- Use this template when submitting a project enhancement proposal (PEP) to the Good Docs Project.
- See the README for more information about the process. }}
{{Put your name and/or your Slack handle here.}}
- Draft {{Leave in a draft state until you submit your pull request.}}
- Under discussion (until YYYY-MM-DD) {{Add date after selecting this status.}}
- Final comment and voting (until YYYY-MM-DD) {{Add date after selecting this status.}}
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Implemented
- Deferred
- Withdrawn
{{Summarize your proposal in this section in about 1-2 paragraphs.}}
{{What problem does this proposal try to solve?}}
{{Explain the proposal in more depth here and make your best argument for its adoption.}}
{{This section is optional if you want to link to other resources.}}
{{Reviewer name}}:
- {{I suggest that ...}}
- {{Community member name}}: {{Additional comment on same topic.}}
- {{Proposer name}}: {{Addressed by ... / Ignored because ... / ...}}
If this proposal is accepted, the following tasks must be completed:
- Task number one
- Task number two
- Task number three, etc.
Votes as per our [decision process](https://thegooddocsproject.dev/decisions/}:
Project steering committee (listed alphabetically by first name):
- Aaron Peters:
- Aidan Doherty:
- Alyssa Rock:
- Ankita Tripathi:
- Bryan Klein:
- Cameron Shorter:
- Erin McKean:
- Morgan Craft:
- Viraji Ogodapola:
Community members who voted (non-binding):
- {{Your name}}: {{Your vote}}