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105 lines (95 loc) · 4.99 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (95 loc) · 4.99 KB

Requirements for lb4theartbeat

NOTE: Include a toString() for every class.


  • Contains the following fields
    • version number (can use serialVersionUID that Serializable requires)
    • Peer-to-Peer (false) or Client-Server (true) flag
    • Summary (true) or Individual (false) flag
    • Sender IP Address (String)
    • ArrayList of Heartbeat objects
  • Accessors and mutators as appropriate
  • Constructor that accepts all fields


  • Contains the following fields
    • IP (String)
    • Beat number (int is fine; starts at 1)
    • Timestamp (java.util.Date)
    • TTL (int, seconds)
    • Time until next beat expected (random, [1,29] seconds)
  • Accessors and mutators as appropriate
  • Method that computes if this Heartbeat is dead. Assume time synchronized servers
  • Constructor that accepts IP, Beat #, TTL, Time until next beat
    • Timestamp should be automatically created
  • Constructor that accepts IP, Beat #, TTL, Time until next beat, Timestamp


  • Contains the following fields
    • DatagramSocket
    • ArrayList<String> for the general list of IPs
    • String IP of this machine
    • ArrayList<String> List of the servers in priority order (including local machine)
      • In Peer-to-Peer, this will be initialized to be only the local machine by the Driver
    • Hashtable<String, Heartbeat> for the local cache
    • int TTL in seconds
    • int TTL multiplier for server
      • What the TTL gets multiplied by if the server in C-S
    • boolean is currently the server
  • Accessors and mutators as appropriate for all fields
    • For TTL, write two accessors
      • getTTL() should return the TTL value, or the TTL * TTL multiplier if this is currently the server
      • getMaxWait() should return TTL-1
  • Constructor to accept all these fields


  • Constructor accepts the HeartbeatSharedData
  • Is Runnable
  • General Procedure
    • Get the incoming packet off the socket
    • For each new Heartbeat received, update the local cache if the received beat is newer
    • If client server, and an individual packet received, and HeartbeatSummarySend thread is not running, start one.
    • If client server, and a summary packet received, and HeartbeatSummarySend thread is running, interrupt it.


  • Constructor accepts the HeartbeatSharedData
  • Is Runnable
  • Runs on all nodes, all the time
  • General Procedure
    • On first run, wait sharedData.getMaxWait() seconds so a summary might be received by the HeartbeatReceive thread with accurate server information.
    • Loop:
    • Generate a wait time [1,sharedData.getMaxWait()] seconds
    • Generate a Heartbeat and HeartbeatPacket with just this machine's heartbeat
    • Check the list of servers, in order, for the highest priority server that's alive and send the HeartbeatPacket to it
      • This could be itself
      • Peer-to-Peer: Always itself; server list will be populated differently by the driver
      • Note that Hashtable.get() will return null if the key doesn't exist.
      • Always attempt sending to the last server on the list, even if it's declared dead
    • Wait the random time
    • End Loop
  • TTL may change dynamically in the shared memory


  • Constructor accepts the HeartbeatSharedData
  • Is Runnable
  • Client-Server: only runs on the designated server
  • Peer-to-Peer: Runs on all machines
  • General Procedure
    • Build an ArrayList of Heartbeats for the packet from the local cache
      • See this in the JDK and this solution for inspiration; ArrayList is a Collection
      • Only values are needed; Keys are the IP address, which is also in the Heartbeat
    • Send to all IP addresses but this machine
    • Wait [1,sharedData.getMaxWait()/2] random seconds
  • Should return (die) whenever Thread.interrupt() is called.


  • Sets up shared memory and threads for a client server operation
    • Load the list of IP addresses from a file
    • Initialize fields in shared memory as appropriate
    • Initialize the cache for this machine with a current Heartbeat
  • Should start up as a client, triggering server if needed via HeartbeatReceive
  • For this project, also start up a HeartbeatStatusPrinter


  • Sets up shared memory and threads for a client server operation
    • Load the list of IP addresses from a file
    • Initialize fields in shared memory as appropriate
  • Should start up as a client, triggering server if needed via HeartbeatReceive
  • For this project, also start up a HeartbeatStatusPrinter


  • Constructor accepts the HeartbeatSharedData
  • Is Runnable
  • Iterates through the cache to print out all the data it knows
  • Waits sharedData.getMaxWait() and repeats for the life of the program