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Table of contents

  • 'Ordinary' training vs. Gradient Boosting Machine
  • XGBoost vs. LightGBM
    • Boosting techniques
    • Basic learning control parameters
    • Observation sampling techniques
    • Feature sampling techniques
    • Optimizations for categorical features
    • Dealing with missing data
    • Dealing with big data
    • Parallelizations
    • Dealing with GPU
  • Summary

'Ordinary' training vs. Gradient Boosting Machine

Assume that we have $n$ observations $(x_i)_{i=1}^n$, each storing values of $K$ features.

'Ordinary training'

formula meaning, examples
$M^0=M(\cdot;w^0)$ - initial model a neural network with fixed structure and initial weights $w^0$
For given $M^t$ we compute: model after $t$ iterations
$\hat{y}_i^t=M^t(x_i)$ for each $i$ predictions
$l(\hat{y}_i^t,y_i)$ for each $i$ prediction errors, e.g. $l(\hat{y}_i^t,y_i)=\frac{1}{2}(\hat{y}_i^t-y_i)^2$
$L(\hat{y}^t,y)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nl(\hat{y}_i^t,y_i)$ loss function, e.g. MSE for the above $l$
$g_j:=\partial L(\hat{y}^t,y)/\partial w_j$ for each $j$ gradients
$w^{t+1}_j:=w^t_j-\eta g_j$ for each $j$ SGB step with learning rate $\eta$
$M^{t+1}:=M(\cdot;w^{t+1})$ model after $t+1$ iterations

Gradient Boosting Machine

formula meaning, examples
$f^0=const.$ - initial learner constant model
$M^0=f^0$ - initial model constant model
For given $M^t=\sum_{j=0}^tf^j$ we compute: model after $t$ iterations
$\hat{y}_i^t=M^t(x_i)$ for each $i$ predictions
$l(\hat{y}_i^t,y_i)$ for each $i$ prediction errors, e.g. $l(\hat{y}_i^t,y_i)=\frac{1}{2}(\hat{y}_i^t-y_i)^2$
$g_i:=\partial l(\hat{y}^t_i,y_i)/\partial \hat{y}^t_i$ for each $i$ gradients, e.g. $\hat{y}_i^t-y_i$ for the above $l$
$\tilde{f}^{t+1}\simeq -g$ we approximate $-g$ with use of a learner, e.g. a decision tree
$M^{t+1}:=M^t+\eta \tilde{f}^{t+1} = \sum_{j=0}^t f^j + f^{t+1}$ model after $t+1$ iterations

Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) using decision trees as learner is called Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT).

General notes regarding GBDT:

  • Smaller learning rate - more iterations.
  • Trees with $r$ leaves are able to model interactions between at most $r-1$ features. Therefore e.g. if you bet that 5 features interact with each other, don't use trees with maximal depth 2.

Split finding

formula meaning, examples
$k=1,\ldots,K$ features
$g_i$, $h_i$ gradients and hessians, e.g. $g_i=\hat{y}_i^t-y_i$, $h_i=1$ for the square loss function
$I$ indices of observations in the current node sorted by feature $k$
$I_L$, $I_R$ indices of observation going to the left and right node, respectively
$$\frac{(\sum_{i\in I_L}g_i)^2}{\sum_{i\in I_L}h_i} + \frac{(\sum_{i\in I_R}g_i)^2}{\sum_{i\in I_R}h_i} - \frac{(\sum_{i\in I}g_i)^2}{\sum_{i\in I}h_i}$$ gain from the split

XGBoots vs. LightGBM

According to the LightGBM paper, there are two main innovations in LightGBM compared to XGBoost: GOSS and EFB.

List of parameters for XGBoost and LightGBM are taken from here and here, respectively.

LightGBM paper (messy): Complete documentation of LightGBM: Magnificent parameters comparison: Comparison with Python snippets:

Below I explain some non-obvious parameters.

Boosting techniques

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
booster= boosting= boosting technique
gbtree (default) gbdt (default) GBDT
gblinear --- linear learners
dart dart DART
--- goss GOSS

DART - Dropouts meet Multiple Additive Regression Trees (XGBoost and LightGBM)

Takes a random subset of learners in each iteration.

Additional parameters:

XGBoost LightGBM
sample_type uniform_drop
rate_drop drop_rate
skip_drop skip_drop
normalize_type ---
one_drop ---
--- max_drop
--- xgboost_dart_mode
--- drop_seed

Given $M^t$:

  • Sample a subset $D$ from ${1,\ldots,t}$.
  • Perform GBM iteration, but for $\tilde{M}^t=f^0+\sum_{j\in D}f^j$.
  • Obtained $\tilde{f}^{t+1}$.
  • Let $k=t-|D|$ (number of dropped learners).
    • XGBoost and LightGBM with xgboost_dart_mode=True: put $$M^{t+1}=\sum_{j\in D}f^j+\frac{k}{k+1}\sum_{j\notin D}f^j+\frac{1}{k+1}\tilde{f}^{t+1}.$$
    • LightGBM with xgboost_dart_mode=False (default): put $$M^{t+1}=\sum_{j\in D}f^j+\frac{k}{k+\eta}\sum_{j\notin D}f^j+\frac{\eta}{k+\eta}\tilde{f}^{t+1}.$$

GOSS - Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (LightGBM-exclusive)

Use sampled observations with greatest gradients and also some other obserations to build the next tree.

