diff --git a/.github/partial-readmes/OOB-SDK-README.md b/.github/partial-readmes/OOB-SDK-README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7cae86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/partial-readmes/OOB-SDK-README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+Checkout.com’s Out-of-Band (OOB) Authentication SDK enables iOS apps to authenticate users for digital transactions (3DS). Our OOB SDK enables you to offer a modern 3DS challenge method alongside existing challenge types, such as OTP.
+OOB involves utilising a secondary factor, such as your phone’s banking app, to authenticate a payment and encompasses the fundamental processes of device binding and transaction authentication. Our OOB SDK is focused on this use case.
+# Table of Contents
+- [Environments](#Environments)
+- [Integration](#Integration)
+ - [Import SDK](#Import-SDK)
+ - [Register Device](#Register-Device)
+ - [Authenticate Payment](#Authenticate-Payment)
+- [Other requirements](#Other-requirements)
+ - [Building the UI](#Building-the-UI)
+ - [Listening to webhooks](#Listening-to-webhooks)
+ - [Performing SCA as requested](#Performing-SCA-as-requested)
+# Environments
+The iOS SDK supports the following environments: Sandbox and Production. You’ll define the environment to use when you initialise the SDK.
+To use Sandbox and Production environments, you must have [begun onboarding for card issuing](https://www.checkout.com/docs/card-issuing/get-started-with-issuing) with Checkout.com. During your onboarding, you'll receive client credentials, which you'll need to handle on your back end for authentication to access the environments.
+# Requirements
+- The SDK is provided as a native Swift package. If you're working on a hybrid project, consult your hybrid platform's documentation for instructions on integrating native third-party SDKs.
+- It's important to ensure Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is enabled for your users. While we handle various security measures, you're responsible for performing SCA on your users as specified.
+- Each authentication session has the ability to generate multiple tokens simultaneously for various systems. For instance, for sign-in purposes or to obtain an SDK session token or an internal authentication token. However, only one SDK token can be generated from each SCA flow requested.
+# Integration
+### Import SDK
+Our SDK is designed to seamlessly integrate with all our backend services for features relevant to OOB authentication. Whether you're registering a device for OOB or authenticating payments via your iOS app, our SDK simplifies the process, making it effortless for you to offer this functionality to your users.
+Import the SDK into your app using Swift Package Manager (SPM):
+1. Open Xcode and navigate to `Project -> Package Dependencies`.
+2. When prompted, enter the URL: https://github.com/checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS.git
+3. Select `Up to Next Major Version` as below
+4. Click on `Add Package`
+5. You'll be presented with these options:
+6. If you just want to use OOB SDK as a standalone SDK and no other product from Checkout.com, select your main target to include `CheckoutOOBSDK` as below. If you also want to use Checkout.com's Issuing solution ([CheckoutCardManagement](https://github.com/checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS)), then follow the instructions in its README. (See an example [here](https://github.com/checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS/tree/main/Sample%20Application))
+7. Click on `Add Package` again.
+8. You have to add [CheckoutNetwork](https://github.com/checkout/NetworkClient-iOS) as a dependency to your project as well. Use `https://github.com/checkout/NetworkClient-iOS.git` for that
+9. For an example, see our [SampleApplication](https://github.com/checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS/tree/main/Sample%20Application)'s configuration under `Project -> Package Dependencies` thereof.
+10. Refer to Apple's documentation on adding a SPM dependency for detailed instructions.
+To begin utilising the SDK functionality, initialise the primary object, granting access to its features:
+import CheckoutOOBSDK
+// Initialise the SDK with preferred environment
+let checkoutOOB = CheckoutOOB(environment: .sandbox)
+### Register Device
+This is the first core flow whereby the device and app must be registered for OOB. Note that a given card can only be registered for OOB for a single device/app combination. If you register another device for the same card it will overwrite the previously bound device/app combination.
+The register device stage can likely be done as a background process during onboarding of a user in your iOS app, but you could offer a button that enables a user to do this manually if you wish. Note that before registering a device/app/card combination for OOB, you must perform SCA on the cardholder.
+To establish device binding, register your cardholder's mobile device as follows:
+// You must be in an async context to call SDK's async functions.
+// You can use a Task for that.
+Task {
+ do {
+ let deviceRegistration = try CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration(token: "access_token",
+ cardID: "card_id", // 30 characters
+ applicationID: "application_id", // Most probably your notification token. Communicate with your backend to figure it out.
