Utility for configuring your board, adjusting services, and installing applications. It comes with Armbian by default.
To start the Armbian configuration utility, use the following command:
sudo armbian-config
Armbian installation
sudo apt install armbian-config
3rd party Debian based distributions
sudo wget https://apt.armbian.com/armbian.key -O key
sudo gpg --dearmor < key | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg > /dev/null
sudo chmod go+r /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg
sudo echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://apt.armbian.com $(lsb_release -cs) main $(lsb_release -cs)-utils $(lsb_release -cs)-desktop" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install armbian-config
Command line options.
armbian-config --help
System - System wide and admin settings (x86_64)
--cmd SY001 - Enable Armbian firmware upgrades
--cmd SY002 - Disable Armbian kernel upgrades
--cmd SY003 - Edit the boot environment
--cmd SY004 - Install Linux headers
--cmd SY005 - Remove Linux headers
--cmd SY006 - Install to internal storage
SY007 - Manage SSH login options
--cmd SY101 - Disable root login
--cmd SY102 - Enable root login
--cmd SY103 - Disable password login
--cmd SY104 - Enable password login
--cmd SY105 - Disable Public key authentication login
--cmd SY106 - Enable Public key authentication login
--cmd SY107 - Disable OTP authentication
--cmd SY108 - Enable OTP authentication
--cmd SY109 - Generate new OTP authentication QR code
--cmd SY110 - Show OTP authentication QR code
--cmd SY111 - Disable last login banner
--cmd SY112 - Enable last login banner
--cmd SY008 - Change shell system wide to BASH
--cmd SY009 - Change shell system wide to ZSH
--cmd SY010 - Switch to rolling release
--cmd SY011 - Switch to stable release
--cmd SY012 - Enable read only filesystem
--cmd SY013 - Disable read only filesystem
--cmd SY014 - Adjust welcome screen (motd)
--cmd SY015 - Install alternative kernels
--cmd SY017 - Manage device tree overlays
--cmd SY018 - ZFS filesystem - enable support
--cmd SY019 - ZFS filesystem - remove support
--cmd SY020 - Select Odroid board configuration
Network - Fixed and wireless network settings (eth0)
NE001 - Configure network interfaces
--cmd NE002 - Add / change interface
--cmd NE003 - Revert to Armbian defaults
--cmd NE004 - Show configuration
--cmd NE005 - Show active status
Localisation - Localisation (C.UTF-8)
--cmd LO001 - Change Global timezone
--cmd LO002 - Change Locales reconfigure the language and character set
--cmd LO003 - Change Keyboard layout
--cmd LO005 - Change System Hostname
Software - Run/Install 3rd party applications (Update the package lists.)
Netconfig - Network tools
--cmd NET001 - Install realtime console network usage monitor (nload)
--cmd NET002 - Remove realtime console network usage monitor (nload)
--cmd NET003 - Install bandwidth measuring tool (iperf3)
--cmd NET004 - Remove bandwidth measuring tool (iperf3)
--cmd NET005 - Install IP LAN monitor (iptraf-ng)
--cmd NET006 - Remove IP LAN monitor (iptraf-ng)
--cmd NET007 - Install hostname broadcast via mDNS (avahi-daemon)
--cmd NET008 - Remove hostname broadcast via mDNS (avahi-daemon)
Downloaders - Download tools
--cmd DOW001 - Install qBittorrent
--cmd DOW002 - Remove qBittorrent ( 6881)
--cmd DOW003 - Install Deluge
--cmd DOW004 - Remove Deluge ( 6181 58846)
--cmd DOW005 - Install Transmission
