Smart Door Processing Chain
Smart door processing commences at doSmart(tokenIds)
- Close the Smart door control overlay on all clients (only one person at a time can operate a door to avoid bad things happening).
- Use passed arguments or collate arguments to pass for selected doors using doors.isSmart(tokenIds).
- doors.isSmart(tokenIds) returns either 0 (i.e. false) or a JSON object containing door token IDs as keys with individual door settings as JSON objects for values.
- If the value returned was a JSON object, launch the control overlay doors.popup(vArgs).
graph LR;
checkDoors(checkDoors)-->|token ids|doSmart(doSmart);
doSmart(doSmart)-->|token ids|isSmart;
isSmart-->|args object|doSmart(doSmart);
doSmart(doSmart)-->|args object|popup(popup);
- doors.popup(vArgs)
- Stop if more or less than one door selected.
- Stop if editor is visible.
- Get icons.
- Send args for cleaning.
- Get pinned condition.
- Initialise variables with defaults.
- Overwrite variables with door settings.
- Use context to set icon visibility.
- If options reduced to one;
- set skipPopup flag,
- add arguments for processing,
- call popupProcessor.
- else create control overlay.
- popupProcessor
- switch on action value. Either set properties or set new value for action and update values in args for next step.
- "pin" (set pinned property true)
- "pinned" (set pinned property false)
- "switch" (toggle open)
- "close"
- "open" (open all the way)
- "open1" (open a little bit)
- "open2" (open more than a little bit)
- "lock" (set locked condition true)
- "peek" (toggle peek condition)
- "secret" (move to hidden layer)
- "notsecret" (move to token layer)
- "settings" (open settings dialogue)
- "unlock" (set locked condition false)
- "visible" (set visible to players true)
- "hidden" (set visible to players false)
- call doors.interrupt(vArgs)
- doors.interrupt(vArgs) is a placeholder to allow users to insert their own calls and code. For instance, you could make a skill check to pick the lock, set off a trap, or any other funkyness.
- pass args to doors.action(vArgs)
- switch on action value. Either set properties or set new value for action and update values in args for next step.
- doors.action(vArgs)
- Where there are linked doors - for certain actions - prompt if action should be applied to linked doors
- Loop through token ids, switch on action value.
- "add" : doors.addSmart(tokId)
- "remove" : doors.removeDoor(tokIds)
- "link" : doors.setLinks(tokIds)
- "unlink" : doors.unLink(tokIds)
- "lock" : doors.setLock(linkedTok, 1)
- "lockToggle": doors.setLock(linkedTok)
- "unlock" : doors.setLock(linkedTok, 0)
- "open" : set openToAmount, playSound and a bunch of other stuff, doors.doOpen(linkedTok, json.get(linkedToks, linkedTok))
- "peek" : doors.doPeek(tokId, vSettings)
- "peekOn" : doors.setPeek(linkedTok, 1)
- "peekOff" : doors.setPeek(linkedTok, 0)
- "lift" : doors.setSubtype(linkedTok, "lift")
- "slide" : doors.setSubtype(linkedTok, "slide")
- "swingCW" : doors.setSubtype(linkedTok, "swingCW")
- "swingCCW" : doors.setSubtype(linkedTok, "swingCCW")
- For "add" and "remove" set settings property with cleaned version.
- Play sounds.
- Expose FoW.
- Deselect tokens
- Refresh the GM panel "Door Controls"
graph LR;
popup(Popup)-->|form values|popupProcessor(Popup Processor);
popupProcessor(Popup Processor)-->|action arguments|interrupt(Interrupt);
interrupt(Interrupt)-->|action arguments|popupProcessor(Popup Processor);
popupProcessor(Popup Processor)--->|action arguments|action0(Action);
act{Act}-->|action arguments|add;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|remove;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|link;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|unlink;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|lock;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|lockToggle;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|unlock;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|open;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|peek;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|peekOn;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|peekOff;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|lift;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|slide;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|swingCW;
act{Act}-->|action arguments|swingCCW;
add -->act{Act};
remove -->act{Act};
link -->act{Act};
unlink -->act{Act};
lock -->act{Act};
lockToggle -->act{Act};
unlock -->act{Act};
open -->act{Act};
peek -->act{Act};
peekOn -->act{Act};
peekOff -->act{Act};
lift -->act{Act};
slide -->act{Act};
swingCW -->act{Act};
swingCCW -->act{Act};
add-->|action arguments|doors.addSmart;
remove-->|action arguments|doors.removeDoor;
link-->|action arguments|doors.setLinks;
unlink-->|action arguments|doors.unLink;
lock-->|action arguments|doors.setLock;
lockToggle-->|action arguments|doors.setLock;
unlock-->|action arguments|doors.setLock;
open-->|action arguments|doors.doOpen;
peek-->|action arguments|doors.doPeek;
peekOn-->|action arguments|doors.setPeek;
peekOff-->|action arguments|doors.setPeek;
lift-->|action arguments|doors.setSubtype;
slide-->|action arguments|doors.setSubtype;
swingCW-->|action arguments|doors.setSubtype;
swingCCW-->|action arguments|doors.setSubtype;