+ .attr({
+ 'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
+ 'data-placement': 'left',
+ title: duration,
+ })
+ .text(_humanizeDuration(duration))
+ .prop('outerHTML');
+ },
+ datetime: function (column, row) {
+ const dt = row[column.id];
+ const parsed = moment(dt);
+ if (!dt) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (!parsed.isValid()) {
+ console.error('Cannot parse timestamp: %s', dt);
+ return '???';
+ }
+ return $('
+ .attr({
+ 'data-toggle': 'tooltip',
+ 'data-placement': 'left',
+ title: parsed.format(),
+ })
+ .text(_humanizeDate(dt))
+ .prop('outerHTML');
+ },
+ };
+ let metricsInterval = null;
+ function _decisionsByType(decisions) {
+ const dectypes = {};
+ if (!decisions) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ decisions.map(function (decision) {
+ // TODO ignore negative expiration?
+ dectypes[decision.type] = dectypes[decision.type]
+ ? dectypes[decision.type] + 1
+ : 1;
+ });
+ let ret = '';
+ for (const type in dectypes) {
+ if (ret !== '') {
+ ret += ' ';
+ }
+ ret += type + ':' + dectypes[type];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function _updateFreshness(selector, timestamp) {
+ const $freshness = $(selector).find('.actionBar .freshness');
+ if (timestamp) {
+ $freshness.data('refresh_timestamp', timestamp);
+ } else {
+ timestamp = $freshness.data('refresh_timestamp');
+ }
+ const howlongHuman = '???';
+ if (timestamp) {
+ const howlongms = moment() - moment(timestamp);
+ howlongHuman = moment.duration(howlongms).humanize();
+ }
+ $freshness.text(howlongHuman + ' ago');
+ }
+ function _addFreshness(selector) {
+ // this creates one timer per tab
+ const freshnessTemplate =
+ '
Last refresh: ';
+ $(selector).find('.actionBar').prepend(freshnessTemplate);
+ setInterval(function () {
+ _updateFreshness(selector);
+ }, 5000);
+ }
+ function _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback) {
+ $('.loading').show();
+ $.ajax({
+ url: api_url,
+ cache: false,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: { action: action },
+ method: 'POST',
+ success: dataCallback,
+ complete: function () {
+ $('.loading').hide();
+ _updateFreshness(selector, moment());
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ function _parseDuration(duration) {
+ const re = /(-?)(?:(?:(\d+)h)?(\d+)m)?(\d+).\d+(m?)s/m;
+ const matches = duration.match(re);
+ let seconds = 0;
+ if (!matches.length) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Unable to parse the following duration: ' + duration + '.',
+ );
+ }
+ if (typeof matches[2] !== 'undefined') {
+ seconds += parseInt(matches[2], 10) * 3600; // hours
+ }
+ if (typeof matches[3] !== 'undefined') {
+ seconds += parseInt(matches[3], 10) * 60; // minutes
+ }
+ if (typeof matches[4] !== 'undefined') {
+ seconds += parseInt(matches[4], 10); // seconds
+ }
+ if (parseInt(matches[5], 10) === 'm') {
+ // units in milliseconds
+ seconds *= 0.001;
+ }
+ if (parseInt(matches[1], 10) === '-') {
+ // negative
+ seconds = -seconds;
+ }
+ return seconds;
+ }
+ function _humanizeDate(text) {
+ return moment(text).fromNow();
+ }
+ function _humanizeDuration(text) {
+ return moment.duration(_parseDuration(text), 'seconds').humanize();
+ }
+ function _yesno2html(val) {
+ if (val) {
+ return '
+ } else {
+ return '
+ }
+ }
+ function _initTab(selector, action, dataCallback) {
+ const tab = $(selector);
+ const table = tab.find('table.crowdsecTable');
+ if (!table.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Navigation
+ window.location.hash = selector;
+ history.pushState(null, null, window.location.hash);
+ table
+ .on('initialized.rs.jquery.bootgrid', function () {
+ $(_refreshTemplate)
+ .on('click', function () {
+ _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback);
+ })
+ .insertBefore(tab.find('.actionBar .actions .dropdown:first'));
+ _addFreshness(selector);
+ _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback);
+ if (action.startsWith('metrics')) {
+ // Refresh periodically
+ if (metricsInterval) {
+ clearInterval(metricsInterval);
+ }
+ metricsInterval = setInterval(function () {
+ _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback);
+ }, 60000);
+ })
+ .bootgrid({
+ rowCount: [50, 100, 200],
+ caseSensitive: false,
+ formatters: _dataFormatters,
+ });
+ }
+ function _initStatusMachines() {
+ const action = 'status-machines-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-machines';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.machineId,
+ ip_address: row.ipAddress || ' ',
+ last_update: row.updated_at || ' ',
+ validated: row.isValidated,
+ version: row.version || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
- let metricsInterval = null;
- function _decisionsByType(decisions) {
- const dectypes = {};
- if (!decisions) {
- return '';
- }
- decisions.map(function (decision) {
- // TODO ignore negative expiration?
