Merge, flatten, expand, search in, fetch from, remove from, put in and work with objects easily.
Makes working with javascript objects really easy, in both the browser and on the server.
This library does not attempt to filter out any input and expects you to do so yourself as required by your project. One of the things you can do with Homefront is store prototype values. This means that you shouldn't (unless intended) accept user input directly.
As an example, this is a perfectly fine payload to use in expand (thanks to Snyk for contacting me about this) but will set polluted
on the Object prototype:
{ '__proto__.polluted': true }
npm i --save homefront
npm test
Usage is pretty straight forward.
let Homefront = require('homefront').Homefront;
let homefront = new Homefront(data, Homefront.MODE_NESTED);
// Put a value.
homefront.put('me', 'down');
// Fetch a value.
homefront.fetch('me', 'default value');
// Remove a value.
// Use dot-notation for nested objects.
homefront.put('user.profile.username', 'Frank');
homefront.fetchOrPut('user.profile.username', 'Francis');
// Merge new data into your object
homefront.merge({override: 'something'}, {and: {add: {something: 'else'}}});
// And the same again, but with nested keys!
{'': 'right?', 'you.are.wrong': 'It is'},
{mind: 'blown'},
new Homefront({andThis: 'also works'})
// And, sorry, the same again, but static.
Homefront.merge({foo: 'bar'}, {bat: 'baz'});
// And sort of the same, apply defaults.
homefront.defaults('you.are', {
wrong : 'never set, because it already exists',
right : 'applied because non-existent',
nested: {also: 'works'}
// Flatten object (nested objects to dot-notation keys):
// Expand object (dot-notation keys to nested objects):
// Helpers
// Constants
let expand = require('homefront').expand;
let data = {'my.nested.key': 'value', 'my.nested.other': 'value'};
let expanded = expand(data); // => {my: {nested: {key: 'value', other: 'value'}}}
Returns a flattened object, with all nested keys dot separated.
let flatten = require('homefront').flatten;
let data = {foo:{bar:{bat:'baz'}}};
let flattened = flatten(data); // => {'': 'baz'}
For this code to work in the browser, there's an extra transpile step included. Running this is as easy as executing the following command:
npm run build
The built code will appear in the dist directory.
Since the last major version bump, method .defaults()
has been renamed to .applyDefaults()
as defaults cause exceptions on some browser. It shadows the name of a strict-mode function.