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Vagrant config to create a virtualized Storm cluster

Forked from


Warning, this script may alter files on the host OS !

storm-starter.jar is an altered version of storm starter which writes to a cassandra cluster. It expects the cluster to be at See:

for a vagrant cassandra provisioner.

If you include a Libs directory then any jar files in there will be added to the storm libs directory

The topology jar file, storm-starter.jar is exported from this cut down storm starter project:

To run the topology, vagrant ssh to storm1 or storm2 and run the storm jar command:

/usr/share/storm/bin/storm jar /vagrant/storm-starter.jar storm.starter.ExclamationTopology TopologyName

Where TopologyName is the name you want to call this instance

Watch the Vagrantfile for the versions of Storm and the Cassandra drivers that are downloaded.

change server_count value if you want a different number of supervisor nodes (4 is the number in this Vagrant file)

(Note: I'm sure this can be done more effectively, but it works for me !)

/* keyspace for the stormsync
CREATE KEYSPACE keyspace2 WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}; use keyspace2;

CREATE TABLE StormSync ( minute varchar, processtime varchar, interaction_time timeuuid, Value varchar, SaverId varChar, host varchar, PRIMARY KEY (minute,interaction_time) ) with CLUSTERING ORDER BY (interaction_time DESC);

NOTE: If you see a lot of this sort of error:

b.s.d.supervisor [INFO] 59012fc4-f123-49f7-951a-12fff29ab328 still hasn't started

check your jar file names in the Libs directory. If a file has a space character it will cause the cluster version to fail start.