Properties are optional unless they are in bold.
Property | Explanation |
tableId | id-property of the <table> tag |
title | Table title |
featureName | Describes the feature in the Excel filename: "oodikone*{featureName}*{timeStamp}.xlsx". Defaults to "export" |
data | Array of data items |
columns | Array of columns, see fields of columns below |
onlyExportColumns | Array of columns, never shown but always added to export as the first columns |
singleLine | default true, set to false to allow line wrapping (may make lines different size) |
stretch | sets table's css width to 100% |
actions | JSX to add in the top right corner of the table, for example buttons |
hideHeaderBar | Hides the header bar that has a table icon, title, fullscreen button and menu/buttons |
style | css style object of the whole table |
striped | The style where every other row is grey. Boolean, default is true. |
firstColumnSticky | Boolean, default is false. If true, the first column is sticky |
defaultSort | [columnkey, order] of default sort column and order. For example ['name', 'desc'] |
toggleGroupExpansion | Function which is called when group of rows is collapsed or expanded |
expandedGroups | Array (or set?) of keys of rows are supposed to be expanded. These two are used only in population of courses |
maxHeight | Overwrite the maximum height. Defaults to 80vh if not set. |
useFilteredDataOnExport | If true, uses filtered data (the data that's shown after applying all the selected filters) on exports. Defaults to true. |
handleDisplayedDataChange | A function that is called with the displayed data when it changes. Can be used to update the state in the parent component. |
Properties of objects in columns-prop array
Property | Explanation |
key | Column key, unique |
title | Column header title (<th> ). Can be either string or JSX. For string title, newlines are replaced by space for export. |
textTitle | Required for excel, if title is JSX. Set to null to exclude a parent header from export |
headerProps | These are internally given to header as: <th> {...headerProps}> |
sortable | Set to false if you want to disable column sorting. If multiple columns merged, set it to all |
filterable | Same as sortable but for filter |
forceToolsMode | Forces the filter and sort tools in header to either 'dangling', 'floating' or 'fixed' |
helpText | If defined, shows question mark in header, which displays the helpText on hover |
thickBorders | If true, adds thicker border to right side of column |
export | Set to false to omit this AND children from excel export. Notice: To only hide parent header, use textTitle: null |
children | Column objects. If this is defined, the column object is only a header, and you should only use cell value getters (getRowVal etc) in columns where children is undefined. |
displayColumn | Set to false to hide whole column. Does not affect exporting |
vertical | If true, header is vertical |
noHeader | Just removes header, I think (not sure of the point of this, since you can just omit title) |
Properties that set cell content or options. Can receive either a value, or a function that takes data item as an argument, and returns value for specific row (for example student => student.studentNumber)
Property | Explanation |
cellProps | Given to each cell like <td {...cellProps}>. Use for style, hover title, etc. |
cellStyle | Basically shorthand for cellProps: { style: ... } |
filterType | Options are 'date', 'range' and 'multi' (or default if left empty). Check the filters folder for examples and documentation (at least multiSelectFilter.jsx has a good description how it works) |
getRowVal | Get single cell value. This will be used for sorting and filtering, and displayed unless overridden. |
getRowContent | Single cell JSX: Overrides getRowVal for value to display, but does not affect excel |
getRowExportVal | Overrides getRowVal for excel |
formatValue | Same as getRowContent, but avoids recalculating value already calculated in getRowVal. Gets one argument which is the return of getRowVal. |
Single rows can ignore filters or sorting by row options.
To do this, import row-function from SortableTable-folder, and create data row with it (instead of just value as normally). For example, data can be set like this to have a totals-row on the top:
[row(totals, { ignoreFilters: true, ignoreSorting: true }), ...students]