Boston Didi Challenge matters pertaining to Robot Operating System (ROS)
According to the Submission section for the Rules at
Solution must run in the provided ROS framework (Ubuntu 14.04, ROS Indigo)
If you are running a Linux host, please be sure to use Ubuntu 14.04.
For instructions on installing ROS using Docker, please click here (Note: competition requires ROS Indigo, which is not compatible with Ubuntu 16.04).
Click here for an overview of a ROS bag.
Click here to look at the Jupyter notebook to get started with exploring the rosbag data from Udacity.
Click here for a quick tutorial of ROS.
- create the ros workspace in the dir
$ catkin_make
- create two ros package
$ cd src
$ catkin_create_pkg detector std_msgs rospy roscpp
$ catkin_create_pkg tracker std_msgs rospy roscpp
use this command to run before ros play didi test bag
$ rosrun detector