There are several places you can get help or ask questions about SWI-Prolog or Prolog programming in general.
- The list of [[frequently asked questions][</FAQ/>]]
- [SWI-Prolog Discourse forum](
(best place to get answered for SWI-Prolog specific questions)
- StackOverflow questions with these tags:
(best place for issues with class room exercises that are not
SWI-Prolog specific)
- The Prolog IRC channel ##prolog has moved to (server
- [SWI-Prolog issue tracker at GitHub](
(See [reporting a bug](<bug.html>) for guidelines about reporting
a bug)
It usually takes about one day for a volunteer to reply to your question. We appreciate your patience.
The forum and mailing list for SWI-Prolog is kindly hosted by Discourse. This list is used for announcements as well as questions and discussion among users. On average, traffic is 5-10 messages per day. Details:
The forum can be viewed here
It provides local accounts and login with GitHub. Other login with options will follow.
Please read this topic if you want to access the forum primarily through email.
Before moving to Discourse (Feb 4, 2018), SWI-Prolog discussion was hosted as a Google group.
Before being moved to a Google group (May 1, 2014), the mailing list was kindly hosted by the University of Bonn. The archives of this list are still available here.
Tip: include =SWIPL= to search the mailinglist archives.
* [[mailinglist for CHR][<chr_mail:>]]
* [[mailinglist for ClioPatria][]]
- The newsgroup
(see also its [Google Groups archive](!forum/comp.lang.prolog))