+ phoneNumber: CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber(countryCode: "+44", number: "5006007080"),
+ locale: .english) // Other option is `.french`
+ try await checkoutOOB.registerDevice(with: deviceRegistration)
+ } catch {
+ print(error.localizedDescription)
+ }
+### Authenticate Payment
+This is the core authentication flow where the user will approve or reject the transaction within your iOS app. This flow will begin from our card issuing backend, where you will need to listen to the webhook provided to obtain transaction details to inject into the SDK (more on webhooks later).
+Note that before authenticating a payment using OOB, you must perform SCA on the cardholder.
+Once you have the data from your backend, verify online card transactions made by your cardholders like so:
+Task {
+ do {
+ let paymentAuthentication = try CheckoutOOB.Authentication(token: "access_token",
+ cardID: "card_id", // 30 characters
+ transactionID: "transaction_id",
+ method: .biometrics,
+ decision: .accepted)
+ try await checkoutOOB.authenticatePayment(with: paymentAuthentication)
+ } catch {
+ print(error.localizedDescription)
+ }
+# Other requirements
+### Building the UI
+Our SDK remains light on UI objects so that you can create the experience you desire. You will therefore need to build the UI for the transaction authentication screen (the screen that shows during the _authenticate payment_ stage), as well as any associated UI (if you wish so) for the _register device_ process.
+### Listening to webhooks
+(Only read if you are developing the backend support for your application's OOB functionality, if you're solely a mobile developer, disregard this section)
+In order to obtain transaction information to inject into our SDK, you must be able to listen to webhooks from our issuing backend. We recommend that you implement a push notification to the mobile app and use the data from the webhook to inform the cardholder about the details of the transaction they are authenticating for.
+You should provide an endpoint that receives a HTTP POST and returns a 200 OK response on receipt of the webhook. The transaction will not complete unless we receive acknowledgement.
+The JSON payload you should expect looks like this:
+ "acsTransactionId": "bea260bb-c183-4d74-8bc9-421fe3aa2658",
+ "cardId": "ea3ze38kfj3g6ktv6wn14aaylvmdv3qn",
+ "applicationId": "ios-4283-23344-7884ea-474752",
+ "transactionDetails": {
+ "maskedCardNumber": "**** **** **** 1234",
+ "purchaseDate": "2024-12-24T17:32:28.000Z",
+ "merchantName": "ACME Corporation",
+ "purchaseAmount": 1,
+ "purchaseCurrency": "GBP"
+ },
+ "threeDSRequestorAppURL": "https://requestor.netcetera.com?transID=bea260bb-c183-4d74-8bc9-421fe3aa2658"
+The _applicationId_ property is used to identify which mobile app to send a push notification to.
+We will also provide a webhook in the event that the transaction is cancelled, due to timeout or any other cause. We also expect a 200 OK acknowledgement for this webhook. In this case, the JSON payload will look like this:
+ "transactionId": "bea260bb-c183-4d74-8bc9-421fe3aa2658"
+In both cases we will also include an `Authorization` header in the request containing the value provided to us at client onboarding. This is used to verify that the request comes from us.
+For any questions on onboarding, please speak to your issuing representative or contact issuing_operations@checkout.com.
+### Performing SCA as requested
+You must perform SCA (strong customer authentication) on the cardholder before device registration and payment authentication flows. This would likely be when the user enters the app, but could be at other stages.
diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index 730b92c..f7a331d 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS",
platforms: [
- .iOS(.v12),
+ .iOS(.v13),
products: [
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ let package = Package(
name: "CheckoutCardManagementStub",
targets: ["CheckoutCardManagementStub"]),
+ .library(
+ name: "CheckoutOOBSDK",
+ targets: ["CheckoutOOBSDK"]),
dependencies: [
@@ -44,5 +47,8 @@ let package = Package(
name: "CheckoutCardNetworkStub",
path: "SupportFrameworks/CheckoutCardNetworkStub.xcframework"),
+ .binaryTarget(
+ name: "CheckoutOOBSDK",
+ path: "SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework"),
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 931c1ac..e667ae1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- [What is the CheckoutCardManagement-iOS SDK?](#What-is-the-CheckoutCardManagement-iOS-SDK)
- [Environments](#Environments)
- [Migrating from Stub to Sandbox and Production](#Migrating_from_Stub_to_Sandbox_and_Production)
+- [Sample Application](#Sample-application)
- [Features](#Features)
- [Requirements](#Requirements)
- [Integration](#Integration)
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
- [Update card state](#Update-card-state)
- [Retrieve Secure Data](#Retrieve-secure-data)
- [Push Provisioning](#Push-provisioning)
+- [Out of Band (OOB) Authentication](##checkout-out-of-band-oob-authentication-sdk)
- [Contact](#Contact)
@@ -226,6 +228,10 @@ There are some behaviors to be aware of when you attempt a push provisioning ope
- in the sandbox Checkout.com environment, you'll receive a `pushProvisioningFailure` error, as push provisioning is only valid in production
- in the production Checkout.com environment, you'll receive an `OperationResult` success message
+# Checkout Out of Band (OOB) Authentication SDK
+Please find documentation [here](https://github.com/checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS/blob/main/.github/partial-readmes/OOB-SDK-README.md).
# Contact
For Checkout.com issuing clients, please email issuing_operations@checkout.com for any questions.
diff --git a/Sample Application/SampleApplication.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/Sample Application/SampleApplication.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index f0c011c..b7c8ce3 100644
--- a/Sample Application/SampleApplication.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/Sample Application/SampleApplication.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
16725FD42A1CCE9E00910DC5 /* Authenticator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 16725FD32A1CCE9E00910DC5 /* Authenticator.swift */; };
16725FD62A1CD83200910DC5 /* NetworkEndpoint.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 16725FD52A1CD83200910DC5 /* NetworkEndpoint.swift */; };
16925A542A1FA96200C44AAF /* AuthenticationValidator.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 16925A532A1FA96200C44AAF /* AuthenticationValidator.swift */; };
- 16D74E5C2A27AE4B005F2157 /* CheckoutNetwork in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 16D74E5B2A27AE4B005F2157 /* CheckoutNetwork */; };
- 16D74E5F2A27AE67005F2157 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 16D74E5E2A27AE67005F2157 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub */; };
+ 169D837B2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 169D837A2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub */; };
+ 169D837D2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutOOBSDK in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 169D837C2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutOOBSDK */; };
+ 169D83802BB47A2700ABAD50 /* CheckoutNetwork in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 169D837F2BB47A2700ABAD50 /* CheckoutNetwork */; };
16F7C87929C22A9000ECB801 /* SampleApplicationApp.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 16F7C87829C22A9000ECB801 /* SampleApplicationApp.swift */; };
16F7C87D29C22A9200ECB801 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 16F7C87C29C22A9200ECB801 /* Assets.xcassets */; };
16F7C89529C22A9200ECB801 /* SampleApplicationUITests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 16F7C89429C22A9200ECB801 /* SampleApplicationUITests.swift */; };
@@ -100,9 +101,10 @@
isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
+ 169D837D2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutOOBSDK in Frameworks */,
16F7C8A829C22BA200ECB801 /* SwiftJWT in Frameworks */,
- 16D74E5C2A27AE4B005F2157 /* CheckoutNetwork in Frameworks */,
- 16D74E5F2A27AE67005F2157 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub in Frameworks */,
+ 169D837B2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub in Frameworks */,
+ 169D83802BB47A2700ABAD50 /* CheckoutNetwork in Frameworks */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@@ -288,8 +290,9 @@
name = SampleApplication;
packageProductDependencies = (
16F7C8A729C22BA200ECB801 /* SwiftJWT */,
- 16D74E5B2A27AE4B005F2157 /* CheckoutNetwork */,
- 16D74E5E2A27AE67005F2157 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub */,
+ 169D837A2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub */,
+ 169D837C2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutOOBSDK */,
+ 169D837F2BB47A2700ABAD50 /* CheckoutNetwork */,
productName = SampleApplication;
productReference = 16F7C87529C22A9000ECB801 /* SampleApplication.app */;
@@ -343,8 +346,8 @@
mainGroup = 16F7C86C29C22A9000ECB801;
packageReferences = (
16F7C8A629C22BA200ECB801 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "Swift-JWT" */,
- 16F7C8A929C22BF500ECB801 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "NetworkClient-iOS" */,
- 16D74E5D2A27AE67005F2157 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */,
+ 169D83792BB47A1500ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */,
+ 169D837E2BB47A2700ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "NetworkClient-iOS" */,
productRefGroup = 16F7C87629C22A9000ECB801 /* Products */;
projectDirPath = "";
@@ -711,42 +714,47 @@
/* End XCConfigurationList section */
/* Begin XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference section */
- 16D74E5D2A27AE67005F2157 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */ = {
+ 169D83792BB47A1500ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */ = {
isa = XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference;
- repositoryURL = "git@github.com:checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS.git";
+ repositoryURL = "https://github.com/checkout/CheckoutCardManagement-iOS.git";
requirement = {
kind = upToNextMajorVersion;
- minimumVersion = 1.0.0;
+ minimumVersion = 1.1.0;
- 16F7C8A629C22BA200ECB801 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "Swift-JWT" */ = {
+ 169D837E2BB47A2700ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "NetworkClient-iOS" */ = {
isa = XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference;
- repositoryURL = "https://github.com/Kitura/Swift-JWT.git";
+ repositoryURL = "https://github.com/checkout/NetworkClient-iOS";
requirement = {
- branch = master;
- kind = branch;
+ kind = upToNextMajorVersion;
+ minimumVersion = 1.1.2;
- 16F7C8A929C22BF500ECB801 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "NetworkClient-iOS" */ = {
+ 16F7C8A629C22BA200ECB801 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "Swift-JWT" */ = {
isa = XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference;
- repositoryURL = "git@github.com:checkout/NetworkClient-iOS.git";