--cmd DOW006 - Remove Transmission (
--cmd DOW011 - Install SABnzbd
--cmd DOW012 - Remove SABnzbd (
--cmd DOW013 - Install Medusa
--cmd DOW014 - Remove Medusa (
--cmd DOW015 - Install Sonarr
--cmd DOW016 - Remove Sonarr (
--cmd DOW017 - Install Radarr
--cmd DOW018 - Remove Radarr (
--cmd DOW019 - Install Bazarr
--cmd DOW020 - Remove Bazarr (
--cmd DOW021 - Install Lidarr
--cmd DOW022 - Remove Lidarr (
--cmd DOW023 - Install Readarr
--cmd DOW024 - Remove Readarr (
--cmd DOW025 - Install Prowlarr
--cmd DOW026 - Remove Prowlarr (
--cmd DOW040 - Jellyseerr install
--cmd DOW041 - Jellyseerr remove (
--cmd DOW042 - Jellyseerr purge data folder
Database - Database
--cmd DAT001 - Mariadb install
--cmd DAT002 - Mariadb remove (Server:
--cmd DAT003 - Mariadb purge
--cmd DAT005 - phpMyAdmin install
--cmd DAT006 - phpMyAdmin remove (
--cmd DAT007 - phpMyAdmin purge
DNS - DNS blockers
--cmd DNS001 - Install Pi-hole DNS ad blocker
--cmd DNS002 - Set Pi-hole web admin password
--cmd DNS003 - Remove Pi-hole DNS ad blocker
DevTools - Development
--cmd DEV001 - Install tools for cloning and managing repositories (git)
--cmd DEV002 - Remove tools for cloning and managing repositories (git)
HomeAutomation - Home Automation
--cmd HA001 - Install openHAB
--cmd HA002 - Remove openHAB
--cmd HA003 - Install Home Assistant
--cmd HA004 - Remove Home Assistant (
--cmd Benchy - System benchmaking and diagnostics
Containers - Containerlization and Virtual Machines
--cmd CON001 - Install Docker Minimal
--cmd CON002 - Install Docker Engine
--cmd CON003 - Remove Docker
--cmd CON004 - Purge all Docker images, containers, and volumes
--cmd CON005 - Install Portainer
--cmd CON006 - Remove Portainer (
--cmd CON007 - Watchtower install
--cmd CON008 - Watchtower remove
Media - Media Servers and Editors
--cmd MED001 - Install Plex Media server
--cmd MED002 - Remove Plex Media server
--cmd MED003 - Install Emby server
--cmd MED004 - Remove Emby server
--cmd MED010 - Stirling-PDF Install
--cmd MED011 - Stirling-PDF Remove
--cmd MED012 - Stirling-PDF Purge data folder
--cmd MED015 - Syncthing Install
--cmd MED016 - Syncthing Remove (
--cmd MED017 - Syncthing Purge data folder
--cmd MED020 - Nextcloud Install
--cmd MED021 - Nextcloud Remove (
--cmd MED022 - Nextcloud Purge data folder
--cmd MED025 - Owncloud Install
--cmd MED026 - Owncloud Remove (
--cmd MED027 - Owncloud Purge data folder
Monitoring - Monitoring
--cmd MON001 - Uptime Kuma install
--cmd MON002 - Uptime Kuma remove
--cmd MON003 - Uptime Kuma purge data folder
--cmd MON005 - Netdata Install
--cmd MON006 - Netdata remove
--cmd MON007 - Netdata purge data folder
Management - Remote Management tools
--cmd MAN001 - Install Cockpit web-based management tool
--cmd MAN002 - Purge Cockpit web-based management tool
--cmd MAN003 - Start Cockpit Service
--cmd MAN004 - Stop Cockpit Service
--cmd MAN005 - Webmin web-based management tool
Help - About this tool
--cmd HE001 - Contribute
Backward Compatible options.
armbian-config main=Help
Legacy Options (Backward Compatible)
Please use 'armbian-config --help' for more information.
Usage: armbian-config main=[arguments] selection=[options]
armbian-config main=System selection=Headers - Install headers:
armbian-config main=System selection=Headers_remove - Remove headers:
Development is divided into three sections:
Click for more info:
Jobs / JSON Object
A list of the jobs defined in the Jobs file.
