical implementation.

function instances may be specified to run on button press, release, double click or long press events; where the function is a coroutine it will be scheduled for execution and will run asynchronously.

Please see the note on timing in section 3.

Constructor arguments:

  1. pin Mandatory. The initialised Pin instance.
  2. suppress Default False. See 3.2.1 below.


  1. press_func Args: func (mandatory) a function to run on button push. args a tuple of arguments for the function (default ()).
  2. release_func Args: func (mandatory) a function to run on button release. args a tuple of arguments for the function (default ()).
  3. long_func Args: func (mandatory) a function to run on long button push. args a tuple of arguments for the function (default ()).
  4. double_func Args: func (mandatory) a function to run on double push. args a tuple of arguments for the function (default ()).
  5. __call__ Call syntax e.g. mybutton() Returns the logical debounced state of the button (True corresponds to pressed).
  6. rawstate() Returns the logical instantaneous state of the button. There is probably no reason to use this.

Methods 1 - 4 should be called before starting the scheduler.

Class attributes:

  1. debounce_ms Debounce time in ms. Default 50.
  2. long_press_ms Threshold time in ms for a long press. Default 1000.
  3. double_click_ms Threshold time in ms for a double click. Default 400.
from pyb import LED
from machine import Pin
import uasyncio as asyncio
from aswitch import Pushbutton

def toggle(led):

async def my_app():
    await asyncio.sleep(60)  # Dummy

pin = Pin('X1', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)  # Pushbutton to gnd
red = LED(1)
pb = Pushbutton(pin)
pb.press_func(toggle, (red,))  # Note how function and args are passed
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(my_app())  # Run main application code

An alternative Pushbutton class with lower RAM usage is available here.

3.2.1 The suppress constructor argument

When the button is pressed press_func runs immediately. This minimal latency is ideal for applications such as games, but does imply that in the event of a long press, both press_func and long_func run: press_func immediately and long_func if the button is still pressed when the timer has elapsed. Similar reasoning applies to the double click function.

There can be a need for a function which runs if a button is pressed but only if a doubleclick or long press function does not run. The soonest that the absence of a long press can be detected is on button release. The absence of a double click can only be detected when the double click timer times out without a second press occurring.

This function is the release_func. If the suppress constructor arg is set, release_func will be launched as follows:

  1. If double_func does not exist on rapid button release.
  2. If double_func exists, after the expiration of the doubleclick timer.
  3. If long_func exists and the press duration causes long_func to be launched, release_func will not be launched.
  4. If double_func exists and a double click occurs, release_func will not be launched.

3.3 Delay_ms class

This implements the software equivalent of a retriggerable monostable or a watchdog timer. It has an internal boolean running state. When instantiated the Delay_ms instance does nothing, with running False until triggered. Then running becomes True and a timer is initiated. This can be prevented from timing out by triggering it again (with a new timeout duration). So long as it is triggered before the time specified in the preceeding trigger it will never time out.

If it does time out the running state will revert to False. This can be interrogated by the object's running() method. In addition a function can be specified to the constructor. This will execute when a timeout occurs; where the function is a coroutine it will be scheduled for execution and will run asynchronously.

Constructor arguments (defaults in brackets):

  1. func The function to call on timeout (default None).
  2. args A tuple of arguments for the function (default ()).
  3. can_alloc Boolean, default True. See below.
  4. duration Integer, default 1000ms. The default timer period where no value is passed to the trigger method.


  1. trigger optional argument duration=0. A timeout will occur after duration ms unless retriggered. If no arg is passed the period will be that of the duration passed to the constructor. See Class variable below.
  2. stop No argument. Cancels the timeout, setting the running status False. The timer can be restarted by issuing trigger again.
  3. running No argument. Returns the running status of the object.
  4. __call__ Alias for running.

Class variable:

  1. verbose=False If True a warning will be printed if a running timer is retriggered with a time value shorter than the time currently outstanding. Such an operation has no effect owing to the design of uasyncio.

If the trigger method is to be called from an interrupt service routine the can_alloc constructor arg should be False. This causes the delay object to use a slightly less efficient mode which avoids RAM allocation when trigger runs.

In this example a 3 second timer starts when the button is pressed. If it is pressed repeatedly the timeout will not be triggered. If it is not pressed for 3 seconds the timeout triggers and the LED lights.

from pyb import LED
from machine import Pin
import uasyncio as asyncio
from aswitch import Pushbutton, Delay_ms

async def my_app():
    await asyncio.sleep(60)  # Run for 1 minute

pin = Pin('X1', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)  # Pushbutton to gnd
red = LED(1)
pb = Pushbutton(pin)
d = Delay_ms(lambda led: led.on(), (red,))
pb.press_func(d.trigger, (3000,))  # Note how function and args are passed
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(my_app())  # Run main application code

4. Module

This provides demonstration/test functions for the Switch and Pushbutton classes. They assume a switch or button wired between pin X1 and gnd. Tests may be terminated by grounding X2.

4.1 Function test_sw()

This will flash the red LED on switch closure, and the green LED on opening and demonstrates the scheduling of coroutines. See section 5 for a discussion of its behaviour if the switch is toggled rapidly.

4.2 Function test_swcb()

Demonstrates the use of callbacks to toggle the red and green LED's.

4.3 Function test_btn(lpmode=False)

This will flash the red LED on button push, and the green LED on release. A long press will flash the blue LED and a double-press the yellow one.

Test the launching of coroutines and also the suppress constructor arg.

It takes three optional positional boolean args:

  1. Suppresss=False If True sets the suppress constructor arg.
  2. lf=True Declare a long press coro.
  3. df=true Declare a double click coro.

The note below on race conditions applies.

4.4 Function test_btncb()

Demonstrates the use of callbacks. Toggles the red, green, yellow and blue LED's on press, release, double-press and long press respectively.

5 Race conditions

Note that in the tests such as test_sw() where coroutines are scheduled by events and the switch is cycled rapidly the LED behaviour may seem surprising. This is because each time the switch is closed a coro is launched to flash the red LED; on each open event one is launched for the green LED. With rapid cycling a new coro instance will commence while one is still running against the same LED. This type of conflict over a resource is known as a race condition: in this instance it leads to the LED behaving erratically.

This is a hazard of asynchronous programming. In some situations it is desirable to launch a new instance on each button press or switch closure, even if other instances are still incomplete. In other cases it can lead to a race condition, leading to the need to code an interlock to ensure that the desired behaviour occurs. The programmer must define the desired behaviour.

In the case of this test program it might be to ignore events while a similar one is running, or to extend the timer to prolong the LED illumination. Alternatively a subsequent button press might be required to terminate the illumination. The "right" behaviour is application dependent.

A further consequence of scheduling new coroutine instances when one or more are already running is that the uasyncio queue can fill causing an exception.