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🌟 Introduction

SimAI is a comprehensive large-scale AI training simulation toolkit that provides three major simulation scenarios:

  1. SimAI-Analytical - An analytical simulation tool that abstracts underlying network communication details. It adopts a simplified approach using busbw (bus bandwidth) to estimate communication time for collective/point-to-point communications, enabling rapid scenario validation. Key application scenarios include (but are not limited to):

    • Performance Analysis: Compare completion times across different models (e.g., studying the impact of Expert numbers on MoE model training performance)

    • Framework-level Parallel Parameter Optimization: Balance and optimize TP/EP/PP parameters to analyze end-to-end timing effects

    • Scale-up Exploration: Investigate parallel parameter performance across different scale-up domains for specific scenario optimization

    • Scale-out Bandwidth Selection: Research cost-effective bandwidth configurations for various GPU performances

💡 Currently supports manual busbw.yaml configuration. Automatic busbw inference based on parallel scenarios will be open-sourced soon. Stay tuned and feel free to contact us for more details. ✨

  1. SimAI-Simulation(NS-3) - A high-fidelity, full-stack simulation tool that can theoretically integrate with any pure network simulator. It provides fine-grained reproduction of communication behaviors during LLM training. Currently supports NS-3 as the network backend (we encourage integration of new network simulation tools). Key research areas include:

    • Collective Communication Algorithm Research: Design and optimize collective communication traffic patterns for non-switch architectures and other emerging network topologies

    • Network Protocol Research: Evaluate and optimize network protocols, congestion control algorithms, routing mechanisms and other low-level network technologies across different architectures

    • Novel Network Architecture Design: Explore innovative network architectures

💡 We strongly encourage researchers to build upon SimAI-Simulation for innovative extensions and breakthrough research suitable for top-tier conferences. Join our community or reach out via email - we're committed to providing technical support for promising research directions! ✨

  1. SimAI-Physical(TODO)

For additional functionalities of each component, please refer to SimCCL and ns-3-alibabacloud.

🛠️ Environment Setup

Under normal circumstances, running SimAI requires generating a Workload file using the AICB tool. To create a precise Workload, you may need to utilize the AIOB feature to determine the timing of various computational kernels, which necessitates a GPU environment. Therefore, we recommend executing the SimAI full-stack toolkit directly within the latest NGC image.

💡 Important Note: SimAI-Simulation compilation requires removing ninja (which comes pre-installed in NGC images). You can remove it using:

apt remove ninja-build && pip uninstall ninja

Build Instructions:

# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd ./SimAI/

# Clone submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
# Make sure to use the newest commit
$ git submodule update --remote

# Compile SimAI-Analytical
$ ./scripts/ -c analytical

# Compile SimAI-Simulation (ns3)
$ ./scripts/ -c ns3

🌐 SimAI-Analytical Usage

📝 Workload Generate

To generate workloads for simulation, use the SimAI-WorkloadGenerator feature in AICB. This will produce a .txt file similar to workload_analytical.txt, which includes:

  • model_parallel_NPU_group: Represents the size of Tensor Parallelism
  • ep: Represents the size of Expert model parallelism
  • pp: Represents the size of pipeline model parallelism
  • vpp: Virtual Pipeline Parallelism (default: --num-layers-per-virtual-pipeline-stage=1 for minimal PP bubble)

💡 For more details, refer to the AICB Workload Tutorial

🔧 Busbw Setting

SimAI-Analytical abstracts lower-level network details by directly specifying busbw to estimate collective communication times. To customize communication busbw for various scenarios, you can use a busbw.yaml file in the following format:

  allreduce,: 300      # AllReduce busbw 300GB/s in TP
  allgather,: 280
  reducescatter,: 280
  alltoall,: 230
  allreduce,: null
  allgather,: 380      # AllGather busbw 380GB/s in DP
  reducescatter,: 380
  alltoall,: null
  allreduce,: null
  allgather,: 45       # AllGather busbw 45GB/s in DP_EP
  reducescatter,: 45   # ReduceScatter busbw 45GB/s in DP_EP
  alltoall,: 80        # AlltoAll busbw 80GB/s in EP

🔍 Interested in automated busbw calculation (considering cluster size, architecture, parallel parameters, small message adjustments, and latency)? Feel free to reach out for a discussion!

