Account data storage:
An accounts data storage is a storage, associated with an account, of data records.
Each account has a single account data storage.
The size of an accounts data storage is unlimited.
An account data storage record:
An account data storage record is a data record that has a key-value format.
The key is a unique string.
The value is the data of one of the types:
array of bytes
Adding records:
Records are added to an account data storage using a data transaction or an invoke script transaction.
The maximum size of a single record is 32 kilobytes for data transaction and 5 kilobytes for invoke script transaction.
Editing records:
The value of a record can be rewritten using a data transaction or an invoke script transaction.
The key of a record cannot be rewritten.
Deleting records:
From version 1.2.0, it is possible to delete account data storage records. This functionality becomes available after activation of feature #15 “Ride V4, VRF, Protobuf, Failed transactions” on the node.
Deleting records is implemented by
data transaction
DeleteEntry structure
Deleting a record is performed by key.