- dectypes[decision.type] = dectypes[decision.type] ? (dectypes[decision.type] + 1) : 1;
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusCollections() {
+ const action = 'status-collections-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-collections';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.collections) {
+ data.collections.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
- let ret = '';
- for (const type in dectypes) {
- if (ret !== '') {
- ret += ' ';
- }
- ret += (type + ':' + dectypes[type]);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- function _updateFreshness(selector, timestamp) {
- var $freshness = $(selector).find('.actionBar .freshness');
- if (timestamp) {
- $freshness.data('refresh_timestamp', timestamp);
- } else {
- timestamp = $freshness.data('refresh_timestamp');
- }
- var howlongHuman = '???';
- if (timestamp) {
- var howlongms = moment() - moment(timestamp);
- howlongHuman = moment.duration(howlongms).humanize();
- }
- $freshness.text(howlongHuman + ' ago');
- }
- function _addFreshness(selector) {
- // this creates one timer per tab
- var freshnessTemplate = '
Last refresh: ';
- $(selector).find('.actionBar').prepend(freshnessTemplate);
- setInterval(function () {
- _updateFreshness(selector);
- }, 5000);
- }
- function _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback) {
- $('.loading').show();
- $.ajax({
- url: api_url,
- cache: false,
- dataType: 'json',
- data: { action: action },
- type: 'POST',
- method: 'POST',
- success: dataCallback,
- complete: function () {
- $(".loading").hide();
- _updateFreshness(selector, moment());
- }
- })
- }
- function _parseDuration(duration) {
- var re = /(-?)(?:(?:(\d+)h)?(\d+)m)?(\d+).\d+(m?)s/m;
- var matches = duration.match(re);
- var seconds = 0;
- if (!matches.length) {
- throw new Error('Unable to parse the following duration: ' + duration + '.');
- }
- if (typeof matches[2] !== 'undefined') {
- seconds += parseInt(matches[2], 10) * 3600; // hours
- }
- if (typeof matches[3] !== 'undefined') {
- seconds += parseInt(matches[3], 10) * 60; // minutes
- }
- if (typeof matches[4] !== 'undefined') {
- seconds += parseInt(matches[4], 10); // seconds
- }
- if (parseInt(matches[5], 10) === 'm') {
- // units in milliseconds
- seconds *= 0.001;
- }
- if (parseInt(matches[1], 10) === '-') {
- // negative
- seconds = -seconds;
- }
- return seconds;
- }
- function _humanizeDate(text) {
- return moment(text).fromNow();
- }
- function _humanizeDuration(text) {
- return moment.duration(_parseDuration(text), 'seconds').humanize();
- }
- function _yesno2html(val) {
- if (val) {
- return '
- } else {
- return '
- }
- }
- function _initTab(selector, action, dataCallback) {
- const tab = $(selector);
- const table = tab.find('table.crowdsecTable');
- if (!table.length) {
+ }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusScenarios() {
+ const action = 'status-scenarios-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-scenarios';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.scenarios.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusAppsecConfigs() {
+ const action = 'status-appsec-configs-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-appsec-configs';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data['appsec-configs'].map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusAppsecRules() {
+ const action = 'status-appsec-rules-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-appsec-rules';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data['appsec-rules'].map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusContexts() {
+ const action = 'status-contexts-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-contexts';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.contexts.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusParsers() {
+ const action = 'status-parsers-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-parsers';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.parsers.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusPostoverflows() {
+ const action = 'status-postoverflows-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-postoverflows';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.postoverflows.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ status: row.status,
+ local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
+ local_path: row.local_path
+ ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '')
+ : ' ',
+ description: row.description || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusBouncers() {
+ const action = 'status-bouncers-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-bouncers';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.map(function (row) {
+ // TODO - remove || ' ' later, it was fixed for 1.3.3
+ rows.push({
+ name: row.name,
+ ip_address: row.ip_address || ' ',
+ valid: !row.revoked,
+ last_pull: row.last_pull,
+ type: row.type || ' ',
+ version: row.version || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusAlerts() {
+ const action = 'status-alerts-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-alerts';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.map(function (row) {
+ rows.push({
+ id: row.id,
+ value:
+ row.source.scope + (row.source.value ? ':' + row.source.value : ''),
+ reason: row.scenario || ' ',
+ country: row.source.cn || ' ',
+ as: row.source.as_name || ' ',
+ decisions: _decisionsByType(row.decisions) || ' ',
+ created_at: row.created_at,
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initStatusDecisions() {
+ const action = 'status-decisions-list';
+ const id = '#tab-status-decisions';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ data.map(function (row) {