🖥️ Analytical Simulation

To run the analytical simulation, use the following command:

$ ./bin/SimAI_analytical -w example/workload_analytical.txt -g 9216 -g_p_s 8 -r test- -busbw example/busbw.yaml

Required Parameters

Parameter Long Form Description
-w --workload Specifies the path to the Workload File
-g --gpus Specifies the simulation GPU scale
-g_p_s --gpus-per-server Specifies the Scale-up size
-r --result Specifies the output file path and prefix (default: ./results/)
Recommended to include simulation parameters, e.g.,
-busbw --bus-bandwidth Specifies the path to the busbw file
(recommend modifying example/busbw.yaml directly)

Optional Parameters

Parameter Long Form Description
-v --visual Specifies whether to generate visualization files

Communication Group Overlap Ratios

The following parameters specify the overlap ratios for communication groups (default: 0, indicating no overlap):

Parameter Long Form Description Range
-dp_o --dp-overlap-ratio DP overlap ratio [0.0-1.0]
-ep_o --ep-overlap-ratio EP overlap ratio [0.0-1.0]
-tp_o --tp-overlap-ratio TP overlap ratio [0.0-1.0]
-pp_o --pp-overlap-ratio PP overlap ratio [0.0-1.0]

📝 Due to the variety of overlap strategies and scenario-dependent overlap ratios, we prioritize simple and efficient methods to directly specify overlap conditions.

Result Analyze

Raw Data

Running SimAI-Analytical normally will generate a CSV output as shown in the figure below.

The second row contains summary information, including the exposure time and the absolute and percentage of computational time for each communication group, as well as the end-to-end time of one iteration. Below this are details of the operation for each specific layer.



If you specify -v when running SimAI-Analytical, the following will be generated:


SimAI-Simulation Usage

📝 Workload Generate

Using the same workload as SimAI-Analytical, generated by SimAI-WorkloadGenerator feature in AICB.

🔧 TOPO Setting

Before running SimAI-Simulator, you need to generate a topo file that can be recognized by ns-3-alibabacloud.

As shown in the figure below, the first row represents various parameters: node_num is the total number of nodes, gpus_per_server refers to the number of GPUs per server (currently, we bind each NIC to a GPU as a single node), nvswitch_num indicates the number of NVSwitch nodes (specifically used to implement the NVLS algorithm), switch_num is the number of switches, link_num is the total number of connections, and gpu_type_str describes the type of GPU.

Abbreviation Description
node_num Total number of nodes
gpus_per_server Number of GPUs per server
nvswitch_num Number of NVSwitch nodes (for NVLS algorithm)
switch_num Number of switches
link_num Total number of connections
gpu_type_str Type of GPU


You can choose to customize any topo following the format shown above. Of course, we also provide a script to directly generate a topo for the HPN architecture.

python3 ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/topo/ -g 128 -gt A100 -bw 100Gbps -nvbw 2400Gbps
Parameter Description Default Value
-l --latency NIC latency 0.0005ms
-nl --nv_latency NV switch latency 0.000025ms
-bw --bandwidth NIC to ASW bandwidth 100Gbps
-apbw --ap_bandwidth ASW to PSW bandwidth 400Gbps
-nvbw --nvlink_bw NVLink bandwidth 1700Gbps
-er --error_rate Error rate 0
-g --gpu Number of GPUs 32
-gt --gpu_type GPU type H800
-gps --gpu_per_server GPUs per server 8
-psn --psw_switch_num Number of PSW switches 120
-nsps --nv_switch_per_server NV switch per server 1
--dp Enable dual plane, default single plane false
--st Enable DCN architecture, default HPN_7_0 false
--asn ASW number 8
--psn PSW number 120

If the number of GPUs exceeds the number of GPUs in a segment, you should set the number of asn. For example, if you want to generate 4096 GPUs, the number of asn should be 32.

python3 ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/topo/ -g 4096 -gt A100 -bw 100Gbps -nvbw 2400Gbps -asn 32

🖥️ SimAI-NS3 Simulation

$ AS_SEND_LAT=3 AS_NVLS_ENABLE=1 ./bin/SimAI_simulator -t 16 -w ./example/microAllReduce.txt -n  ./HPN_7_0_128_gpus_8_in_one_server_with_single_plane_100Gbps_A100  -c astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/config/SimAI.conf
Environment Variable Name Description Default Value
AS_PXN_ENABLE Enable PXN 0/1; default is false
AS_NVLS_ENABLE Enable NVLS 0/1; default is false
AS_SEND_LAT Set packet sending latency Default is 6, unit is us
Parameter Description Default Value
-t --thread Number of threads for multithreading acceleration Default is 1; if multithreading is enabled, control the number of threads between 8 and 16.
-w --workload Path to workload ./microAllReduce.txt
-n --network-topo Network topology path None



HYBRID_TRANSFORMER_FWD_IN_BCKWD model_parallel_NPU_group: 8 ep: 1 pp: 1 vpp: 8 ga: 1 all_gpus: 32 checkpoints: 0 checkpoint_initiates: 0
embedding_layer     -1 556000  ALLREDUCE   16777216      1       NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 
embedding_layer     -1 556000  ALLREDUCE   33554432      1       NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 
embedding_layer     -1 556000  ALLREDUCE   67108864      1       NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 
embedding_layer     -1 556000  ALLREDUCE   134217728      1       NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 
embedding_layer     -1 556000  ALLREDUCE   268435456      1       NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 
embedding_layer     -1 556000  ALLREDUCE   536870912      1       NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 

