Error messages come from 3 different origins:
- The sign service and integration API. These are in English, and they are relayed directly to the user when they happen, and shown in the box representing the documents presenting a problem. There is no list of them at this point.
- The backend. These are translated, listed below.
- The frontend: Translated, listed below.
1.1. This message is displayed in the notifications area when there is an unexpected bug, a problem that cannot be solved by the user. Its display should coincide with log entries with the specifics of the problem.
There was an error. Please try again, or contact the site administrator.
Ett problem uppstod. Var god försök igen eller kontakta administratör
1.2. Message shown to users who try to use the app and are not whitelisted:
Ej behörig
1.3. This appears when a user has been invited to sign a document with a LoA requirement, and they don't provide it (this is checked via the SAML eduPersonAssurance attribute during ligin). It is shown in the box corresponding to the invitation.
You do not have the required level of assurance on your identity, please make sure to
provide level %(level)s
Du har inte tillräckligt hög tillitsnivå på din identitet, var vänlig höj den till
nivå %(level)s
1.4. This appears when the IdP the user has used does not release the needed attributes. It is shown as an error page with a title and a description:
Missing information
Your organization did not provide the correct information during login.
Please contact your IT-support for assistance."
Saknad information
Din organisation skickade inte rätt information vid inloggning till
tjänsten. Kontakta din IT-avdelning för att avhjälpa problemet.
1.5. This is displayed when the user has not added a displayName to their account at their IdP. It is shown as an error page with a title and a description:
Missing displayName
Your should add your name to your account at your organization. Please
contact your IT-support for assistance.
Saknar displayName
Du bör lägga till ditt namn på ditt konto i din organisation. Kontakta
din IT-avdelning för att avhjälpa problemet.
1.6. This is shown in the notifications area when the backend receives a document that is neither a PDF or XML. This should be prevented by the frontend and thus should not happen.
There was an error signing docs: unsupported MIME type.
Ett fel uppstod vid signering: inte stöd för MIME typ.
1.7. This is shown in the notifications area when a user tries to sign a document and the signservice integration API return an error.
Problem preparing document for signing. Please try again, or contact the
site administrator.
Ett problem uppstod att ladda dokumentet. Var god försök igen eller
kontakta administratör.
1.8. This is shown in the notifications area when a user tries to create an invitation to sign and there is some error adding it to the invitations database.
Problem creating invitation to sign, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att skapa inbjudan att signera, var god försök igen
1.9. This is shown in the notifications area when a user tries to create an invitation, and the invitation is created but there is some problem sending the invitation emails.
There was a problem and the invitation email(s) were not sent
Ett problem uppstod och inbjudningarna att signera skickades inte iväg
1.10. Message shown in the notifications area when the user is trying to send a reminder email for an invitation and there are problems sending the email.
Problem sending the email, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att meddelandet, var god försök igen
1.11. Message displayed in the notifications area when a user tries to sign an invitation, and there is another invited user signing the same document at the same time.
Document is being signed by another user, please try again in a few
Dokumentet håller på att signeras av en annan person, försök igen om
någon minut.
1.12. When a user tries to sign a document with a required LoA and they don't provide it. This should not happen, the UI should not allow the user to start signing if they don't provide the reduired LoA.
Could not provide the requested level of assurance.
Kunde inte tillhandahålla den begärda tillitsnivån.
1.13. This is shown in the notifications area when a user tries to edit an invitation to sign and there is some problem with the new data.
Problem editing the invitations
Problem med att redigera inbjudningarna
1.14. When a user edits an invitation to sign, it may be necessary to send various invitation and cancellation emails, for users that have been added or removed from the invitation. If some of this mailing fails, the user editing the invitation is shown this message in the notifications area.
Some users may not have been notified of the changes for '%(docname)s'
Vissa mottagare kanske inte blev notifierade gällande ändringarna för '%(docname)s'
1.15. When a user tries to cancel an invitation they had made, and there is an error and it isn't removed, they are shown this message in the notifications area.
Problem removing the invitation, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att ta bort inbjudan, var god försök igen
1.16. When a user tries to cancel an invitation they have made, and there is some problem mailing the invitees of the cancellation, the user trying to cancel is shown this message in the notifications area.
Some users may have not been informed of the cancellation
Vissa mottagare kanske inte blev notifierade gällande annuleringen
1.17. When a user tries to preview a document they have been invited to sign, and the document is not found in the backend, they are shown this message in the notifications area.