+ row.decisions.map(function (decision) {
+ // ignore deleted decisions
+ if (decision.duration.startsWith('-')) {
- }
- // Navigation
- window.location.hash = selector;
- history.pushState(null, null, window.location.hash);
- table.on('initialized.rs.jquery.bootgrid', function () {
- $(_refreshTemplate).on('click', function () {
- _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback);
- }).insertBefore(tab.find('.actionBar .actions .dropdown:first'));
- _addFreshness(selector);
- _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback);
- if (action.startsWith("metrics")) {
- // Refresh periodically
- if (metricsInterval) {
- clearInterval(metricsInterval);
- }
- metricsInterval = setInterval(function () {
- _refreshTab(selector, action, dataCallback)
- }, 60000);
- }
- }).bootgrid({
- rowCount: [50, 100, 200],
- caseSensitive: false,
- formatters: _dataFormatters
- })
- }
- function _initStatusMachines() {
- const action = 'status-machines-list';
- const id = '#tab-status-machines';
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.machineId,
- ip_address: row.ipAddress || ' ',
- last_update: row.updated_at || ' ',
- validated: row.isValidated,
- version: row.version || ' '
- });
+ }
+ rows.push({
+ // search will break on empty values when using .append(). so we use spaces
+ delete: '',
+ id: decision.id,
+ source: decision.origin || ' ',
+ scope_value:
+ decision.scope + (decision.value ? ':' + decision.value : ''),
+ reason: decision.scenario || ' ',
+ action: decision.type || ' ',
+ country: row.source.cn || ' ',
+ as: row.source.as_name || ' ',
+ events_count: row.events_count,
+ // XXX pre-parse duration to seconds, and integer type, for sorting
+ expiration: decision.duration || ' ',
+ alert_id: row.id || ' ',
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsAcquisition() {
+ const action = 'metrics-acquisition-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-acquisition';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.acquisition) {
+ const acquisition = Object.entries(data.acquisition);
+ acquisition.map(function (acquisition) {
+ if (acquisition.length === 2) {
+ rows.push({
+ // search will break on empty values when using .append(). so we use spaces
+ source: acquisition[0] || ' ',
+ read: acquisition[1].reads || ' ',
+ parsed: acquisition[1].parsed || ' ',
+ unparsed: acquisition[1].unparsed || ' ',
+ poured: acquisition[1].pour || ' ',
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusCollections() {
- const action = 'status-collections-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-collections";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.collections) {
- data.collections.map(function (row) {
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsDecisions() {
+ const action = 'metrics-decisions-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-decisions';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.decisions) {
+ const decisions = Object.entries(data.decisions);
+ decisions.map(function (decision) {
+ if (decision.length === 2) {
+ const origins = Object.entries(decision[1]);
+ origins.map(function (origin) {
+ if (origin.length === 2) {
+ const types = Object.entries(origin[1]);
+ types.map(function (type) {
+ if (type.length === 2) {
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
+ // search will break on empty values when using .append(). so we use spaces
+ reason: decision[0] || ' ',
+ origin: origin[0],
+ action: type[0],
+ count: type[1],
+ }
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusScenarios() {
- const action = 'status-scenarios-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-scenarios";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.scenarios.map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
- });
- });
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusAppsecConfigs() {
- const action = 'status-appsec-configs-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-appsec-configs";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data["appsec-configs"].map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
- });
- });
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusAppsecRules() {
- const action = 'status-appsec-rules-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-appsec-rules";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data["appsec-rules"].map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
- });
- });
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusContexts() {
- const action = 'status-contexts-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-contexts";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.contexts.map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
- });
+ }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusParsers() {
- const action = 'status-parsers-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-parsers";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.parsers.map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
- });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsBucket() {
+ const action = 'metrics-bucket-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-bucket';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.buckets) {
+ const buckets = Object.entries(data.buckets);
+ buckets.map(function (bucket) {
+ if (bucket.length === 2) {
+ rows.push({
+ bucket: bucket[0] || ' ',
+ current: bucket[1].curr_count || ' ',
+ overflows: bucket[1].overflow || ' ',
+ instantiated: bucket[1].instantiation || ' ',
+ poured: bucket[1].pour || ' ',
+ underflows: bucket[1].underflow || ' ',
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusPostoverflows() {
