CROWN-Reach is a new open-source tool for reachability analysis of neural network control systems developed at UIUC. It aims to strengthen and extend the successful α-β-CROWN neural network verifier to the setting of neural network controller verification. CROWN-Reach consists of four main components: bound-propagation for efficient analysis of neural network controllers, Taylor model for plant analysis, branch-and-bound to refine the reachable set, and a sampling-based falsifier. For the analysis of neural network controllers, we use linear relaxation based perturbation analysis (LiRPA) methods such as CROWN and α-CROWN with extensions to cooperate with Taylor Model flowpipe computation.
Our tool is based on the auto_LiRPA library, which can automatically compute linear functional over-approximations for neural networks with various activation functions, including ReLU, tanh, and sigmoid, as well as neural networks with general architectures (e.g., residual blocks and custom operators). We use the Flow* library for analyzing the plant with continuous dynamics using Taylor models, and these Taylor models are symbolically combined with the linear bounds from CROWN to form the reachable set of the entire system. The branch-and-bound refinement process splits the input state space and utilizes parallelization (including both GPU and CPU) to achieve quick and precise analysis. The bound propagation process can be accelerated on GPUs and can scale to very large networks, while the computation of Taylor models is executed on CPUs using multi-threading. A paper describing the algorithm details of CROWN-Reach is currently being prepared.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
# libraries for Flow*
sudo apt-get install m4 libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libmpfr-doc libgsl-dev gsl-bin bison flex libglpk-dev
# libraries for rpc
sudo apt-get install libjsoncpp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjsonrpccpp-dev libjsonrpccpp-tools
# library for multi-thread
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
# libraries for yamlcpp
sudo apt-get install -y libyaml-cpp-dev
Clone Flow* to ./CROWN-Reach/flowstar
and compile.
git clone ./CROWN-Reach/flowstar
cd ./CROWN-Reach/flowstar/flowstar-toolbox
Clone auto_LiRPA to ./CROWN-Reach/auto_LiRPA
Setup the Conda environment:
# Remove the old environment, if necessary.
conda deactivate; conda env remove --name CROWN_Reach
# install all dependents into the CROWN_Reach environment
conda env create -f environment.yaml --name CROWN_Reach
# activate the environment
conda activate CROWN_Reach
Under the src folder, run make
to compile the C++ scripts.
All parameters for the tool are define in a yaml
config file. You can find explanations for all parameters in this example config file. We also provide example config files for running benchmark systems from ARCH-COMP2024. For example, to run reachability analysis on a TORA benchmark, you can run:
conda activate CROWN_Reach
cd src
python configs/tora_sigmoid.yaml
You can run our tool on the ARCH-COMP benchmarks with
cd submit
The verifier will run using Docker, and the results will be saved at ./submit/results/results.csv