Releases: bwssytems/ha-bridge
New dimming context and UI helpers for dimming and other enhancements.
Updated the bridge to handle a new dimming and value control context, $intensity.math{(X*1)} for custom calculations. Also, added helpers for generating URLS on the value contexts.Add testing and error pop ups where needed. Updated test methods for special PUT/POST calls. Cleaned up device.db file write to not keep junk around.Updated bridge to be robust on put/post calls and testing. Added body for off PUT/POST types. Cleanup code for variable usage. Remvoed dummy test classes. Updated UI header menu to not switch page to Home everytime.
Upnp Updates and UI enhancments
This release updates the UPNP interaction to be inline with the spec and also fixes issues with interacting with a Harmony Hub. Updates to the UI for handling GET/PUT/POST editing and additions.
Bugfixes for data mapping
Fixed bug in mapping devices with no room assigned. Streamlined some logging and upnp enhancements as well.
Updated UI and upnp enhancments.
Upgraded UI to be more navigable and enhanced upnp handling.
Configuration enhancements by querying the vera for devices and scenes.
This release includes the ability to query the vera for devices and scenes and create echo devices from those. The layout of the web page is now more segregated for config and editing.
Bridge for Amazon Echo with Persistence of device config
Added device config storage. Updated IP Address selection.
First Release
This is the first release for the AmazonEchoBridge utilizing the sparkjava framework.