- const action = 'status-postoverflows-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-postoverflows";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.postoverflows.map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- status: row.status,
- local_version: row.local_version || ' ',
- local_path: row.local_path ? row.local_path.replace(crowdsec_path, '') : ' ',
- description: row.description || ' '
- });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsParser() {
+ const action = 'metrics-parser-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-parser';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.parsers) {
+ const parsers = Object.entries(data.parsers);
+ parsers.map(function (parser) {
+ if (parser.length === 2) {
+ rows.push({
+ parsers: parser[0] || ' ',
+ hits: parser[1].hits || ' ',
+ parsed: parser[1].parsed || ' ',
+ unparsed: parser[1].unparsed || ' ',
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- function _initStatusBouncers() {
- const action = 'status-bouncers-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-bouncers";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.map(function (row) {
- // TODO - remove || ' ' later, it was fixed for 1.3.3
- rows.push({
- name: row.name,
- ip_address: row.ip_address || ' ',
- valid: !row.revoked,
- last_pull: row.last_pull,
- type: row.type || ' ',
- version: row.version || ' '
- });
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsAlerts() {
+ const action = 'metrics-alerts-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-alerts';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.alerts) {
+ const alerts = Object.entries(data.alerts);
+ alerts.map(function (alert) {
+ if (alert.length === 2) {
+ rows.push({
+ reason: alert[0] || ' ',
+ count: alert[1] || ' ',
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initStatusAlerts() {
- const action = 'status-alerts-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-alerts";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.map(function (row) {
- rows.push({
- id: row.id,
- value: row.source.scope + (row.source.value ? (':' + row.source.value) : ''),
- reason: row.scenario || ' ',
- country: row.source.cn || ' ',
- as: row.source.as_name || ' ',
- decisions: _decisionsByType(row.decisions) || ' ',
- created_at: row.created_at
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsLapiMachines() {
+ const action = 'metrics-lapi-machines-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-lapi-machines';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.lapi_machine) {
+ const machines = Object.entries(data.lapi_machine);
+ machines.map(function (machine) {
+ if (machine.length === 2) {
+ const routes = Object.entries(machine[1]);
+ routes.map(function (route) {
+ const methods = Object.values(route);
+ if (methods.length === 2) {
+ const methodTypes = Object.entries(methods[1]);
+ methodTypes.map(function (type) {
+ if (type.length === 2) {
+ rows.push({
+ machine: machine[0] || ' ',
+ route: route[0] || ' ',
+ method: type[0],
+ hits: type[1],
+ });
+ }
+ }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- function _initStatusDecisions() {
- const action = 'status-decisions-list';
- const id = "#tab-status-decisions";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- data.map(function (row) {
- row.decisions.map(function (decision) {
- // ignore deleted decisions
- if (decision.duration.startsWith('-')) {
- return;
- }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsLapiBouncers() {
+ const action = 'metrics-lapi-bouncers-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-lapi-bouncers';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.lapi_bouncer) {
+ const bouncers = Object.entries(data.lapi_bouncer);
+ bouncers.map(function (bouncer) {
+ if (bouncer.length === 2) {
+ const routes = Object.entries(bouncer[1]);
+ routes.map(function (route) {
+ const methods = Object.values(route);
+ if (methods.length === 2) {
+ const methodTypes = Object.entries(methods[1]);
+ methodTypes.map(function (type) {
+ if (type.length === 2) {
- // search will break on empty values when using .append(). so we use spaces
- delete: '',
- id: decision.id,
- source: decision.origin || ' ',
- scope_value: decision.scope + (decision.value ? (':' + decision.value) : ''),
- reason: decision.scenario || ' ',
- action: decision.type || ' ',
- country: row.source.cn || ' ',
- as: row.source.as_name || ' ',
- events_count: row.events_count,
- // XXX pre-parse duration to seconds, and integer type, for sorting
- expiration: decision.duration || ' ',
- alert_id: row.id || ' '
+ bouncer: bouncer[0] || ' ',
+ route: route[0] || ' ',
+ method: type[0],
+ hits: type[1],
+ }
+ }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsAcquisition() {
- const action = 'metrics-acquisition-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-acquisition";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.acquisition) {
- const acquisition = Object.entries(data.acquisition);
- acquisition.map(function (acquisition) {
- if (acquisition.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- // search will break on empty values when using .append(). so we use spaces
- source: acquisition[0] || ' ',
- read: acquisition[1].reads || ' ',
- parsed: acquisition[1].parsed || ' ',
- unparsed: acquisition[1].unparsed || ' ',
- poured: acquisition[1].pour || ' ',
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsDecisions() {
- const action = 'metrics-decisions-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-decisions";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.decisions) {
- const decisions = Object.entries(data.decisions);
