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Build & Deployment Documentation

Jan Degen edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

Build & Deployment Documentation

All components of the application are normally build using Docker. There are also configuration files for a execution without Docker for faster development cycles, but we do not recommend to run production environments without Docker.

Environment Variables

Here you can find a short description for all environment variables which are set via the docker-compose file.


Variable Default Description
HOST The host of the generator. Should use for accepting all incoming connection requests and specifies the published port
TARGET backend:34255 The target for the UDP socket. Default uses docker DNS.
PPS 10000.0 The packages per second or sample rate
SIQ_FREQ 1.0 The signal frequency


Variable Default Description
UDP_PORT 34255 Bind address for the UDP port. Should be equal to mapped port used in generator:TARGET
WS_PORT 9000 Bind port for the websocket. Should be equal to port used in frontend .env (VITE_BACKEND_WEBSOCKET) config
REST_PORT 8080 Bind port for rest api inside the container. Mapped port should be equal to port used in frontend .env (VITE_BACKEND_BASE_URL) config
HOST_ADDRESS Sepcifies the host address. Use to accept all incoming connections.
FRONTEND_ORIGIN http://localhost:5000 Specifies the frontend origin to allow CORS.
API_KEY sosci-local Api key used for authentication at rest api.


The frontend mainly manages the configuration ion .env files. There are 5 configuration files for different scenarios.

File Description
.env For local npm execution
.env.localhost For local docker execution
.env.develop For develop deployments
.env.integration For integration deployments
.env.production For production deployments

Those files declare the following variables:

Variable Description Example
VITE_BASE_URL The base url of the frontend http://localhost:5000 for local default docker execution.
VITE_BACKEND_BASE_URL The base url of the backend service. http://localhost:8081 for local default docker execution.
VITE_BACKEND_WEBSOCKET The address of the backend websocket ws://localhost:9000 for local default docker execution.
VITE_REST_API_KEY The api key for the backend rest api. sosci-local

Keep in mind that secrets like the API_KEY should not be inside the source code. SOSCI's web environments use the GitHub Action Secrets to pass that information securly to the docker containers.

Local Build


Build Tasks

  1. Enter the Apps directory: cd Apps/
  2. Build & run all images: docker-compose build
  3. Run detached the container: docker-compose up -d
  4. Rebuild specific container: docker-compose up -d --build <generator/backend/frontend>

Web Build

Officially provided images are managed via CICD.

  • Closed pull requests to dev branch update the nightly tag
  • Closed pull requests to int branch create a new sprint-XX-release-candidate image tag
  • Closed pull requests to main branch create a new sprint-XX-release image tag and update the latest tag

CICD Steps

Related Github Actions workflows:

Workflow Description
build-generator-automation.yml Builds the generator image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Does not push the image to DockerHub
Used for compile & build testing
build-backend-automation.yml Builds the backend image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Does not push the image to DockerHub
Used for compile & build testing
build-frontend-automation.yml Builds the frontend image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Does not push the image to DockerHub
Used for compile & build testing
push-generator-automation.yml Builds & pushes the generator image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Pushes the image to DockerHub
push-backend-automation.yml Builds & pushes the backend image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Pushes the image to DockerHub
push-frontend-automation.yml Builds & pushes the frontend image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Pushes the image to DockerHub
test-frontend-automation.yml Runs frontend tests
test-backend-automation.yml Runs backend tests, fails if the backend code coverage is below 70%
test-generator-automation.yml Runs generator tests
test-generator-codecov.yml Fails if generator unit test code coverage is below 70%
ci-codeql.yml Runs CodeQL
ci-sonarqube.yml Runs a SonarScanner and reports to Sonarqube for SAST.
release-automation.yml Creates a new release or release-candidates of pull request with release or release-candidate tags based on the PRs title and description.

DockerHub Repositories

The DockerHub user is owned by the development team.

Image tags

Image Tag Description
nightly Used for develop deployments.
Continuously updated.
Not stable.
sprint-XX-release-candidate Used for integration deployments.
New tag for each sprint (example: sprint-01-release-candidate)
sprint-XX--release Used for production deployments.
New tag for each sprint. (example: sprint-01-release)
latest Not used
Latest stable release


Local Deployment


Deployment Tasks

  1. Enter the Apps directory: cd Apps/
  2. Run all containers: docker-compose up
  3. Run detached the container: docker-compose up -d
  4. Rebuild specific container: docker-compose up -d --build <generator/backend/frontend>

The frontend should be available in the browser of your choice at http://localhost:5000

Web Deployment

Deployments to web environments are managed via CICD

  • Closed pull requests to dev branch update the develop environment
  • Closed pull requests to int branch update the integration environment
  • Closed pull requests to main branch updatethe production environment

The deployment itself is hosted using Portainer and creates a Docker stack based on the Deployments/web_deployment/<environment>/docker-compose.yml This stack is linked to the repository and provides a webhook which will trigger a redeployment of the stack. The application is served via Traefik Container reverse proxy which is configured using labels on the Docker containers.


CICD Steps

Related Github Actions workflows:

Workflow Description
push-generator-automation.yml Builds & pushes the generator image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Pushes the image to DockerHub
Triggers the webhook linked to Degen Hosting environment
push-backend-automation.yml Builds & pushes the backend image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Pushes the image to DockerHub
Triggers the webhook linked to Degen Hosting environment
push-frontend-automation.yml Builds & pushes the frontend image using docker/build-push-action@v3
Pushes the image to DockerHub
Triggers the webhook linked to Degen Hosting environment