The labs in this section cover programming with C and C++ language. So the installation of an appropriate compiler is required. We use the gcc
and g++
compilers here. | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Input Operations |
2 | Calculator |
3 | Conditional Statements |
4 | Remainder |
5 | Chocolates |
6 | Increment Operator |
7 | Type Casting |
8 | Salary |
9 | Even Numbers |
10 | Conditional - If Else |
11 | Conditional - Switch Case | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Palindrome Number |
2 | Highest Common Factor - I |
3 | Pattern |
4 | Multiplication Tables |
5 | Highest Common Factor - II |
3. C - Matrices | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Array Sum |
2 | Matrix Sum |
3 | Second Largest Number in Matrix |
4 | Matrix Arithmetic |
5 | Diagonal Matrix |
4. C - Strings | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Letter Frequency |
2 | String Concatenation |
3 | String Input - I |
4 | String Input - II |
5 | String Length |
6 | String Functions |
7 | Frequency |
8 | Palindrome |
9 | Capitalized Words |
10 | Shift Characters | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Function Call by Value |
2 | Function Call by Reference |
3 | Global Variables |
4 | Fibonacci Series |
5 | Number Reverse |
6 | Factorial with Functions |
7 | Factorial with Recursion |
8 | Fibonacci Sum |
9 | Addition |
10 | Addition with Pointers |
11 | Array Conditional Increment |
12 | Modify Matrix |
13 | Predefining Functions | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Pointers |
2 | Student Structure - I |
3 | Student Structure - II |
4 | Student Structure - III |
5 | Time | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Electricity Bill |
2 | Calloc Sample |
3 | Malloc Sample |
4 | Realloc Sample |
8. C - Macros | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Single Line Macros |
2 | Multi-line Macros |
3 | Macros for addition | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Input / Output Operations |
2 | Functions |
3 | Functions with Optional Parameters |
4 | Factorial Recursion |
5 | Factorial |
10. C++ - Exceptions | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Division by Zero Error |
2 | Exception |
3 | Catch Multiple Exceptions |
4 | Catch Generic Exception | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Addition - I |
2 | Addition - II |
3 | Variable Scope |
4 | Employee Class | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Bill Generation - I |
2 | Bill Generation - II | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Initialization |
2 | Array Declaration |
3 | Constructor |
4 | Parameterized Constructor |
5 | Destructors |
6 | Static Variables |
7 | Variable Scope | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Car |
2 | Person |
3 | Icecream | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Numbers - I |
2 | Numbers - II | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Addition Function Overloading |
2 | Area Calculation | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Operator Overloading |
2 | Multiple Operator Overloading |
3 | Time |
4 | Distance |
5 | New and Delete | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Inherritance |
2 | Student |
3 | Shapes |
4 | Employee | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | GATE Score |
2 | Employee Salary | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Shapes - I |
2 | Shapes - II | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Weapon |
2 | Job Schedule | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Printing |
2 | Swapping - I |
3 | Multiplication |
4 | Stack |
5 | Swapping - II |
23. C++ - Vectors | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Parsing |
2 | Vectors |
24. C++ - List | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Lists | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Multimap - I |
2 | Multimap - II |
3 | Sets |
26. C++ - Files | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Hello |
2 | Test |
3 | Vowels |
27. C++ - Streams | Name of the Experiment |
1 | File Position |
2 | Student |
3 | Even Odd | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Count Vowels in lower case |
2 | Count Vowels in Any case |
3 | Lists |
4 | List Operation |
5 | Conditional Statements |
6 | Words | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Matrix |
2 | Matrix Addition |
3 | Matrix Addition - Mini |
30. Python - Loops | Name of the Experiment |
1 | String Palindrome Check |
2 | Word with maximum vowels |
3 | Frequency of Elements in a List |
4 | Weighted Vowels |
5 | Sets |
6 | Above Average Numbers | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Addition |
2 | Rotate Prime |
3 | Rotate Factor Sum |
4 | Global Scope |
5 | Return Objects |
6 | Triangle |
7 | Default parameters |
8 | Global Variable |
9 | Miscellaneous Arguments | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Factorial |
2 | Reverse String | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Bubble Sort |
2 | Selection Sort |
3 | Insertion Sort |
4 | Sequential Search |
5 | Binary Search |
34. Python - Files | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Average - Part I |
2 | Average - Part II |
3 | Sum and Product |
35. C - Libraries | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Square Root |
2 | Digits Count |
3 | Mean Adjusted Array | | Name of the Experiment |
1 | Payslip |
2 | ATM |
3 | BMI |
4 | Houseflies |
5 | Roman Number |
6 | Piggybank |