### SY001
Enable Armbian firmware upgrades
armbian_fw_manipulate unhold
### SY002
Disable Armbian kernel upgrades
armbian_fw_manipulate hold
### SY003
Edit the boot environment
nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt
### SY004
Install Linux headers
module_headers install
### SY005
Remove Linux headers
module_headers remove
### SY006
Install to internal storage
### SY007
Manage SSH login options
No commands available
### SY008
Change shell system wide to BASH
manage_zsh disable
### SY009
Change shell system wide to ZSH
manage_zsh enable
### SY010
Switch to rolling release
### SY011
Switch to stable release
### SY012
Enable read only filesystem
manage_overlayfs enable
### SY013
Disable read only filesystem
manage_overlayfs disable
### SY014
Adjust welcome screen (motd)
### SY015
Install alternative kernels
### SY017
Manage device tree overlays
### SY018
ZFS filesystem - enable support
module_zfs install
### SY019
ZFS filesystem - remove support
module_zfs remove
### SY020
Select Odroid board configuration
manage_odroid_board select
### NE001
Configure network interfaces
No commands available
### LO001
Change Global timezone
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
### LO002
Change Locales reconfigure the language and character set
dpkg-reconfigure locales source /etc/default/locale ; sed -i "s/^LANGUAGE=.*/LANGUAGE=$LANG/" /etc/default/locale export LANGUAGE=$LANG
### LO003
Change Keyboard layout
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ; setupcon update-initramfs -u
### LO005
Change System Hostname
### Netconfig
Network tools
No commands available
### Downloaders
Download tools
No commands available
### Database
No commands available
### DNS
DNS blockers
No commands available
### DevTools
No commands available
### HomeAutomation
Home Automation
No commands available
### Benchy
System benchmaking and diagnostics
### Containers
Containerlization and Virtual Machines
No commands available
### Media
Media Servers and Editors
No commands available
### Monitoring
No commands available
### Management
Remote Management tools
No commands available
### HE001
show_message <<< $(about_armbian_configng)
Jobs API / Helper Functions
These helper functions facilitate various operations related to job management, such as creation, updating, deletion, and listing of jobs, acting as a practical API for developers.
Description | Example | Credit |
Generate a Help message legacy cli commands. | see_cli_legacy | @Tearran |
Run time variables Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | set_runtime_variables | @igorpecovnik |
Check for (Whiptail, DIALOG, READ) tools and set the user interface. | Tearran | |
Toggle SSH lastlog | toggle_ssh_lastlog | @Tearran |
Set Armbian to rolling release | set_rolling | @Tearran |
Generate this markdown table of all module_options | see_function_table_md | @Tearran |
Switching to alternative kernels | switch_kernels | @igorpecovnik |
Webmin setup and service setting. | help install remove start stop enable disable status check | @Tearran |
Hos container install and configure | help install uninstall | @igorpecovnik |
Set Armbian root filesystem to read only | manage_overlayfs enable/disable | @igorpecovnik |
Display a menu from pipe | show_menu <<< armbianmonitor -h ; | @Tearran |
Install watchtower container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Build the main menu from a object | generate_top_menu 'json_data' | @Tearran |
Install bazarr container | install remove status help | @igorpecovnik |
Install headers container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | is_package_manager_running | @armbian |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | check_desktop | @armbian |
Install phpmyadmin container | install remove purge status help | |
Install stirling container | install remove purge status help | @Frooodle |
Install sonarr container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Generate Document files. | generate_readme | @Tearran |
Storing netplan config to tmp | store_netplan_config | @igorpecovnik |
Install jellyseerr container | install remove purge status help | @armbian |
Needed by generate_menu | execute_command 'id' | @Tearran |
Display a Yes/No dialog box and process continue/exit | get_user_continue 'Do you wish to continue?' process_input | @Tearran |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | connect_bt_interface | @armbian |
Display a message box | show_message <<< 'hello world' | @Tearran |
Menu for armbianmonitor features | see_monitoring | @Tearran |
Enable/disable device tree overlays | manage_dtoverlays | @viraniac |
Show or generate QR code for Google OTP | qr_code generate | @igorpecovnik |
Install/uninstall/check status of pi-hole container | help install uninstall status password | @armbian |
Check when apt list was last updated and suggest updating or update | see_current_apt or see_current_apt update | @Tearran |
Install/uninstall/check status of portainer container | help install uninstall status | @armbian |
Migrated procedures from Armbian config. | check_if_installed nano | @armbian |
