All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[WIT-1022] Quartz based embedded workload scheduler
Implemented a simple embedded scheduler based on Quartz. Required as input a Job (in the example we provide a Job that calls the Livy API, but any Job that extends is accepted), its name and the name of the group in which it is saved. Optionally also the field for scheduling. The scheduler allows to:
- create new quartz jobs
- associate triggers with jobs with a cronexpression that indicates how often to execute them
- verify the existence of a quartz job
- delete quartz jobs
Closes WIT-1022
[WIT-963] CDP Private Spark SP HLD
HLD for CDP private created
Closes WIT-963
[WIT-1172] CDE Services and Clusters are not filtered by status in CDP Spark SP
Now the provisioner works only with CDE service and cluster in running state.
Created more specific errors based on the status of CDE Services and Virtual Clusters.
The unprovisioning request succeeds even if service or cluster is not active indicating the message "Unprovision skipped".
Closes WIT-1172
Resolve WIT-801 "Helm chart for cdp spark sp"
This MR adds:
- docker image creation: the build stage of the CI is modified to publish to the docker registry
- helm chart for k8s deployment
[WIT-364] CDP specific provisioner for Spark CDE cleanup and refactoring"
Closes WIT-364