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Using Modules

byt3bl33d3r edited this page Apr 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

Using Modules

As of v3.1, the way modules are loaded and used has changed in an effort to make CME more portable and to enable it to be packaged.

With v4.0, each protocol can now have it's own set of modules (fun fun fun!)

Viewing available modules for a Protocol

Run cme <protocol> -L to view available modules for the specified protocol.

For example to view all modules for the SMB protocol:

#~ cme smb -L
[*] met_inject                Downloads the Meterpreter stager and injects it into memory
[*] get_keystrokes            Logs keys pressed, time and the active window
[*] empire_exec               Uses Empire's RESTful API to generate a launcher for the specified listener and executes it
[*] mimikatz_enum_chrome      Decrypts saved Chrome passwords using Mimikatz
[*] gpp_password              Retrieves the plaintext password and other information for accounts pushed through Group Policy Preferences.
[*] get_netrdpsession         Enumerates all active RDP sessions
[*] uac                       Checks UAC status
[*] netripper                 Capture's credentials by using API hooking
[*] gpp_autologin             Searches the domain controller for registry.xml to find autologon information and returns the username and password.
[*] multirdp                  Patches terminal services in memory to allow multiple RDP users
[*] pe_inject                 Downloads the specified DLL/EXE and injects it into memory
[*] test_connection           Pings a host
[*] shellcode_inject          Downloads the specified raw shellcode and injects it into memory
[*] tokens                    Enumerates available tokens
[*] mimikatz                  Dumps all logon credentials from memory
[*] mimikittenz               Executes Mimikittenz
[*] enum_chrome               Decrypts saved Chrome passwords using Get-ChromeDump
[*] wdigest                   Creates/Deletes the 'UseLogonCredential' registry key enabling WDigest cred dumping on Windows >= 8.1
[*] invoke_vnc                Injects a VNC client in memory
[*] mimikatz_enum_vault_creds Decrypts saved credentials in Windows Vault/Credential Manager
[*] get_netdomaincontroller   Enumerates all domain controllers
[*] get_timedscreenshot       Takes screenshots at a regular interval

Using a module

Run cme <protocol> <target(s)> -M <module name>.

For example to run the SMB Mimikatz module:

#~ crackmapexec smb <target(s)> -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -M mimikatz

Viewing module options

Run cme <protocol> -M <module name> --options to view a modules supported options, e.g:

#~ cme smb -M mimikatz --options

Using module options

Module options are specified with the -o flag. All options are specified in the form of KEY=value (msfvenom style)


#~ cme <protocol> <target(s)> -u Administrator -p 'P@ssw0rd' -M mimikatz -o COMMAND='privilege::debug'