- decisions.map(function (decision) {
- if (decision.length === 2) {
- const origins = Object.entries(decision[1]);
- origins.map(function (origin) {
- if (origin.length === 2) {
- const types = Object.entries(origin[1]);
- types.map(function (type) {
- if (type.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- // search will break on empty values when using .append(). so we use spaces
- reason: decision[0] || ' ',
- origin: origin[0],
- action: type[0],
- count: type[1]
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsBucket() {
- const action = 'metrics-bucket-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-bucket";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.buckets) {
- const buckets = Object.entries(data.buckets);
- buckets.map(function (bucket) {
- if (bucket.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- bucket: bucket[0] || ' ',
- current: bucket[1].curr_count || ' ',
- overflows: bucket[1].overflow || ' ',
- instantiated: bucket[1].instantiation || ' ',
- poured: bucket[1].pour || ' ',
- underflows: bucket[1].underflow || ' ',
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsParser() {
- const action = 'metrics-parser-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-parser";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.parsers) {
- const parsers = Object.entries(data.parsers);
- parsers.map(function (parser) {
- if (parser.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- parsers: parser[0] || ' ',
- hits: parser[1].hits || ' ',
- parsed: parser[1].parsed || ' ',
- unparsed: parser[1].unparsed || ' '
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsAlerts() {
- const action = 'metrics-alerts-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-alerts";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.alerts) {
- const alerts = Object.entries(data.alerts);
- alerts.map(function (alert) {
- if (alert.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- reason: alert[0] || ' ',
- count: alert[1] || ' '
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsLapiMachines() {
- const action = 'metrics-lapi-machines-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-lapi-machines";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.lapi_machine) {
- const machines = Object.entries(data.lapi_machine);
- machines.map(function (machine) {
- if (machine.length === 2) {
- const routes = Object.entries(machine[1]);
- routes.map(function (route) {
- const methods = Object.values(route);
- if (methods.length === 2) {
- const methodTypes = Object.entries(methods[1]);
- methodTypes.map(function (type) {
- if (type.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- machine: machine[0] || ' ',
- route: route[0] || ' ',
- method: type[0],
- hits: type[1]
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function _initMetricsLapiBouncers() {
- const action = 'metrics-lapi-bouncers-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-lapi-bouncers";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.lapi_bouncer) {
- const bouncers = Object.entries(data.lapi_bouncer);
- bouncers.map(function (bouncer) {
- if (bouncer.length === 2) {
- const routes = Object.entries(bouncer[1]);
- routes.map(function (route) {
- const methods = Object.values(route);
- if (methods.length === 2) {
- const methodTypes = Object.entries(methods[1]);
- methodTypes.map(function (type) {
- if (type.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- bouncer: bouncer[0] || ' ',
- route: route[0] || ' ',
- method: type[0],
- hits: type[1]
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- function _initMetricsLapi() {
- const action = 'metrics-lapi-list';
- const id = "#tab-metrics-lapi";
- const dataCallback = function (data) {
- const rows = [];
- if (data.lapi) {
- const infos = Object.entries(data.lapi);
- infos.map(function (info) {
- if (info.length === 2) {
- const routes = Object.entries(info[1]);
- routes.map(function (route) {
- if (route.length === 2) {
- rows.push({
- route: info[0] || ' ',
- method: route[0],
- hits: route[1]
- });
- }
- });
- }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function _initMetricsLapi() {
+ const action = 'metrics-lapi-list';
+ const id = '#tab-metrics-lapi';
+ const dataCallback = function (data) {
+ const rows = [];
+ if (data.lapi) {
+ const infos = Object.entries(data.lapi);
+ infos.map(function (info) {
+ if (info.length === 2) {
+ const routes = Object.entries(info[1]);
+ routes.map(function (route) {
+ if (route.length === 2) {
+ rows.push({
+ route: info[0] || ' ',
+ method: route[0],
+ hits: route[1],
- }
- $(id + ' table').bootgrid('clear').bootgrid('append', rows);
- };
- _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
- }
- function initService() {
- $.ajax({
- url: api_url,
- cache: false,
- dataType: 'json',
- data: { action: 'services-status' },
- type: 'POST',
- method: 'POST',
- success: function (data) {
- var crowdsecStatus = data['crowdsec-status'];
- if (crowdsecStatus === 'unknown') {
- crowdsecStatus = '
- } else {
- crowdsecStatus = _yesno2html(crowdsecStatus === 'running');
- }
- $('#crowdsec-status').html(crowdsecStatus);
- var crowdsecFirewallStatus = data['crowdsec-firewall-status'];
- if (crowdsecFirewallStatus === 'unknown') {
- crowdsecFirewallStatus = '
- } else {
- crowdsecFirewallStatus = _yesno2html(crowdsecFirewallStatus === 'running');
- }
- $('#crowdsec-firewall-status').html(crowdsecFirewallStatus);
- }
- })
- }
- function deleteDecision(decisionId) {
- const $modal = $('#remove-decision-modal');
- const action = 'status-decision-delete';
- $modal.find('.modal-title').text('Delete decision #' + decisionId);
- $modal.find('.modal-body').text('Are you sure?');
