A Collection of major Jetpack compose UI components which are commonly used.
Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs.
In this repository, there are number of UI components demonstrated which can be useful in regular development through Jetpack Compose.
UI Components - Contains App Bar, Bottom Navigation, Button, Checkbox, Dialog, Dropdown, FAB, Modal Drawer, Bottom Drawer, Radio Button, Slider, Text, TextField, Theme, ZoomView, MagnifierView, TabBar, DatePicker, TimePicker, ImagePicker, ParallaxEffect, Compose viewXml and XML views in Compose examples.
List - Contains LazyRow/Column, LazyVerticalGrid and Advance List examples.
Pull To refresh - Contains Simple Pull To Refresh, Custom Background Pull To Refresh and Custom View Pull To Refresh examples.
Swipe To Delete - Contains Swipe from Left, Swipe from Right and Swipe from Both examples.
Constraint Layout - Contains Barrier, Chain and Guideline examples.
Animation - Contains Basic Animation, Content Animation, Gesture Animation, Infinite Animation, Shimmer Animation and TabBar Animation examples.
Sample Instagram UI - Contains a sample UI for Instagram Clone App created using Jetpack Compose.
Canvas - Contains Shapes, Text and Image, Paths, Path Operations, Draw Scope Helpers, Canvas + Touch and Blend Modes examples.
Google Maps - Contains Basic Map, Markers, Polyline, Polygon, Circle, Ground Overlay, Compose Map In XML etc. examples.
ViewPager - Contains Horizontal Pager, Horizontal Pager with Tabs, Horizontal Pager with Indicator, Vertical Pager with Indicator, Pager with Zoom-in Transformation, Pager with Fling Behavior and Add/Remove Pager examples.
- Latest Stable Android Studio
- Google Maps Key - Learn how to create and use API key for Maps SDK integration.
- Setup Google Maps API Key
- SSJetPackComposeProgressButton : SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations which makes your app attractive.
- SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView : SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView is a small library which provides support for the swipeable views. You can use this in your lazyColumns or can add a simple view which contains swipe to edit/delete functionality.
- SSComposeOTPPinView : A custom OTP view to enter a code usually used in authentication. It includes different types of OTPViews which is easy to use and configure your own view and character of OTP using all the attributes.
- SSCompose-CustomInfoBar : This Jetpack Compose library offers a powerful and customizable way to display informative messages within your app.
- SSCompose-FurniCraftAR : This demo is created using Jetpack compose and Google Filament and ARCore for seamless 3D model rendering in AR view. In which users can browse a list of furniture products, select a product to view in AR, customize the color of the model, capture the AR scene with the placed furniture model, and share it with others.
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Nikunj Buddhadev |
Mohammed Hanif |
Shweta Chauhan |
Mehul Kabaria |
Ronak Ukani |
Payal Rajput |
Krupa Parekh |
Priyal Parmar |
Yashwant Gowla |
Priyank Jain |
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.