+ repositoryURL = "https://github.com/Kitura/Swift-JWT.git";
requirement = {
- branch = main;
+ branch = master;
kind = branch;
/* End XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference section */
/* Begin XCSwiftPackageProductDependency section */
- 16D74E5B2A27AE4B005F2157 /* CheckoutNetwork */ = {
+ 169D837A2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub */ = {
isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency;
- package = 16F7C8A929C22BF500ECB801 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "NetworkClient-iOS" */;
- productName = CheckoutNetwork;
+ package = 169D83792BB47A1500ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */;
+ productName = CheckoutCardManagementStub;
- 16D74E5E2A27AE67005F2157 /* CheckoutCardManagementStub */ = {
+ 169D837C2BB47A1500ABAD50 /* CheckoutOOBSDK */ = {
isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency;
- package = 16D74E5D2A27AE67005F2157 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */;
- productName = CheckoutCardManagementStub;
+ package = 169D83792BB47A1500ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "CheckoutCardManagement-iOS" */;
+ productName = CheckoutOOBSDK;
+ };
+ 169D837F2BB47A2700ABAD50 /* CheckoutNetwork */ = {
+ isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency;
+ package = 169D837E2BB47A2700ABAD50 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "NetworkClient-iOS" */;
+ productName = CheckoutNetwork;
16F7C8A729C22BA200ECB801 /* SwiftJWT */ = {
isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency;
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/Info.plist b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4236c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ AvailableLibraries
+ BinaryPath
+ CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK
+ LibraryIdentifier
+ ios-arm64
+ LibraryPath
+ CheckoutOOBSDK.framework
+ SupportedArchitectures
+ arm64
+ SupportedPlatform
+ ios
+ BinaryPath
+ CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK
+ LibraryIdentifier
+ ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator
+ LibraryPath
+ CheckoutOOBSDK.framework
+ SupportedArchitectures
+ arm64
+ x86_64
+ SupportedPlatform
+ ios
+ SupportedPlatformVariant
+ simulator
+ CFBundlePackageType
+ XCFrameworkFormatVersion
+ 1.0
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d030c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Info.plist b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b86301f
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Info.plist differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d6b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3517 @@
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+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
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+ "Exported",
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+ "ImplementationOnly",
+ "RawDocComment"
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+ "ImplementationOnly",
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+ "RawDocComment"
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+ {
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+ "usr": "s:SS"
+ }
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+ "HasInitialValue",
+ "HasStorage",
+ "AccessControl",
+ "RawDocComment"
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+ {
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
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+ "usr": "s:SS"
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/Authentication\/Method.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 305,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"OOB_BIOMETRICS\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/Authentication\/Method.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 379,
+ "length": 11,
+ "value": "\"OOB_LOGIN\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/Authentication\/Method.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 453,
+ "length": 11,
+ "value": "\"OOB_OTHER\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/Authentication\/Method.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 305,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"OOB_BIOMETRICS\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/Authentication\/Method.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 379,
+ "length": 11,
+ "value": "\"OOB_LOGIN\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/Authentication\/Method.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 453,
+ "length": 11,
+ "value": "\"OOB_OTHER\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/ErrorReason+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 527,
+ "length": 12,
+ "value": "\"request_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/ErrorReason+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 561,
+ "length": 12,
+ "value": "\"error_type\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/ErrorReason+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 596,
+ "length": 13,
+ "value": "\"error_codes\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/ErrorReason+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 527,
+ "length": 12,
+ "value": "\"request_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/ErrorReason+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 561,
+ "length": 12,
+ "value": "\"error_type\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/ErrorReason+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 596,
+ "length": 13,
+ "value": "\"error_codes\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 621,
+ "length": 9,
+ "value": "\"card_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 656,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 621,
+ "length": 9,
+ "value": "\"card_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 656,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 529,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"cards\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 545,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\/3ds-enrollment\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 625,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"cards\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 641,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\/3ds-authentication-result\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 743,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"The string provided is not a valid URL\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Environment+BaseURL.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 216,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"https:\/\/api.sandbox.checkout.com\/issuing\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Environment+BaseURL.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 296,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"https:\/\/api.checkout.com\/issuing\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 584,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "1"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 588,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "7"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 706,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "6"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 710,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "25"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/OutOfBand.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 228,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"application_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/OutOfBand.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 228,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"application_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 755,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 798,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_method\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 844,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_result\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 755,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 798,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_method\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 844,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_result\""
