% MINITALK(1) Minitalk User Manual | Minitalk 0.3.1 % Andrew Benson % May 2023
minitalk - small, simple chat system
minitalk FILE [NICK]
FILE ~ File to use as "room". Must have read/write permissions.
NICK ~ Specify nick to use. Default is current username. Must be 1-15 characters in length, and must only contain numbers and letters.
Join a room controlled via /var/chat/general.
$ minitalk /var/chat/general
The same, but specifying the username "admin".
$ minitalk /var/chat/general admin
The primary issue is a security concern. Anyone that needs to chat in the "room" has to be able to write to the control file. Anyone that needs read from the room needs read access. Anyone that has access to these "control" files can also inject anything they want into the chat. This truly is built on the honor system, and was designed around a single purpose: multi-user chat between trusted users on a single host.
Don't expect this to be secure.
Andrew Benson.
Copyright © 2023 Andrew Benson. License: MIT