Additional parameters:

LightGBM meaning
top_rate (default 0.2) fraction of large gradient data
other_rate (default 0.1) fraction of nonlarge gradient data

Given $M^t$:

  • Compute gradients $g_i$ and hessians $h_i$ for each $i$.
  • Let:
    • $a=$top_rate$\cdot n$ (number of sampled observations with large gradients),
    • $b=$other_rate$\cdot n$ (number of sampled observations with nonlarge gradients).
  • Compute $g_i\cdot h_i$ for all $i$. For example, for the square loss function we have $g_i=\hat{y}_i^t-y_i$, $h_i=1$.
  • Sample $a$ observations with greatest $g_i\cdot h_i$.
  • Also sample $b$ other observations obtaining $(x_i)_{i\in S}$. Multiply their gradients and hessians by $(1-a)/b$
  • Build the next tree $f^{t+1}$ with use of sampled observations $(x_i)_{i\in S}$ only.

Basic learning control parameters

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
eta (default 0.3) learning_rate (default 0.1) $\eta$, learning/shrinkage rate
alpha (default 0) lambda_l1 (default 0) L1 regularization
lambda (default 0) lambda_l2 (default 0) L2 regularization
max_depth (default 6) max_depth (default -1) maximal depth of a tree
gamma (default 0) min_split_gain (default 0) minimal gain to perform split
... ... ...

Observation sampling techniques

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
subsample (default 1) bagging_fraction (default 1) part of observations used for building the tree
--- bagging_freq performs bagging every bagging_freq iterations
--- bagging_seed random seed
max_bin (default 256) max_bin (default 255) maximum number of histogram bins
tree_method= --- split algorithm
auto (default) --- automatic
exact --- all the split points checked
approx --- histogram algorithm, once per iteration
hist default histogram algorithm, once
gpu_exact --- exact for GPU
gpu_hist --- hist for GPU
--- boosting=goss GOSS

Feature sampling techniques

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
colsample_bytree (default 1) feature_fraction (default 1) column sampling, once per tree
colsample_bylevel (default 1) --- column sampling, once per node
--- feature_fraction_seed random seed
enable_feature_grouping (default 0) --- ?
--- enable_bundle (default True) EFB

EFB - Exclusive Feature Bundling

Bundles exclusive features into a single feature.

Note: bundles one-hot-encoded features into a single one, so one-hot-encoding is useless.

Optimizations for categorical features

LightGBM offers some, see: categorical_feature and min_data_per_group, max_cat_threshold, cat_smooth, cat_l2 max_cat_to_onehot.

Dealing with missing data

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
default use_missing (default True) column sampling, once per tree
--- zero_as_missing (default False) Treats 0 as missing value.
--- is_sparse (default True) Optimizations for sparse data.

In XGBoost, missing values goes are ignored during split finding and afterwards all of them goes to either left or right node (the better one is chosen). For the default use_missing=True LightGBM does the same.

Dealing with big data

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
--- two_round (default False) whether to not load features from the data in memory
When data is bigger than memory size, set two_round=True. Otherwise leave it as False for better speed.


XGBoost LightGBM meaning
nthread num_threads number of threads
updater tree_learner the choice of tree learner
  • While setting num_threads, follow the number of real CPU cores, not logical ones.
  • Do not set num_threads too large if your dataset is small (i.e. do not use 64 threads for a dataset with 10,000 rows).
  • Be aware a task manager or any similar CPU monitoring tool might report cores not being fully utilized. This is normal.

For LightGBM, the default value of tree_learner is serial. There are also three parallel scenarios prepared:

#data is small #data is large
#feature is small feature data
#feature is large feature voting

For parallel learning, you should not use full CPU cores since this will cause poor performance for the network. See also:

Both XGBoost and LightGBM support MPI.

Dealing with GPU

XGBoost LightGBM meaning
predictor= device= choice of device
cpu_predictior (default) cpu (default) CPU
gpu_predictor gpu GPU
--- gpu_use_dp (default False) whether to use 64-bit float point
  • In LightGBM with device=gpu it is recommended to use the smaller max_bin (e.g. 63) to get the better speed up.
  • For better speed, GPU use 32-bit float point to sum up by default, it may affect the accuracy for some tasks. You can set gpu_use_dp=True to enable 64-bit float point, but it will slow down the training.


  • Try LightGBM because why not.
  • Try boosting=goss.
  • Sparse features are bundled automatically - enable_bundle=True by default. One-hot-encoding is useless.
  • Specify categorical features: categorical_feature=.
  • Leave the default use_missing=True. Set is_sparse=False if your data are dense.
  • Set two_round=True only if your data does not fit in memory.
  • If you have some real CPU cores, set num_threads properly.
  • If your data are big, try parallelization scenarios.
  • You can build GPU version of LightGBM. Then use smaller max_bin. Set gpu_use_dp=True only if the accuracy is worse than on CPU.