- $modal.modal('show');
- $modal.find('#remove-decision-confirm').on('click', function () {
- $.ajax({
- // XXX handle errors
- url: api_url + '?action=' + action + '&decision_id=' + decisionId,
- type: 'DELETE',
- method: 'DELETE',
- dataType: 'json',
- success: function (result) {
- if (result && result.message === 'OK') {
- $('#tab-status-decisions table').bootgrid('remove', [decisionId]);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- }
+ }
- function _handleStatusHash(hash) {
- $('#hub-dropdown li').each(function () {
- if ($(this).data('tab') === hash.replace('#', '')) {
- $(this).addClass('active');
- $('#hub-dropdown-parent').addClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
- }
- });
- switch (hash) {
- case '#tab-status-alerts':
- _initStatusAlerts();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-bouncers':
- _initStatusBouncers();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-collections':
- _initStatusCollections();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-decisions':
- _initStatusDecisions();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-machines':
- _initStatusMachines();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-parsers':
- _initStatusParsers();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-postoverflows':
- _initStatusPostoverflows();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-scenarios':
- _initStatusScenarios();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-appsec-configs':
- _initStatusAppsecConfigs();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-appsec-rules':
- _initStatusAppsecRules();
- break;
- case '#tab-status-contexts':
- _initStatusContexts();
- break;
- default:
- // First tab is collection for remote lapi
- if ($('#li-status-machines').length === 0) {
- _initStatusCollections();
- } else {
- _initStatusMachines();
- }
+ $(id + ' table')
+ .bootgrid('clear')
+ .bootgrid('append', rows);
+ };
+ _initTab(id, action, dataCallback);
+ }
+ function initService() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: api_url,
+ cache: false,
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: { action: 'services-status' },
+ method: 'POST',
+ success: function (data) {
+ let crowdsecStatus = data['crowdsec-status'];
+ if (crowdsecStatus === 'unknown') {
+ crowdsecStatus = '
+ } else {
+ crowdsecStatus = _yesno2html(crowdsecStatus === 'running');
- }
- function _handleMetricsHash(hash) {
- switch (hash) {
- case '#tab-metrics-acquisition':
- _initMetricsAcquisition();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-bucket':
- _initMetricsBucket();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-parser':
- _initMetricsParser();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-lapi':
- _initMetricsLapi();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-lapi-machines':
- _initMetricsLapiMachines();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-lapi-bouncers':
- _initMetricsLapiBouncers();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-decisions':
- _initMetricsDecisions();
- break;
- case '#tab-metrics-alerts':
- _initMetricsAlerts();
- break;
- default:
- _initMetricsAcquisition();
+ $('#crowdsec-status').html(crowdsecStatus);
+ let crowdsecFirewallStatus = data['crowdsec-firewall-status'];
+ if (crowdsecFirewallStatus === 'unknown') {
+ crowdsecFirewallStatus = '
+ } else {
+ crowdsecFirewallStatus = _yesno2html(
+ crowdsecFirewallStatus === 'running',
+ );
+ }
+ $('#crowdsec-firewall-status').html(crowdsecFirewallStatus);
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ function deleteDecision(decisionId) {
+ const $modal = $('#remove-decision-modal');
+ const action = 'status-decision-delete';
+ $modal.find('.modal-title').text('Delete decision #' + decisionId);
+ $modal.find('.modal-body').text('Are you sure?');
+ $modal.modal('show');
+ $modal.find('#remove-decision-confirm').on('click', function () {
+ $.ajax({
+ // XXX handle errors
+ url: api_url + '?action=' + action + '&decision_id=' + decisionId,
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function (result) {
+ if (result && result.message === 'OK') {
+ $('#tab-status-decisions table').bootgrid('remove', [decisionId]);
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function _handleStatusHash(hash) {
+ $('#hub-dropdown li').each(function () {
+ if ($(this).data('tab') === hash.replace('#', '')) {
+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ $('#hub-dropdown-parent').addClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
+ }
+ });
+ switch (hash) {
+ case '#tab-status-alerts':
+ _initStatusAlerts();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-bouncers':
+ _initStatusBouncers();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-collections':
+ _initStatusCollections();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-decisions':
+ _initStatusDecisions();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-machines':
+ _initStatusMachines();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-parsers':
+ _initStatusParsers();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-postoverflows':
+ _initStatusPostoverflows();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-scenarios':
+ _initStatusScenarios();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-appsec-configs':
+ _initStatusAppsecConfigs();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-appsec-rules':
+ _initStatusAppsecRules();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-status-contexts':
+ _initStatusContexts();
+ break;
+ default:
+ // First tab is collection for remote lapi
+ if ($('#li-status-machines').length === 0) {
+ _initStatusCollections();
+ } else {