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88eafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.private.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name CheckoutOOBSDK
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+@_exported import CheckoutNetwork
+import Foundation
+import LocalAuthentication
+import Swift
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func registerDevice(with deviceRegistration: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) async throws
+ #endif
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Locale : Swift.String {
+ case english
+ case french
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct Authentication : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, transactionID: Swift.String, method: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method, decision: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Decision : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case accepted
+ case declined
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Environment : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case sandbox
+ case production
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct DeviceRegistration : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, applicationID: Swift.String, phoneNumber: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, locale: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum ConfigurationError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case invalidCardID
+ case invalidTransactionID
+ case invalidToken
+ case invalidApplicationID
+ case invalidPhoneCountryCode
+ case invalidPhoneNumber
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError) -> Swift.Bool
+ public var hashValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+public enum Constants {
+ public static let productVersion: Swift.String
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum InternalError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case network(CheckoutNetwork.CheckoutNetworkError)
+ case configuration(CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError)
+ case cardNotFound
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Method : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case biometrics
+ case login
+ case other
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutNetwork.ErrorReason : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func authenticatePayment(with paymentAuthentication: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) async throws
+ #endif
+public struct CheckoutOOB {
+ public init(environment: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment)
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct PhoneNumber : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(countryCode: Swift.String, number: Swift.String) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Equatable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baedca4
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftdoc differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88eafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name CheckoutOOBSDK
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+@_exported import CheckoutNetwork
+import Foundation
+import LocalAuthentication
+import Swift
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func registerDevice(with deviceRegistration: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) async throws
+ #endif
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Locale : Swift.String {
+ case english
+ case french
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct Authentication : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, transactionID: Swift.String, method: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method, decision: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Decision : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case accepted
+ case declined
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Environment : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case sandbox
+ case production
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct DeviceRegistration : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, applicationID: Swift.String, phoneNumber: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, locale: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum ConfigurationError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case invalidCardID
+ case invalidTransactionID
+ case invalidToken
+ case invalidApplicationID
+ case invalidPhoneCountryCode
+ case invalidPhoneNumber
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError) -> Swift.Bool
+ public var hashValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+public enum Constants {
+ public static let productVersion: Swift.String
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum InternalError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case network(CheckoutNetwork.CheckoutNetworkError)
+ case configuration(CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError)
+ case cardNotFound
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Method : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case biometrics
+ case login
+ case other
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutNetwork.ErrorReason : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func authenticatePayment(with paymentAuthentication: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) async throws
+ #endif
+public struct CheckoutOOB {
+ public init(environment: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment)
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct PhoneNumber : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(countryCode: Swift.String, number: Swift.String) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Equatable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a8dff14
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/CheckoutOOBSDK differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Info.plist b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e22406b
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Info.plist differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d6b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3517 @@
+ "ABIRoot": {
+ "kind": "Root",
+ "name": "TopLevel",
+ "printedName": "TopLevel",
+ "children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
+ "name": "CheckoutNetwork",
+ "printedName": "CheckoutNetwork",
+ "declKind": "Import",
+ "moduleName": "CheckoutOOBSDK",
