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Tiziano Müller edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 11 revisions

Development model

We are using the Git Flow branching model with rebased feature branches and GitHub Pull Requests (PR).

This means:

  • develop is our default & development branch. Developers can submit single, short commits directly here.
  • For larger changes, please use a feature/... branch (whether in your fork or on the DBCSR repo does not matter) and submit a PR for review.
  • Do a git rebase develop of your feature branch before submitting the Pull Request or merging.
  • Always do git pull --rebase to update your clone (or setup git to rebase by default by setting once git config --global pull.rebase true)
  • master is the release branch. Every merge here constitutes a new release.
  • Split your commits into reasonable junks (use git add -i) and squash fixes in your feature branch before merging or submitting a PR (use git rebase --interactive develop) .

Links to Git Flow:

Commit messages

  • keep the summary (first line) short (usually <=50 characters), possibly include a tag. Examples:

    travis: add required package lapack
    libcusmm: add parameters for new Turing card
  • use proper references to existing issues in the bug tracker or keywords to automatically close issues in your commit messages

Release procedure

  • Release tagging happens on the master branch.
  • Therefore, directly after a release, add another merge from develop to master to establish a relationship between tags and commits on develop (the git-flow tools prefiously mentioned do that automatically when using the git flow release ... commands).

Walkthrough (manual)

The following assumes that you are in an up-to-date clone of dbcsr and that the remote pointing to is called upstream.

$ git checkout -b release-X.Y.Z develop  # create new temp branch based on develop
$ $EDITOR VERSION  # update the version number
$ git commit -m "Bump version to X.Y.Z" VERSION
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff release-X.Y.Z  # merge the release branch
$ git tag -a -m "Version X.Y.Z" vX.Y.Z
$ git checkout develop
$ git merge --no-ff master  # merge the master into develop to ensure common ancestry
$ git push --atomic --follow-tags upstream master develop  # push the two branches
$ git branch -d release-X.Y.Z

Walkthrough (with git-flow tools)

Using the git-flow tools, the process is a bit easier:

$ git flow release start X.Y.Z
$ $EDITOR VERSION  # update the version number
$ git commit -m "Bump version to X.Y.Z" VERSION
$ git flow release finish X.Y.Z
$ git push --atomic --follow-tags upstream master develop  # push the two branches

Release on GitHub

  • GitHub does a release on for each tag
  • TravisCI is setup to build a complete tarball including all submodules for each tag and upload it as a draft
  • After this is done, you have to update the release information for the release (update the changelog, etc.) and toggle the flag to mark is as a non-draft.
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