NVLS topo file && RUN

cd SimAI
./scripts/ -c ns3
python3 ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/topo/ -g 32 -gt H800 -bw 400Gbps -nvbw 1360Gbps
AS_SEND_LAT=12 AS_NVLS_ENABLE=1 ./bin/SimAI_simulator -t 8 -w ./example/microAllReduce.txt -n HPN_7_0_32_gpus_8_in_one_server_with_single_plane_400Gbps_H800 -c ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/config/SimAI.conf

RING topo file && RUN

python3 ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/topo/ -g 32 -gt H800 -bw 400Gbps -nvbw 1440Gbps
AS_SEND_LAT=2 AS_PXN_ENABLE=1 ./bin/SimAI_simulator -t 8 -w ./example/microAllReduce.txt -n ./HPN_7_0_32_gpus_8_in_one_server_with_single_plane_400Gbps_H800 -c ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/config/SimAI.conf


msg size NVLS RING
16M 148.88 141.84
32M 178.04 153.68
64M 197.38 160.60
128M 208.70 163.85
256M 214.87 165.72
512M 218.09 166.68
1G 219.73 167.16
2G 220.57 167.40

HPN 7.0 architecture VS DCN+ architecture


HYBRID_TRANSFORMER_FWD_IN_BCKWD model_parallel_NPU_group: 8 ep: 1 pp: 1 vpp: 8 ga: 1 all_gpus: 256 checkpoints: 0 checkpoint_initiates: 0
embedding_layer     -1 556000         NONE 0        1      NONE   0      1 ALLREDUCE   536870912      1

Network Topofile

# DCN+ topofile
python3 ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/topo/ -g 256 -gt H800 -bw 400Gbps -nvbw 1440Gbps -asn 2 --st
# HPN7.0 topofile
python3 ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/topo/ -g 256 -gt H800 -bw 400Gbps -nvbw 1440Gbps


# DCN+ run command
AS_SEND_LAT=2 ./bin/SimAI_simulator -t 8 -w ./example/microAllReduce.txt -n ./DCN_256_gpus_8_in_one_server_with_single_plane_400Gbps_H800 -c ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/config/SimAI.conf
# HPN7.0 run command
AS_SEND_LAT=2 ./bin/SimAI_simulator -t 8 -w ./example/microAllReduce.txt -n ./HPN_7_0_256_gpus_8_in_one_server_with_single_plane_400Gbps_H800 -c ./astra-sim-alibabacloud/inputs/config/SimAI.conf
msg size HPN 7.0 DCN
16M 33.09 28.48
32M 38.57 33.80
64M 42.05 37.23
128M 44.04 38.39
256M 45.10 32.033
512M 45.67 38.37

SimAI-Physical Usage

The current simulator is compatible with the ns3 discrete event simulator as the network backend, as well as the physical network backend for physical packet injection.


SimAI-Phy currently uses the roceV2 protocol for traffic generation. The compilation process requires dependencies on libverbs related to the RDMA physical device, as well as the MPI program. Before compilation, please verify that your environment can successfully run the basic RDMA perfetest traffic generation tool and that it supports the related MPI program.

# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd ./SimAI/

# Clone submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
# Make sure to use the newest commit
$ git submodule update --remote

# Compile SimAI-Analytical
$ ./scripts/ -c analytical

# Compile SimAI-Simulation (ns3)
$ ./scripts/ -c ns3

# Compile SimAI-phynet (phynet)
$ sudo yum install openmpi openmpi-devel
$ export MPI_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64/ 
$ export MPI_BIN_PATH=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpic++	
$ ./scripts/ -c Phy

Workload Generate

The workload required for SimAI-Phy physical traffic generation is the same as that for Sim-Simulation, and it is generated through AICB.

Example workload

HYBRID_TRANSFORMER_FWD_IN_BCKWD model_parallel_NPU_group: 2 ep: 1 pp: 1 vpp: 8 ga: 1 all_gpus: 2 checkpoints: 0 checkpoint_initiates: 0
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100
mlp_norm    	    -1	1055000	 ALLGATHER	  1073741824	1055000	      NONE	         0	1055000	      NONE	         0	       100

Prepare the hostlist

Here the main task is to prepare the iplist required to start the MPI program, which is different from nccl-test. The number of IPs here should match the actual number of network cards involved in the physical traffic generation, rather than the number of nodes participating in the physical traffic generation.



/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 2 -host, --allow-run-as-root -x AS_LOG_LEVEL=0  ./bin/SimAI_phynet ./hostlist -g 2 -w ./example/microAllReduce.txt

The following output indicates that the program has finished running.


Setting of MPI program parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
-np The number of processes. NULL
-host IP list NULL
--allow-run-as-root Allow MPI programs to run with root privileges. FALSE

Setting of SimAI-phynet parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
hostlist Host IP list NULL
-w --workload Path to workload ./microAllReduce.txt
-i --gid_index Network topology path 0
-g --gpus Number of GPUs 8 (should be consistent with the number of IPs in the host IP list)