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 51,
+ "value": "\"Could not create a request object without a token\""
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 23,
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
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+ "length": 32,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "offset": 453,
+ "length": 11,
+ "value": "\"OOB_OTHER\""
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "value": "\"error_type\""
+ },
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+ "value": "\"error_codes\""
+ },
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+ "offset": 621,
+ "length": 9,
+ "value": "\"card_id\""
+ },
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+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 656,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 621,
+ "length": 9,
+ "value": "\"card_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Logging\/EncodableSupport\/Authentication+Encodable.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 656,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 529,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"cards\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 545,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\/3ds-enrollment\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 625,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"cards\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 641,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\/3ds-authentication-result\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 743,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"The string provided is not a valid URL\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Environment+BaseURL.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 216,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"https:\/\/api.sandbox.checkout.com\/issuing\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Environment+BaseURL.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 296,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"https:\/\/api.checkout.com\/issuing\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 584,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "1"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 588,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "7"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 706,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "6"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 710,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "25"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/OutOfBand.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 228,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"application_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/OutOfBand.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 228,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"application_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 755,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 798,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_method\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 844,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_result\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 755,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 798,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_method\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 844,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_result\""
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583b0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name CheckoutOOBSDK
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+@_exported import CheckoutNetwork
+import Foundation
+import LocalAuthentication
+import Swift
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func registerDevice(with deviceRegistration: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) async throws
+ #endif
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Locale : Swift.String {
+ case english
+ case french
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct Authentication : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, transactionID: Swift.String, method: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method, decision: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Decision : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case accepted
+ case declined
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Environment : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case sandbox
+ case production
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct DeviceRegistration : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, applicationID: Swift.String, phoneNumber: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, locale: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum ConfigurationError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case invalidCardID
+ case invalidTransactionID
+ case invalidToken
+ case invalidApplicationID
+ case invalidPhoneCountryCode
+ case invalidPhoneNumber
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError) -> Swift.Bool
+ public var hashValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+public enum Constants {
+ public static let productVersion: Swift.String
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum InternalError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case network(CheckoutNetwork.CheckoutNetworkError)
+ case configuration(CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError)
+ case cardNotFound
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Method : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case biometrics
+ case login
+ case other
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutNetwork.ErrorReason : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func authenticatePayment(with paymentAuthentication: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) async throws
+ #endif
+public struct CheckoutOOB {
+ public init(environment: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment)
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct PhoneNumber : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(countryCode: Swift.String, number: Swift.String) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Equatable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7cc18e
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583b0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios13.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name CheckoutOOBSDK
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+@_exported import CheckoutNetwork
+import Foundation
+import LocalAuthentication
+import Swift
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func registerDevice(with deviceRegistration: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) async throws
+ #endif
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Locale : Swift.String {
+ case english
+ case french
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct Authentication : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, transactionID: Swift.String, method: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method, decision: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Decision : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case accepted
+ case declined