+ _initStatusMachines();
- function initStatus() {
- // Machines tab is the first to be visible
- $("#tabs").tabs({
- beforeActivate: function (event, ui) {
- switch (ui.newPanel[0].id) {
- case 'hub-tabs':
- event.preventDefault();
- break;
- default:
- break
- }
- },
- activate: function (event, ui) {
- switch (ui.newPanel[0].id) {
- case 'tab-status-alerts':
- _initStatusAlerts();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-bouncers':
- _initStatusBouncers();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-decisions':
- _initStatusDecisions();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-machines':
- _initStatusMachines();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-collections':
- _initStatusCollections();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-parsers':
- _initStatusParsers();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-postoverflows':
- _initStatusPostoverflows();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-scenarios':
- _initStatusScenarios();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-appsec-configs':
- _initStatusAppsecConfigs();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-appsec-rules':
- _initStatusAppsecRules();
- break;
- case 'tab-status-contexts':
- _initStatusContexts();
- break;
- default:
- _initStatusMachines();
- break
- }
- }
- });
- // activate a tab from the hash, if it exists
- _handleStatusHash(window.location.hash);
- $(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
- _handleStatusHash(window.location.hash);
- });
- $(window).on('popstate', function (event) {
- _handleStatusHash(window.location.hash);
- });
- // Handle Hub tab
- $("#hub-dropdown-parent").mouseenter(function () {
- $("#hub-dropdown").show();
- }).mouseleave(function () {
- $("#hub-dropdown").hide();
- });
- $('#tabs li').on('click', function () {
- const parent = $(this).parent('ul');
- if ($(this).hasClass("main-tab")) {
- $('#hub-dropdown-parent').removeClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
- $('#hub-dropdown li').removeClass('active');
- }
- });
- $('#hub-dropdown li').on('click', function () {
- const dataTabValue = $(this).data('tab');
- const $targetLink = $("li.hub a").filter(function () {
- return $(this).attr('href') === `#${dataTabValue}`;
- });
- if ($targetLink.length) {
- $targetLink.click();
- }
- $('#hub-dropdown-parent').mouseleave();
- $('#tabs li').removeClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
- $('#hub-dropdown-parent').addClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
- $('#hub-dropdown li').removeClass('active');
- $(this).addClass('active');
- });
- }
- function initMetrics() {
- // Acquisition tab is the first to be visible
- $("#tabs").tabs({
- activate: function (event, ui) {
- switch (ui.newPanel[0].id) {
- case 'tab-metrics-acquisition':
- _initMetricsAcquisition();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-bucket':
- _initMetricsBucket();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-parser':
- _initMetricsParser();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-lapi':
- _initMetricsLapi();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-lapi-machines':
- _initMetricsLapiMachines();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-lapi-bouncers':
- _initMetricsLapiBouncers();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-decisions':
- _initMetricsDecisions();
- break;
- case 'tab-metrics-alerts':
- _initMetricsAlerts();
- break;
- default:
- _initMetricsAcquisition();
- break
- }
- }
- });
- // activate a tab from the hash, if it exists
- _handleMetricsHash(window.location.hash);
- $(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
- _handleMetricsHash(window.location.hash);
- });
- $(window).on('popstate', function (event) {
- _handleMetricsHash(window.location.hash);
- });
- }
- return {
- deleteDecision: deleteDecision,
- initStatus: initStatus,
- initMetrics: initMetrics,
- initService: initService
- };
+ }
+ function _handleMetricsHash(hash) {
+ switch (hash) {
+ case '#tab-metrics-acquisition':
+ _initMetricsAcquisition();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-bucket':
+ _initMetricsBucket();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-parser':
+ _initMetricsParser();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-lapi':
+ _initMetricsLapi();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-lapi-machines':
+ _initMetricsLapiMachines();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-lapi-bouncers':
+ _initMetricsLapiBouncers();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-decisions':
+ _initMetricsDecisions();
+ break;
+ case '#tab-metrics-alerts':
+ _initMetricsAlerts();
+ break;
+ default:
+ _initMetricsAcquisition();
+ }
+ }
+ function initStatus() {
+ // Machines tab is the first to be visible
+ $('#tabs').tabs({
+ beforeActivate: function (event, ui) {
+ switch (ui.newPanel[0].id) {
+ case 'hub-tabs':
+ event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ activate: function (event, ui) {
+ switch (ui.newPanel[0].id) {
+ case 'tab-status-alerts':
+ _initStatusAlerts();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-bouncers':
+ _initStatusBouncers();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-decisions':
+ _initStatusDecisions();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-machines':
+ _initStatusMachines();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-collections':
+ _initStatusCollections();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-parsers':
+ _initStatusParsers();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-postoverflows':
+ _initStatusPostoverflows();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-scenarios':
