Sample application of github-api-scala
It provides shell for GitHub.
This app is not released yet.
So you have to build this with SBT.
To run this, you can use GitHub username and password, or GITHUB_TOKEN
$git clone [email protected]:code-check/github-api-scala.git
$cd github-api-scala
$sbt "run -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD"
$export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxx
$sbt run
It works like shell.
You can control GitHub with this.
$sbt "run -u shunjikonishi -p xxxxx"
shunjikonishi>cr code-check test-repo
shunjikonishi@code-check/test-repo>label list
bug fc2929
duplicate cccccc
enhancement 84b6eb
help wanted 159818
invalid e6e6e6
question cc317c
wontfix ffffff
shunjikonishi@code-check/test-repo>milestone merge data/milestones.json
Create milestone Sprint1
Create milestone Sprint3
Create milestone Sprint4
Create milestone Sprint2
shunjikonishi@code-check/test-repo>milestone list
1 Sprint1 0/0 2015-04-26
4 Sprint2 0/0 2015-05-10
2 Sprint3 0/0 2015-05-24
3 Sprint4 0/0 2015-06-07
shunjikonishi@code-check/test-repo>milestone rm 1
Removed 1
shunjikonishi@code-check/test-repo>milestone list -v
number: 4
due_on: 2015-05-10T00:00:00.000+09:00
open : 0
closed: 0
2015/04/27 to 2015/05/10
number: 2
due_on: 2015-05-24T00:00:00.000+09:00
open : 0
closed: 0
From 2015/05/11 to 2015/05/24
number: 3
due_on: 2015-06-07T00:00:00.000+09:00
open : 0
closed: 0
2015/05/25 to 2015/06/07
Currently following commands are implemented
Exit from app.
Change repository
$ cr code-check test-repo
If owner is omitted, the owner of current repository or logined user will be used.
Label control
- list
- add
- update
- rm
- merge(Update multiple labels from file)
Milestone control
- list
- add
- update
- rm
- merge(Update multiple milestones from file)
Repository control
- list
Issue control
- list