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Environment : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case sandbox
+ case production
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct DeviceRegistration : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, applicationID: Swift.String, phoneNumber: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, locale: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum ConfigurationError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case invalidCardID
+ case invalidTransactionID
+ case invalidToken
+ case invalidApplicationID
+ case invalidPhoneCountryCode
+ case invalidPhoneNumber
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError) -> Swift.Bool
+ public var hashValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+public enum Constants {
+ public static let productVersion: Swift.String
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum InternalError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case network(CheckoutNetwork.CheckoutNetworkError)
+ case configuration(CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError)
+ case cardNotFound
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Method : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case biometrics
+ case login
+ case other
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutNetwork.ErrorReason : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func authenticatePayment(with paymentAuthentication: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) async throws
+ #endif
+public struct CheckoutOOB {
+ public init(environment: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment)
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct PhoneNumber : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(countryCode: Swift.String, number: Swift.String) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Equatable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 621,
+ "length": 9,
+ "value": "\"card_id\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 656,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 529,
+ "length": 32,
+ "value": "\"cards\/\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 545,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\/3ds-enrollment\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 625,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"cards\/\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/NetworkLayer\/NetworkEndpoint.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 641,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "\"\/3ds-authentication-result\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 743,
+ "length": 40,
+ "value": "\"The string provided is not a valid URL\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 216,
+ "length": 43,
+ "value": "\"https:\/\/api.sandbox.checkout.com\/issuing\/\""
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 296,
+ "length": 35,
+ "value": "\"https:\/\/api.checkout.com\/issuing\/\""
+ },
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+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 584,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "1"
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 588,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "7"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/CheckoutOOB\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/PhoneNumber.swift",
+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 706,
+ "length": 1,
+ "value": "6"
+ },
+ {
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+ "kind": "IntegerLiteral",
+ "offset": 710,
+ "length": 2,
+ "value": "25"
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/OutOfBand.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 228,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"application_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/DeviceRegistration\/OutOfBand.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 228,
+ "length": 16,
+ "value": "\"application_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 755,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 798,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_method\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 844,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_result\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 755,
+ "length": 20,
+ "value": "\"acs_transaction_id\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 798,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_method\""
+ },
+ {
+ "filePath": "\/Users\/runner\/work\/OOB-iOS\/OOB-iOS\/Sources\/Network\/Models\/Authentication\/AuthenticationRequest.swift",
+ "kind": "StringLiteral",
+ "offset": 844,
+ "length": 23,
+ "value": "\"authentication_result\""
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c510241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name CheckoutOOBSDK
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+@_exported import CheckoutNetwork
+import Foundation
+import LocalAuthentication
+import Swift
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func registerDevice(with deviceRegistration: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) async throws
+ #endif
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Locale : Swift.String {
+ case english
+ case french
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct Authentication : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, transactionID: Swift.String, method: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method, decision: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Decision : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case accepted
+ case declined
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Environment : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case sandbox
+ case production
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct DeviceRegistration : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, applicationID: Swift.String, phoneNumber: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, locale: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum ConfigurationError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case invalidCardID
+ case invalidTransactionID
+ case invalidToken
+ case invalidApplicationID
+ case invalidPhoneCountryCode
+ case invalidPhoneNumber
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError) -> Swift.Bool
+ public var hashValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+public enum Constants {
+ public static let productVersion: Swift.String
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum InternalError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case network(CheckoutNetwork.CheckoutNetworkError)
+ case configuration(CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError)
+ case cardNotFound
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Method : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case biometrics
+ case login
+ case other
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutNetwork.ErrorReason : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func authenticatePayment(with paymentAuthentication: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) async throws
+ #endif
+public struct CheckoutOOB {
+ public init(environment: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment)