+ _initStatusScenarios();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-appsec-configs':
+ _initStatusAppsecConfigs();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-appsec-rules':
+ _initStatusAppsecRules();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-status-contexts':
+ _initStatusContexts();
+ break;
+ default:
+ _initStatusMachines();
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ // activate a tab from the hash, if it exists
+ _handleStatusHash(window.location.hash);
+ $(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
+ _handleStatusHash(window.location.hash);
+ });
+ $(window).on('popstate', function (event) {
+ _handleStatusHash(window.location.hash);
+ });
+ // Handle Hub tab
+ $('#hub-dropdown-parent')
+ .mouseenter(function () {
+ $('#hub-dropdown').show();
+ })
+ .mouseleave(function () {
+ $('#hub-dropdown').hide();
+ });
+ $('#tabs li').on('click', function () {
+ const parent = $(this).parent('ul');
+ if ($(this).hasClass('main-tab')) {
+ $('#hub-dropdown-parent').removeClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
+ $('#hub-dropdown li').removeClass('active');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#hub-dropdown li').on('click', function () {
+ const dataTabValue = $(this).data('tab');
+ const $targetLink = $('li.hub a').filter(function () {
+ return $(this).attr('href') === `#${dataTabValue}`;
+ });
+ if ($targetLink.length) {
+ $targetLink.click();
+ }
+ $('#hub-dropdown-parent').mouseleave();
+ $('#tabs li').removeClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
+ $('#hub-dropdown-parent').addClass('ui-tabs-active ui-state-active');
+ $('#hub-dropdown li').removeClass('active');
+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ });
+ }
+ function initMetrics() {
+ // Acquisition tab is the first to be visible
+ $('#tabs').tabs({
+ activate: function (event, ui) {
+ switch (ui.newPanel[0].id) {
+ case 'tab-metrics-acquisition':
+ _initMetricsAcquisition();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-bucket':
+ _initMetricsBucket();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-parser':
+ _initMetricsParser();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-lapi':
+ _initMetricsLapi();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-lapi-machines':
+ _initMetricsLapiMachines();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-lapi-bouncers':
+ _initMetricsLapiBouncers();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-decisions':
+ _initMetricsDecisions();
+ break;
+ case 'tab-metrics-alerts':
+ _initMetricsAlerts();
+ break;
+ default:
+ _initMetricsAcquisition();
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ // activate a tab from the hash, if it exists
+ _handleMetricsHash(window.location.hash);
+ $(window).on('hashchange', function (e) {
+ _handleMetricsHash(window.location.hash);
+ });
+ $(window).on('popstate', function (event) {
+ _handleMetricsHash(window.location.hash);
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ deleteDecision: deleteDecision,
+ initStatus: initStatus,
+ initMetrics: initMetrics,
+ initService: initService,
+ };
diff --git a/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/metrics.html b/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/metrics.html
index 7a6d6b5..4340a7c 100644
--- a/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/metrics.html
+++ b/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/metrics.html
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
Loading, please wait..
+ Loading, please wait..
- Source |
- Lines read |
- Lines parsed |
- Lines unparsed |
- Lines poured to bucket |
+ Source |
+ Lines read |
+ Lines parsed |
+ Lines unparsed |
+ Lines poured to bucket
+ |
- Bucket |
- Overflows |
- Instantiated |
- Poured |
- Underflows |
+ Bucket |
+ Overflows |
+ Instantiated
+ |
+ Poured |
+ Underflows |
- Parsers |
- Hits |
- parsed |
- Unparsed |
+ Parsers |
+ Hits |
+ parsed |
+ Unparsed |
- Reason |
- Count |
+ Reason |
+ Count |
- Reason |
- Origin |
- Action |
- Count |
+ Reason |
+ Origin |
+ Action |
+ Count |
- Route |
- Method |
- Hits |
+ Route |
+ Method |
+ Hits |
- Machine |
- Route |
- Method |
- Hits |
+ Machine |
+ Route |
+ Method |
+ Hits |
- Bouncer |
- Route |
- Method |
- Hits |
+ Bouncer |
+ Route |
+ Method |
+ Hits |
diff --git a/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/status.php b/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/status.php
index f98d488..6fe1cb3 100644
--- a/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/status.php
+++ b/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/files/usr/local/www/crowdsec/status.php
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
$cf = config_get_path('installedpackages/crowdsec/config/0', []);
$isRemoteLapi = empty($cf['enable_lapi']);
-$machinesLi = $isRemoteLapi ? '' : 'Machines';
-$bouncersLi = $isRemoteLapi ? '' : 'Bouncers';
+$machinesLi = $isRemoteLapi ? '' : 'Log Processors';
+$bouncersLi = $isRemoteLapi ? '' : 'Remediation Components';
$machinesTab = $isRemoteLapi ? '' : '
diff --git a/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/pkg-descr b/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/pkg-descr
index 26846ee..4096711 100644
--- a/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/pkg-descr
+++ b/security/pfSense-pkg-crowdsec/pkg-descr
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ WWW: https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/next/getting_started/install_crowdsec_pfsens
Package Changelog
+ * allow overriding scheme and path in remote LAPI URL
+ * require crowdsec 1.6.3
* drop-down menu for hub items, with appsec and contexts