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Releases: craftcms/cms


07 Nov 18:34
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  • Added the db/drop-table-prefix command.
  • Top-level disabled related/nested elements are now included in “Extended” element exports. (#13496)
  • Related element validation is no longer recursive. (#13904)
  • Addresses’ owner elements are now automatically set on them during initialization, if they were queried with the owner address query param.
  • Entry Title fields are no longer shown when “Show the Title field” is disabled and there’s a validation error on the title attribute. (#13876)
  • Improved the reliability of image dimension detection. (#13886)
  • The default backup command for PostgreSQL no longer passes in --column-inserts to pg_dump.
  • Log contexts now include the environment name. (#13882)
  • Added craft\web\AssetManager::$cacheSourcePaths.
  • Fixed a bug where disclosure menus could be positioned off-screen on mobile.
  • Fixed a bug where element edit pages could show a context menu when it wasn’t necessary.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Delete entry for this site” action wasn’t deleting the canonical entry for the selected site, when editing a provisional draft.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when cropping an image that was missing its dimension info. (#13884)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if a filesystem didn’t have any settings. (#13883)
  • Fixed a bug where related element validation wansn’t ensuring that related elements were loaded in the same site as the source element when possible. (#13907)
  • Fixed a bug where sites weren’t always getting queried in the same order, if multiple sites’ sortOrder values were the same. (#13896)


23 Oct 19:25
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  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to change the status for entries that didn’t show the Status field, via bulk editing. (#13854)
  • Fixed a PHP error that could occur when editing elements via slideouts. (#13867)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if no storage/ folder existed.


20 Oct 19:16
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  • Improved the styling and accessibility of revision pages. (#13857, #13850)
  • Added the focalPoint argument to asset save mutations. (#13846)
  • The up command now accepts a --no-backup option.
  • {% cache %} tags now store any <meta> tags registered with yii\web\View::registerMetaTag(). (#13832)
  • Added craft\errors\ExitException.
  • Added craft\web\View::startMetaTagBuffer().
  • Added craft\web\View::clearMetaTagBuffer().
  • Added support for modifying the application config via a global craft_modify_app_config() function. (#13855)
  • Fixed a bug where {% exit %} tags without a status code weren’t outputting any HTML that had already been output in the template. (#13848)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to Ctrl/Command-click on multiple elements to select them. (#13853)


17 Oct 18:43
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  • Field containers are no longer focusable unless a corresponding validation message is clicked on. (#13782)
  • Improved element save performance.
  • Added pgpassword and pwd to the list of keywords that Craft will look for when determining whether a value is sensitive and should be redacted from logs, etc.
  • Added craft\events\DefineCompatibleFieldTypesEvent.
  • Added craft\services\Fields::EVENT_DEFINE_COMPATIBLE_FIELD_TYPES. (#13793)
  • Added craft\web\assets\inputmask\InputmaskAsset.
  • craft\web\Request::accepts() now supports wildcard (e.g. application/*). (#13759)
  • Craft.ElementEditor instances are now configured with an elementId setting, which is kept up-to-date when a provisional draft is created. (#13795)
  • Added Garnish.isPrimaryClick().
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields’ element selector modals weren’t always getting set to the correct site per the field’s “Relate entries from a specific site?” setting. (#13750)
  • Fixed a bug where Dropdown fields weren’t visible when viewing revisions and other static forms. (#13753, craftcms/commerce#3270)
  • Fixed a bug where the defaultDirMode config setting wasn’t being respected when the storage/runtime/ and storage/logs/ folders were created. (#13756)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Save and continue editing” action wasn’t working on Edit User pages if they contained a Money field. (#13760)
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields’ validation messages weren’t using the actual field name. (#13807)
  • Fixed a bug where element editor slideouts were appearing behind element selector modals within Live Preview. (#13798)
  • Fixed a bug where element URIs weren’t getting updated for propagated sites automatically. (#13812)
  • Fixed a bug where dropdown input labels could overflow out of their containers. (#13817)
  • Fixed a bug where the transformGifs and transformSvgs config settings weren’t always being respected when using @transform GraphQL directives. (#13808)
  • Fixed a bug where Composer operations were sorting require packages differently than how Composer does it natively, when config.sort-packages was set to true. (#13806)
  • Fixed a MySQL error that could occur when creating a Plain Text field with a high charcter limit. (#13781)
  • Fixed a bug where entries weren’t always being treated as live for View and Preview buttons, when editing a non-primary site. (#13746)
  • Fixed a bug where Ctrl-clicks were being treated as primary clicks in some browsers. (#13823)
  • Fixed a bug where some language options were showing “false” hints. (#13837)
  • Fixed a bug where Craft was tracking changes to elements when they were being resaved. (#13761)
  • Fixed a bug where sensitive keywords weren’t getting redacted from log contexts.
  • Fixed RCE vulnerabilities.