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct PhoneNumber : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(countryCode: Swift.String, number: Swift.String) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Equatable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fccaee
Binary files /dev/null and b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc differ
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c510241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
+// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500.
+// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios13.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name CheckoutOOBSDK
+// swift-module-flags-ignorable: -enable-bare-slash-regex
+@_exported import CheckoutNetwork
+import Foundation
+import LocalAuthentication
+import Swift
+import _Concurrency
+import _StringProcessing
+import _SwiftConcurrencyShims
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func registerDevice(with deviceRegistration: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) async throws
+ #endif
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Locale : Swift.String {
+ case english
+ case french
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct Authentication : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, transactionID: Swift.String, method: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method, decision: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Decision : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case accepted
+ case declined
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Environment : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case sandbox
+ case production
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct DeviceRegistration : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(token: Swift.String, cardID: Swift.String, applicationID: Swift.String, phoneNumber: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, locale: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.DeviceRegistration) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum ConfigurationError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case invalidCardID
+ case invalidTransactionID
+ case invalidToken
+ case invalidApplicationID
+ case invalidPhoneCountryCode
+ case invalidPhoneNumber
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError) -> Swift.Bool
+ public var hashValue: Swift.Int {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+public enum Constants {
+ public static let productVersion: Swift.String
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum InternalError : Foundation.LocalizedError, Swift.Equatable {
+ case network(CheckoutNetwork.CheckoutNetworkError)
+ case configuration(CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError)
+ case cardNotFound
+ public var errorDescription: Swift.String? {
+ get
+ }
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.InternalError) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public enum Method : Swift.String, Swift.Equatable {
+ case biometrics
+ case login
+ case other
+ public init?(rawValue: Swift.String)
+ public typealias RawValue = Swift.String
+ public var rawValue: Swift.String {
+ get
+ }
+ }
+extension CheckoutNetwork.ErrorReason : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Encodable {
+ public func encode(to encoder: any Swift.Encoder) throws
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ #if compiler(>=5.3) && $AsyncAwait
+ public func authenticatePayment(with paymentAuthentication: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Authentication) async throws
+ #endif
+public struct CheckoutOOB {
+ public init(environment: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment)
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB {
+ public struct PhoneNumber : Swift.Equatable {
+ public init(countryCode: Swift.String, number: Swift.String) throws
+ public static func == (a: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber, b: CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.PhoneNumber) -> Swift.Bool
+ }
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Equatable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Locale : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Decision : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Environment : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.ConfigurationError : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.Hashable {}
+extension CheckoutOOBSDK.CheckoutOOB.Method : Swift.RawRepresentable {}
diff --git a/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/_CodeSignature/CodeResources b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/_CodeSignature/CodeResources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54cd885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SupportFrameworks/CheckoutOOBSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/CheckoutOOBSDK.framework/_CodeSignature/CodeResources
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ files
+ Info.plist
+ P+Sph7fFuDvBghIk5DznT7/PGYw=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
+ 4+bb0hDwI02ZqhVJz0sTsBjS2jc=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
+ UkjNtjjp+ASQhR5YCFd7Kh5Qfvs=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
+ RuZ51X5UG7Fq8iWUYCxVybu7rus=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
+ UkjNtjjp+ASQhR5YCFd7Kh5Qfvs=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
+ 4+bb0hDwI02ZqhVJz0sTsBjS2jc=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
+ O10Fpc+/g2AcvpuIrjbfMjNF84w=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
+ TtmS4X3GVoLK4u6sDJjopTGI1lc=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
+ O10Fpc+/g2AcvpuIrjbfMjNF84w=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule
+ P+wCSzsUP9Pe/CJ9dQFQM7G7bbc=
+ files2
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
+ hash2
+ +MxeeqmYrGrkS5KMawDpfFCTpG87u46iGKHMKWkfSHo=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
+ hash2
+ jJRf1q7Zb/q7Q1umbmZqCCrDWeD5Vj4MyMk0tVCfCdI=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
+ hash2
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
+ hash2
+ jJRf1q7Zb/q7Q1umbmZqCCrDWeD5Vj4MyMk0tVCfCdI=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule
+ hash2
+ HCUZ0GeITMvtT+eoxfLYd8WdPNXKNIVS13E0fJq2l7M=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.abi.json
+ hash2
+ +MxeeqmYrGrkS5KMawDpfFCTpG87u46iGKHMKWkfSHo=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.private.swiftinterface
+ hash2
+ lFkYfyZD6cyen0UYmpUPN1RkS78HKS212TvUctnCgoM=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftdoc
+ hash2
+ 9j9GRUoHj1VTDYgOjKVp/23qHQPGVwkce/2SR4Muhu8=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftinterface
+ hash2
+ lFkYfyZD6cyen0UYmpUPN1RkS78HKS212TvUctnCgoM=
+ Modules/CheckoutOOBSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule
+ hash2
+ WnchLHVd2J13TFsazno2E+8D1cV6QVh2HLxJVZai+mI=
+ rules
+ ^.*
+ ^.*\.lproj/
+ optional
+ weight
+ 1000
+ ^.*\.lproj/locversion.plist$
+ omit
+ weight
+ 1100
+ ^Base\.lproj/
+ weight
+ 1010
+ ^version.plist$
+ rules2
+ .*\.dSYM($|/)
+ weight
+ 11
+ ^(.*/)?\.DS_Store$
+ omit
+ weight
+ 2000
+ ^.*
+ ^.*\.lproj/
+ optional
+ weight
+ 1000
+ ^.*\.lproj/locversion.plist$
+ omit
+ weight
+ 1100
+ ^Base\.lproj/
+ weight
+ 1010
+ ^Info\.plist$
+ omit
+ weight
+ 20
+ ^PkgInfo$
+ omit
+ weight
+ 20
+ ^embedded\.provisionprofile$
+ weight
+ 20
+ ^version\.plist$
+ weight
+ 20
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index 7dea76e..9084fa2 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@