Molecule EC2 allows a wide degree of customisation via platform arguments.
In addition to the standard molecule environment variables, the following system environment variables are used.
Variable | Description |
AWS_PROFILE | Sets the aws_profile parameter if it is supplied |
Variable | Description |
assign_public_ip | Assign a public ip, default = True |
aws_profile | Boto profile, default = AWS_PROFILE or omits |
boot_wait_seconds | Amount of time to wait after ssh starts |
cloud_config | Dictionary suitable for instance user_data |
connection_options | See Connection Options section |
image | AMI to use, see Image Selection section |
image_filters | Filters to select AMI, see Image Selection section |
image_name | Name of AMI, see Image Selection section |
image_owner | Owner of AMI, see Image Selection section |
instance_type | AWS EC2 instance type, defaults to t3a.medium |
key_inject_method | "cloud-init" or "ec2", see SSH Key section |
key_name | SSH key name, see SSH Key section |
name | Name for platform entry, used for Ansible inventory |
private_key_path | SSH key private path, see SSH Key section |
public_key_path | Not used |
region | AWS region to use, defaults to AWS boto defaults |
security_group_name | Name group to create, see Security Group section |
security_group_description | Group description, see Security Group section |
security_group_rules | Group ingress rules, see Security Group section |
security_group_rules_egress | Group egress rules, see Security Group section |
security_groups | List of security groups, see Security Group section |
ssh_user | SSH user to use, defaults to ubuntu, see SSH Key section |
ssh_port | SSH port to use |
tags | Map of tags to apply to the instance |
volumes | List of volumes as per aws.ec2_instance_module |
vpc_filters | Filters to select VPC, see VPC Selection section |
vpc_id | VPC ID, see VPC Selection section |
vpc_subnet_filters | Filters to select Subnet,see Subnet Selection section |
vpc_subnet_id | Subnet ID, see Subnet Selection section |
The platform must specify an AMI for the image to use.
This can be done directly, by setting the image parameter.
Or it can be done indirectly, causing an AMI to be discovered using the command.
When using an indirect search, the aws_profile and region option will be used. The image_owner option will be used to select by owner if provided. The image_name option will be used to create a filter selecting by name. The image_filters option should be a dict, this will filter by key and value to select an image.
If both image_name and image_filters is set, the name filter will be added to the supplied filters.
When a search returns multiple images the newest creation_date will be used.
- name: debian10
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
- name: ubuntu1804
image_owner: 099720109477 # Ubuntu
image_name: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*
- name: kali
image_owner: aws-marketplace
product-code: 89bab4k3h9x4rkojcm2tj8j4l
- name: RHEL8
image_owner: 309956199498 # Redhat
image_name: RHEL-8*
architecture: arm64
virtualization-type: hvm
instance_type: t4g.small # ARM64
There are a variety of options which control the ssh key used for a host.
The first, and most important option is key_inject_method. This can either be cloud-init or ec2, it defaults to cloud-init.
The cloud-init method injects the public key in via the cloud-init user data. This creates a user, ssh_user, adds the public_key and grants passwordless sudo access.
The ec2 method creates an AWS managed key called key_name. The instance is created and associated with that key, the default cloud-init setup typically adds this to the default user. For this configuration the ssh_user option is ignored, the user is the default for the image being used.
For either option the private_key_path can be supplied to specify an existing key. Otherwise one is generated specifically for the creation.
public_key_path is not actually used.
- name: debian_as_ubuntu
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
# Login user will be overridden from admin to ubuntu
# Generated private key will be used
- name: debian_as_admin
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
key_inject_method: ec2
ansible_user: admin # default debian cloud user
- name: debian_my_key
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
key_inject_method: ec2
key_name: my-key
private_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Existing private key will be used
Molecule EC2 can either use an existing security group or create one for the test.
To use an existing security group the option security_groups should be a list of of existing security groups.
If one or more existing groups are not specified one will be created, this is performed using the plugin.
The security_group_name, security_group_description, security_group_rules, and security_group_rules_egress options are passed directly to ec2_group and are as documented there.
The created security group will allow incoming ssh traffic and ICMP, all outgoing traffic will be permitted.
Note that specifying security_group_name will cause a new security group to be created in that name, replacing any existing security group.
- name: debian10
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
# Default security group will be created in the first VPC
- name: debian_my_sg
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
security_groups: [ "public" ]
# Existing public security group will be used
- name: debian_specify_sg
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
security_group_name: mole-whacked
security_group_description: Wacking harder than we've wacked before
- proto: all
group_name: vpn
rule_desc: only allow access from the VPN
- proto: tcp
from_port: 80
to_port: 80
cidr_ip: ""
rule_desc: only allow old school web browsing
- proto: udp
from_port: 27015
to_port: 27030
- 2404:3fc0::/48
- 2404:3fc0:1:/48
- 2404:3fc0:4:/47
rule_desc: allow valve steam subset
The VPC that the EC2 image will be created in can be specified or chosen automatically.
It can be specified directly by setting the vpc_id option.
It can be specified indirectly by setting the vpc_subnet_id option.
It can be selected by using the vpc_filters option, this is a dictionary which will be used by to select a VPC.
If no VPC selection parameters are provided all vpcs will be selected.
When multiple VPCs are selected the first is chosen, the order is not guaranteed.
- name: first_vpc
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
- name: specify_vpc
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
vpc_id: vpc-3f64b58
- name: specify_subnet
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-a18bfcc6
- name: filter_vpc
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
"tag:Name": Testground
The subnet that the EC2 image will be created in can be specified or chosen automatically.
It can be specified directly by setting the vpc_subnet_id option.
It can be selected by using the subnet_filters option, this is a dictionary which will be used by to select a subnet.
If no selection parameters are provided all subnets will be selected.
If the vpc_id option is specified, it will be used to filter to that VPC, combining with subnet_filters if necessary.
When multiple subnets are selected the first is chosen, the order is not guaranteed.
- name: first_subnet
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
- name: first_subnet_in_specified_vpc
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
vpc_id: vpc-3f64b58
- name: specify_subnet
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-a18bfcc6
- name: filter_subnet
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
availability-zone: us-east-1b
Connection options to pass to the Ansible inventory such as ansible_user.
Special handling is performed if the ansible_connection option is winrm. If the password is not set via the ansible_password option, it will be retrieved using the AWS boto3 client and set.
The ansible_connection option being winrm is also used to choose between ssh and xfreerdp when using the molecule login command.
- name: debian10
image: ami-0f31df35880686b3f
region: us-east-1
ansible_user: admin # default debian cloud user
ansible_become: true
ansible_python_interpereter: /usr/bin/python3
- name: win2016
image_name: Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base-*
image_owner: amazon
security_groups: [ "win" ]
key_inject_method: ec2
sudo: false
ansible_user: Administrator
ansible_port: 5986
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_scheme: https
ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
connection: winrm