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Virtual Account(ATM) with TapPay


  1. 請使用 Web SDk v5.19.1 以上版本使用 Virtual Account(ATM), 舊版本不支援 Virtual Account(ATM)
  2. 請到 TapPay Portal 申請帳號,取得 APP_ID 和 APP_KEY


  1. 前端用 TPDirect.virtualAccount.getPrime() 拿到 Virtual Account(ATM) 專屬的 prime
  2. 前端把 prime 送到後端伺服器, 伺服器會回覆虛擬繳費帳號相關資訊


Step 1

首先我們要建立出付款頁面 index.html 並且在 <head></head> 中引入 SDK

<script src=""></script>

Step 2

初始化 TapPay SDK


Step 3

使用 TPDirect.virtualAccount.getPrime(callback) 去拿 prime

TPDirect.virtualAccount.getPrime(function(result) {
    // code

result 的資料格式為

名稱 型別 內容
status Int 錯誤代碼,0 為成功
msg String 錯誤訊息
prime String prime 字串 va_
clientip String 交易者的 IP 位置

完整 index.html 頁面

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Virtual Account(ATM) Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
        TPDirect.setupSDK(11327, 'app_whdEWBH8e8Lzy4N6BysVRRMILYORF6UxXbiOFsICkz0J9j1C0JUlCHv1tVJC', 'sandbox')

<div class="payment-view ui grid centered stackable doubling">
    <div class="row"></div>
    <div class="ten wide column ">
        <div class="ui center aligned segment">
            <h2>Virtual Account(ATM) Test</h2>
            <button id='sendButton' class="ui button">Pay with Virtual Account(ATM)</button>
        <div class="ui segment">
            <pre id="result1" class="ui info message" style="overflow-x: auto"></pre>
        <div class="ui segment">
                <pre id="curl" class="ui info message" style="overflow-x: auto">
    // 還未付款的頁面 index.html
    // 需要把 prime 送到伺服器
    var sendButton = document.getElementById("sendButton")
    $('button#sendButton').click(function() {
        // callback style
        TPDirect.virtualAccount.getPrime(function (error, result) {
            // result 就是 get prime 拿到的結果
            document.querySelector('#result1').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)
            // 拿到 get prime 結果後就需要往後端伺服器送
            var command = `Use following command to send to server \n\n
curl -X POST \\
-H 'content-type: application/json' \\
-H 'x-api-key: partner_6ID1DoDlaPrfHw6HBZsULfTYtDmWs0q0ZZGKMBpp4YICWBxgK97eK3RM' \\
-d '{
    "partner_key": "partner_6ID1DoDlaPrfHw6HBZsULfTYtDmWs0q0ZZGKMBpp4YICWBxgK97eK3RM",
    "prime": "${}",
    "amount": "16",
    "merchant_id": "GlobalTesting_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT",
    "details": "Some item",
    "cardholder": {
        "phone_number": "+886923456789",
        "name": "王小明",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "zip_code": "100",
        "address": "台北市天龍區芝麻街1號1樓",
        "national_id": "A190902632",
        "member_id": "0123498765"
    "result_url": {
    "result_url": {
        "frontend_redirect_url": "",
        "backend_notify_url": ""

        // promise style
//         TPDirect.virtualAccount.getPrime().then(function (result) {
//             // result 就是 get prime 拿到的結果
//             document.querySelector('#result1').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)
//             // 拿到 get prime 結果後就需要往後端伺服器送
// var command = `Use following command to send to server \n\n
// curl -X POST \\
// -H 'content-type: application/json' \\
// -H 'x-api-key: partner_6ID1DoDlaPrfHw6HBZsULfTYtDmWs0q0ZZGKMBpp4YICWBxgK97eK3RM' \\
// -d '{
//     "partner_key": "partner_6ID1DoDlaPrfHw6HBZsULfTYtDmWs0q0ZZGKMBpp4YICWBxgK97eK3RM",
//     "prime": "${}",
//     "amount": "16",
//     "merchant_id": "GlobalTesting_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT",
//     "details": "Some item",
//     "cardholder": {
//         "phone_number": "+886923456789",
//         "name": "王小明",
//         "email": "[email protected]",
//         "zip_code": "100",
//         "address": "台北市天龍區芝麻街1號1樓",
//         "national_id": "A190902632",
//         "member_id": "0123498765"
//     },
//     "result_url": {
//         "frontend_redirect_url": "",
//         "backend_notify_url": ""
//     }
// }'`
//             $("#curl").html(command)
//         })