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In this document you can find the overall structure of TestGenie plugin. The classes are listed and their purpose is described. This section is intended for developers and contributors to TestGenie plugin.

Plugin Configuration File

The plugin configuration file is plugin.xml which can be found in src/main/resources/META-INF directory. All declarations (such as actions, services, listeners) are present in this file.


All the classes can be found in src/main/kotlin/nl/tudelft/ewi/se/ciselab/testgenie directory.


All the action classes can be found in actions directory.

  • GenerateTestsActionClass contains all the logic related to generating tests for a class. No actual generation happens in this class, rather it is responsible for displaying the action option to the user when it is available, getting the information about the selected class and passing it to (EvoSuite) Pipeline.
  • GenerateTestsActionGroup is the group class for TestGenie actions.
  • GenerateTestsActionMethod contains all the logic related to generating tests for a method. No actual generation happens in this class, rather it is responsible for displaying the action option to the user when it is available, getting the information about the selected method and passing it to (EvoSuite) Pipeline.
  • GenerateTestsActionLine contains all the logic related to generating tests for a line. No actual generation happens in this class, rather it is responsible for displaying the action option to the user when it is available, getting the information about the selected line and passing it to (EvoSuite) Pipeline.
  • GenerateTestsUtils contains useful functions for GenerateTestsActionClass, GenerateTestsActionMethod and GenerateTestsActionLine classes, but one function are also used by StaticInvalidationService.


All the classes related to the coverage visualisation can be found in coverage directory.

  • CoverageRenderer adds extra functionality to the default line marker and gutter which is used for the coverage visualisation. It adds tooltips that, when clicking on the gutter, show which tests cover a certain line or mutants (if any) that have been introduced on that line. It also highlights the corresponding tests in the tool window tab.


All the editor classes can be found in editor directory.

  • Workspace handles user workspace state and modifications of that state related to test generation. It also sets the event listeners that are triggered whenever the user changes the contents of the editor.


All the classes that interact with EvoSuite can be found in evosuite directory.

  • Pipeline runs EvoSuite as a separate process in its various modes of operation (class, method, line), includes static validation of the cache and potential retrieval from the cache.
  • ProjectBuilder builds the project before running EvoSuite and before validating the tests.
  • ResultWatcher listens for the results of the generation process by EvoSuite. Used in conjunction with Runner.
  • SettingsArguments is used for constructing the arguments and properties for EvoSuite.
  • TestGenerationResultListener is a topic interface for sending and receiving test results produced by EvoSuite test generation process.


All the classes related to dynamic cache invalidation can be found in evosuite/validation directory.

  • TestCaseEditor.kt edits the test suite by visiting the test cases and setting the modified body if it has been modified. It also removes scaffolding.
  • ValidationResultListener.kt is a topic interface for sending and receiving results of test validation.
  • ValidationToolWindowFactory.kt creates the tabs and the UI of the tool window corresponding to dynamic test validation.
  • Validator.kt validates and calculates the coverage of an optionally edited set of test cases.


All the helper classes can be found in helpers directory.

  • MethodDescriptorHelper contains helper functions for generating method descriptors. It is used by GenerateTestsActionMethod class.


All the listener classes can be found in listeners directory.

  • TestGenerationResultListenerImpl is the implementation of TestGenerationResultListener topic interface. It notifies Workspace of the received test generation result and also puts the generated tests into the cache.
  • TelemetrySubmitListenerImplschedules potential submissions of the generated telemetry into a file, which is done every 5 minutes and when the project is closed.


All the service classes can be found in services directory.

  • CoverageSelectionToggleListener is a topic interface for showing or hiding highlighting when the coverage is toggled for one test or many tests.
  • CoverageToolWindowDisplayService creates the "Coverage visualisation" tool window panel and the coverage table to display the test coverage data of the tests generated by EvoSuite.
  • CoverageVisualisationService visualises the coverage in the gutter and the editor (by colouring), injects the coverage data into the "Coverage visualisation" tool window tab.
  • QuickAccessParametersService allows to load and get the state of the parameters in the "Parameters" tool window panel.
  • RunnerService is used to limit TestGenie to generate tests only once at a time.
  • SettingsApplicationService stores the application-level settings persistently. It uses SettingsApplicationState class for that.
  • SettingsProjectService stores the project-level settings persistently. It uses SettingsProjectState class for that.
  • StaticInvalidationService invalidates the cache statically.
  • TestCaseCachingService contains the data structure for caching the generated test cases and is responsible for adding, retrieving and removing (invalidating) the generated tests.
  • TestCaseDisplayService displays the tests generated by EvoSuite, in the "Generated tests" tool window panel.
  • TestGenieTelemetryService sends usage information to CISELab at the Delft University of Technology if the user has opted in.