17 Oct 18:37
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  • Added pgpassword and pwd to the list of keywords that Craft will look for when determining whether a value is sensitive and should be redacted from logs, etc.
  • Fixed a bug where the defaultDirMode config setting wasn’t being respected when the storage/runtime/ and storage/logs/ folders were created. (#13756)
  • Fixed RCE vulnerabilities.

27 Sep 12:29
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  • Crossdomain JavaScript resources are now loaded via a proxy action.
  • Fixed JavaScript errors that could occur after loading new UI components over Ajax. (#13751)


26 Sep 19:28
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  • When slideouts are opened within Live Preview, they now slide up over the editor pane, rather than covering the preview pane. (#13739)
  • Cross-site validation now only involves fields which were actually modified in the element save. (#13675)
  • Row headings within Table fields now get statically translated. (#13703)
  • Element condition settings within field layout components now display a warning if the autosaveDrafts config setting is disabled. (#12348)
  • Added the resave/addresses command. (#13720)
  • The resave/matrix-blocks command now supports an --owner-id option.
  • Added craft\helpers\App::phpExecutable().
  • Added craft\helpers\Component::cleanseConfig().
  • craft\helpers\Component::createComponent() now filters out as X and on X keys from the component config.
  • craft\services\Announcements::push() now has an $adminsOnly argument. (#13728)
  • Craft.appendHeadHtml() and appendBodyHtml() now load external scripts asynchronously, and return promises.
  • Improved the reliability of Composer operations when PHP is running via FastCGI. (#13681)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t always possible to create new entries from custom sources which were limited to one section.
  • Fixed a bug where relational fields weren’t factoring in cross-site elements when enforcing their “Min Relations”, “Max Relations”, and “Validate related entries” settings. (#13699)
  • Fixed a bug where pagination wasn’t working for admin tables, if the onQueryParams callback method wasn’t set. (#13677)
  • Fixed a bug where relations within Matrix blocks weren’t getting restored when restoring a revision’s content. (#13626)
  • Fixed a bug where the filesystem and volume-creation slideouts could keep reappearing if canceled. (#13707)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when reattempting to update to Craft 4.5. (#13714)
  • Fixed a bug where date and time inputs could be parsed incorrectly, if the user’s formatting locale wasn’t explicitly set, or it changed between page load and form submit. (#13731)
  • Fixed JavaScript errors that could occur when control panel resources were being loaded from a different domain. (#13715)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred if the CRAFT_DOTENV_PATH environment variable was set, or a console command was executed with the --dotenvPath option. (#13725)
  • Fixed a bug where long element titles weren’t always getting truncated in the control panel. (#13718)
  • Fixed a bug where checkboxes could be preselected if they had an empty value. (#13710)
  • Fixed a bug where links in validation summaries weren’t working if the offending field was in a collapsed Matrix block. (#13708)
  • Fixed a bug where cross-site validation could apply even if craft\services\Elements::saveElement() was called with $runValidation set to false.
  • Fixed some wonky scrolling behavior on pages where the details pane was shorter than the content pane. (#13637)
  • Fixed a division by zero error. (#13712)
  • Fixed an RCE vulnerability.


26 Sep 19:25
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  • Added craft\helpers\App::phpExecutable().
  • Added craft\helpers\Component::cleanseConfig().
  • craft\helpers\Component::createComponent() now filters out as X and on X keys from the component config.
  • Improved the reliability of Composer operations when PHP is running via FastCGI. (#13681)
  • Fixed an RCE vulnerability.


14 Sep 23:08
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  • Added the maxGraphqlBatchSize config setting. (#13693)
  • Fixed a bug where page sidebars and detail panes weren’t scrolling properly if their height was greater than the main content pane height. (#13637)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when changing a field’s type, if a backup table needed to be created to store the old field values. (#13669)
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to save blank Dropdown values. (#13695)


14 Sep 23:05
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  • Added the maxGraphqlBatchSize config setting. (#13693)
  • Fixed a bug where page sidebars and detail panes weren’t scrolling properly if their height was greater than the main content pane height. (#13637)