- Main branches develop, release/${releaseName}, master
- To merge PR at least one approval is needed
- Reviewing or Resolving PR comments should have a high priority
Naming commits “[$clickUpTicketNumber] $description”-> example “[860qwvned] Add walkthrough page”
Update Dev-notes.txt with changes done in this PR
When new build is out for testing clear dev-notes.txt file
Tickets branch names should be in the form “$clickUpTicketNumber_$description” example: “860qwvned-12_Walkthrough-page”
PR title should be in this form [$type][$clickUpTicketNumber] $Description
Use rebase instead of merging whenever possible
Resolving the conversations should be done by the reviewer
PR should have at least one Approval to be merged
For small tasks (changes don’t exceed 500 LOC)
- Checkout develop branch
- Create branch for the ticket
- Create PR for the branch
- After the PR is approved
- If PR is only one task -> merge branch with squashing (result should be one code commit and one merge commit)
- If PR contains multiple small fixes -> create commit for each fix and merge without squashing
For big tasks
- Checkout develop branch
- Create branch for parent ticket
- Create sub-tasks on clickUp
- For each sub-task create a branch from parent task branch
- Create PR for each sub task targeting parent task branch (changes doesn’t exceed 500 LOC)
- Squash commits for each sub task PR Before merging
- After all sub tasks are merged
- If there are no conflicts with develop -> merge directly to develop without squashing
- If there are conflicts Ideally would be to rebase on develop but if there are many commits it can be considered to merge develop branch into feature branch and then merge c
- Delete Source branches for tasks once it’s merged on the master branches (develop,release,master)
- Create branch from master branch with name “release/$releaseName”
- Apply fix
- Update version code & name
- Commits should be in the form [Hot-fix] $Description
- Generate signed .aab file & extract .apk from it (or directly upload .aab file to firebase)
- Once .apk is approved from QA upload build on the store
- Create a tag/release from the commit that the build was generated from
- Tag should be in the form vx.y.z for example v2.0.3
- Add in the release notes the Clickup ticket numbers that were fixed in this release
- Merge release branch to master (without deleting source branch nor squashing)
- Merge master branch to develop (without deleting source branch nor squashing)
- Create Branch from develop branch with name “release/$releaseName”
- Update version code & name & clear dev-notes with desired version
- Commits should be in the form [Release] $Description
- Generate signed .aab file & upload .aab file on firebase app distribution
- Once .aab is approved from QA upload build on the store
- Upload .aab approved file
- Update release notes (Confirm with PM on the content)
- Start rollout to small percentage of users 5% for 1/2 days to make sure no major crashes reported
- Increase rollout gradually every 2/3 days (20%, 70%, 100%) as long as there are no major crashes reported
- If there are major crashes reported then halt the release and start the process of hot fixes
- Create a tag/release from the commit that the build was generated from
- Tag should be in the form vx.y.z for example v2.0.3
- Add in the release notes the Clickup ticket numbers that were fixed in this release
- Merge release branch to master (without deleting source branch nor squashing)
- Merge master branch to develop (without deleting source branch nor squashing)