- Translation updates
- Systemd service installation-related issue fixed (issue #26)
- Focal support added
- New focal-compatible binaries and libs included
- Upstart migrated to systemd
- Minor fixes of reported issues
- UI re-designed a bit - new main screen in landscape mode
- WebDAV browser extension: errors are reported to users
- Minor fixes
- Internationalization: German, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Czech localization
- directory-tree cleanup
- database structure altered (see DATABASE.md for the new structure)
- multi-account support
- UI re-designed completely
- Internationalization: German, Spanish, and Czech localization
- clickable.json added
- arm64 version of owncloudcmd is 2.5.3; arm32 remains unchanged
- arch detection and paths to owncloudcmd changed in OwncloudSyncd/owncloudsyncd.cpp
- arch detection and paths for libs added to OwncloudSync/servicecontrol.cpp
- included support for owncloud account in Ubuntu Touch (up to now, only nextcloud account was used, even those behave equaly from the UBsync point of view)
- build instructions
- Enable clickable thanks to Lukas
- fix issue with webdav port thanks to Lukas
- upgrade to owncloudcmd 2.6.0-git
- cleanup some files
- Migrate the source to https://launchpad.net/owncloud-sync
- Allo to synchronize hidden folder on the phone
- Add hidden file synchronization
- Update about.qml
- Compiled for Xenial,
- Upgraded of owncloudcmd to nextcloudcmd 2.3.3, Bug 1592538
- Get ride off the bug "owncloud network access is disabled" - Bug 1572321,
- Use of Online Account - bug 1573802, in the hope to get rid off the password in the config file in the future
- Change the frequencies from seconds to hours,
- Acknowledge qWebdavlib - bug 1592750
- New icon,
I would like to thank several projects / persons
- ownCloud-sync application,
- Nextcloudcmd, a Nextcloud client,
- qWebdavlib a Qt library for WebDAV,
- Joan CiberSheep for the icon using Suru Icon Theme elements
Any help on the code is welcome to enhance the app.