All the classes related to TestGenie Settings/Preferences page can be found in settings directory.

  • SettingsApplicationState is responsible for storing the values of the EvoSuite Settings entries.
  • SettingsEvoSuiteComponent displays and captures the changes to the values of the entries in the EvoSuite page of the Settings dialog.
  • SettingsEvoSuiteConfigurable allows to configure some EvoSuite settings via the EvoSuite page in the Settings dialog, observes the changes and manages the UI and state.
  • SettingsPluginComponent displays and captures the changes to the values of the entries in the TestGenie main page of the Settings dialog.
  • SettingsPluginConfigurable allows to configure some Plugin settings via the Plugin page in the Settings dialog, observes the changes and manages the UI and state.
  • SettingsProjectState is responsible for storing the values of the Plugin Settings entries.

Tool Window

All the classes related to TestGenie Tool Window (on the right side) can be found in toolwindow directory.

  • QuickAccessParameters stores the main panel and the UI of the "Parameters" tool window tab.
  • QuickAccessParametersState is responsible for persisting the values of the parameters in the "Parameters" tool window tab.
  • TestGenieToolWindowFactory creates the tabs and the UI of the TestGenie tool window.


  • TestGenieBundle is used to load EvoSuite messages in the code (from messages.TestGenie file in the recourses directory).
  • TestGenieDefaultsBundle is used to load the default values of the parameters in the code (from defaults/ file in the resources directory).
  • TestGenieLabelsBundle is used to load the text of various UI labels in the code (from defaults/ file in the recourses directory).
  • TestGenieToolTipsBundle is used to load the text of various tooltips in the code (from defaults/ file in the resources directory).


The vast majority of labels, tooltip-texts and messages are saved in their own .properties files. This is practical if you wish to translate the plugin to a different language - changing these files should translate most of the plugin elements. The only omitted texts are those which require certain properties set to them (e.g. IntelliJ's .preferredSize). Those have to be translated in the code. There also exists a .properties file for default TestGenie configurations. It is not related to linguistics, but useful if you wish to change default values of the plugin.


The tests for TestGenie can be found in src/test directory.

  • resources directory contains dummy projects used for testing the plugin.
  • kotlin/nl/tudelft/ewi/se/ciselab/testgenie directory contains the actual tests.
    • helpers directory contains tests for the method descriptor helper (MethodDescriptorHelperTest).
    • runner directory contains tests for the settings arguments that are used when running EvoSuite (SettingsArgumentTest).
    • services directory contains tests for the coverage visualisation and caching service classes (CoverageVisualisationServiceTest, TestCaseCachingServicePropertyBasedTest, TestCaseCachingServiceTest).
    • settings directory contains unit tests for plugin and EvoSuite settings (SettingsEvoSuiteConfigurableTest, SettingsPluginConfigurableTest, TestGenieSettingsStateTest).
    • toolwindow directory contains unit tests for tool window tabs (QuickAccessParametersStateTest).
    • uiTest directory contains the UI tests.
      • customfixtures directory contains the custom fixtures that had to be created for testing.
      • pages directory has the frames and fixtures that are used for UI testing (IdeaFrame, QuickAccessParametersFixtures, SettingsFrame, WelcomeFrame).
      • utils directory contains utility files that are helpful for UI testing (RemoteRobotExtension, StepsLogger).
      • tests directory contains the actual UI tests.
      • CoverageVisualisationToolWindowTest contains the UI tests for Coverage Visualisation tab in the tool window.
      • PsiSelectionTest contains the UI tests for PSI element selection logic when generating tests for class, method and line.
      • QuickAccessParametersTest contains the UI tests for Quick Access Parameters tab in the tool window.
      • SettingsComponentTest contains the UI tests for the Settings page of the plugin (both the plugin settings page and EvoSuite settings page).