The statistics
package contains the Statistics
class that reflects the functionality documented at at It makes various network statistics available, such as the total number of blocks in existence, next difficulty retarget block, total BTC mined in the past 24 hours etc.
Example usage:
package test;
import info.blockchain.api.statistics.*;
public class App
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Statistics stats = new Statistics();
StatisticsResponse stats = stats.get();
System.out.println(String.format("The current difficulty is %s. "
+ "The next retarget will happen in %s hours.",
(stats.getNextRetarget() - stats.getTotalBlocks()) * stats.getMinutesBetweenBlocks() / 60));
Chart txPerSec = stats.getChart("transactions-per-second", "5weeks", "8hours");
Map<String, Integer> pools = stats.getPools("5weeks");