Generate 'Armbian CPU logo' SVG for document file. | generate_svg | @Tearran |
Install zfs filesystem support | install remove status kernel_max zfs_version help | @armbian |
Update submenu descriptions based on conditions | update_submenu_data | @Tearran |
sanitize input cli | sanitize_input | @Tearran |
Install lidarr container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Check if a domain is reachable via IPv4 and IPv6 | check_ip_version google.com | @Tearran |
Install embyserver from repo using apt | install_embyserver | @schwar3kat |
Install deluge container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Generate a submenu from a parent_id | generate_menu 'parent_id' | @Tearran |
Install docker from a repo using apt | install_docker engine | @schwar3kat |
Generate a markdown list json objects using jq. | see_jq_menu_list | @Tearran |
Generate jobs from JSON file. | generate_jobs_from_json | @Tearran |
Install radarr container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Toggle IPv6 on or off | toggle_ipv6 | @Tearran |
Adjust welcome screen (motd) | adjust_motd clear, header, sysinfo, tips, commands | @igorpecovnik |
Install qbittorrent container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Generate JSON-like object file. | generate_json | @Tearran |
Install transmission container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Install nextcloud container | install remove purge status help | |
Install wrapper | apt_install_wrapper apt-get -y purge armbian-zsh | @igorpecovnik |
Uses Avalible (Whiptail, DIALOG, READ) for the menu interface | <function_name> | Tearran |
Netplan wrapper | network_config | @igorpecovnik |
Install medusa container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Install syncthing container | install remove purge status help | |
Select optimised Odroid board configuration | select | @GeoffClements |
Install owncloud container | install remove purge status help | @armbian |
Install netdata container | install remove purge status help | @armbian |
Change the background color of the terminal or dialog box | set_colors 0-7 | @Tearran |
Show general information about this tool | about_armbian_configng | @igorpecovnik |
Serve the edit and debug server. | serve_doc | @Tearran |
Update JSON data with system information | update_json_data | @Tearran |
pipeline strings to an infobox | show_infobox <<< 'hello world' ; | @Tearran |
Install readarr container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Install uptimekuma container | install remove purge status help | @armbian |
Stop hostapd, clean config | default_wireless_network_config | @igorpecovnik |
Update sub-submenu descriptions based on conditions | update_sub_submenu_data "MenuID" "SubID" "SubSubID" "CMD" | @Tearran |
Parse json to get list of desired menu or submenu items | parse_menu_items 'menu_options_array' | @viraniac |
Show the usage of the functions. | see_use | @Tearran |
Install Desktop environment | manage_desktops xfce install | @igorpecovnik |
Set system shell to BASH | manage_zsh enable | disable |
Install sabnzbd container | install remove status help | @armbian |
Generate a Help message for cli commands. | see_cmd_list [category] | @Tearran |
Install mariadb container | install remove purge status help | |
Revert network config back to Armbian defaults | default_network_config | @igorpecovnik |
Install prowlarr container | install remove status help | @armbian |
freeze, unhold, reinstall armbian related packages. | armbian_fw_manipulate unhold/freeze/reinstall | @igorpecovnik |
Check the internet connection with fallback DNS | see_ping | @Tearran |
Upgrade to next stable or rolling release | release_upgrade stable verify | @igorpecovnik |
Install openhab from a repo using apt | install uinstall | @igorpecovnik |
Update the /etc/skel files in users directories | update_skel | @igorpecovnik |
change_system_hostname | change_system_hostname | @igorpecovnik |
Set Armbian to stable release | set_stable | @Tearran |
Secure version of get_user_continue | get_user_continue_secure 'Do you wish to continue?' process_input | @Tearran |
Install plexmediaserver from repo using apt | install_plexmediaserver | @schwar3kat |
Runtime / Board Statuses
This section outlines the runtime environment to check configurations and statuses for dynamically managing jobs based on JSON data.
Get Development
Install the dependencies:
sudo apt install git jq whiptail
Get Development and contribute:
git clone https://github.com/armbian/configng
cd configng
./armbian-config --help
Install and test Development deb:
sudo apt install whiptail
latest_release=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/armbian/configng/releases/latest)
deb_url=$(echo "$latest_release" | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith(".deb")) | .browser_download_url')
curl -LO "$deb_url"
deb_file=$(echo "$deb_url" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')
sudo dpkg -i "$deb_file"
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt --fix-broken install