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Before you running this server, you need the following configuration:
Run the following command in bash:
npm install
For configuration, you mainly config the Leap Motion environment.
First of all, please plug in the LeapMotion hardware, test it by Leap Visualizer to make sure it is correct for connection. Then you need set Leap WebSocket environment, for Mac OS X:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.leapmotion.leapd.plist
$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Leap\ Motion
Find config.json
then add the following fields in "configuration"
"websockets_allow_remote": true
Finally we get:
"configuration": {
"websockets_allow_remote": true,
"background_app_mode": 2,
"images_mode": 2,
"interaction_box_auto": true,
"power_saving_adapter": true,
"robust_mode_enabled": false,
"tracking_tool_enabled": true
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.leapmotion.leapd.plist