Cannot find the document being signed
Går inte att hitta dokumentet som skall signeras
1.18. When a user has been invited to sign a document, and tries to decline the invitation, but there is a problem and the declination is not persisted, they are shown this mesage in the notifications area.
Problem declining signature, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att neka signering, var god försök igen
1.19. When a user tries to fill in a PDF form, previous to adding signatures to it, and the process fails, they are shown this in the notifications area.
Problem filling in form in PDF, please try again
Problem med att fylla i formuläret i PDF, försök igen
1.20. When a user tries to edit an invitation they have made, and one of the invitees is signing the invitation in that same moment, the user trying to edit the invitation is shown this in the notifications area.
The document is being signed by an invitee, please try again in a few
Dokumentet håller på att signeras av en annan person, försök igen om
någon minut.
1.21. These should never be seen, and correspond to impossible data while processing an invitation (e.g., the user sees an invitation in their UI but when they try to sign it, there is no invitation in the backend). If shown, they would appear in the notifications area.
There doesn't seem to be an invitation for you to sign "%(docname)s".
Det verkar inte finnas någon inbjudan till dig att signera
The email %(email)s invited to sign "%(docname)s" does not coincide
with yours.
E-posten %(email)s att signera "%(docname)s" stämmer inte överens med
2.1. When there is an unidentified error loading a document, this error is shown in the notifications area.
Error loading {document_name}
Fel vid laddning {document_name}
2.2. In the same case as for 2.6, this is shown on the box representing the document that failed to load.
Document could not be loaded
Dokumentet kunde inte laddas
2.3. When a user tries to load a document that is neither PDF nor XML, this message is shown in the notifications area.
Not a PDF or XML document: {document_name}
Inte en PDF av XML-dokument: {document_name}
2.4. When a user tries to load a document with the same name as another document already loaded, the document will not load, and this message will be displayed in the notifications area.
A document with that name has already been loaded
Ett dokument med det namnet har redan laddats
2.5. When the document has failed to load for any reason, the contextual help on the box representing the invitation shows this (title and text).
Failed loading document
This does not seem to be a valid document
Det gick inte att ladda dokumentet
Detta verkar inte vara ett giltigt dokument
2.6. There are several ways in which documents are examined, and each may result in a different message shown in the box representing the document.
Malformed PDF
Felaktigt PDF
Document is too big (max size: {size})
Dokumentet är för stort (max storlek: {size})
Document is unreadable
Dokumentet är oläsligt
Document seems corrupted
Dokumentet verkar vara skadat
Please do not supply a password protected document
Använd inte lösenordsskyddat dokument
2.7. When a user tries to load a document, and there are problems storing them in the local browser db, this message is shown in the box representing the document.
Problem adding document, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att ladda dokumentet lokalt, var god försök igen
2.8. When a user tries to load a document, and there are problems storing them in the local browser db, this message is shown in the notifications area.
Problem adding documents, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att ladda dokumentet lokalt, var god försök igen
2.9. When a user tries to load a document, and there are problems after having sent them to the backend to be prepared for signing, this message is shown in the box representing the document.
Problem saving document in session
Problem med att spara dokument i sessionen
2.10. When a user tries to load a document, and there are problems after having sent them to the backend to be prepared for signing, this message is shown in the notifications area.
Problem saving document(s) in session. Please try again or contact the site
Problem med att spara dokument i sessionen
2.11. When tries to sign a document that exceeds the max allowed size, and the server responds with a "413 Content Too Large" response, this is shown in the box representing the document. This should not happen, since validation in the frontend should disallow the user from trying to sign.
Problem preparing document, it is too big
Problem att förbereda dokumentet, det är för stort
2.12. When the procedure to read the previous signatures of a document fails, this message is shown where the previous signatures would have been shown.
Unable to interpret document metadata
Kan inte tolka dokumentets metadata
2.13. When the API has failed to prepare a document for signing, for whatever reason, this message is shown in the box representing the document.
There was a problem preparing the document
Ett problem uppstod att ladda dokumentet.
2.14. When the API has failed to prepare a document for signing, for whatever reason, this message is shown in the notifications area.
Problem preparing document for signing. Please try again or contact the
site administration.
Ett problem uppstod att förbereda dokumentet för signering, var god försök igen
2.15. When the API has failed to prepare a document for signing, for whatever reason, the contextual help on the box representing the invitation shows this (title and text).
Failed preparing document
There was a problem preparing the document for signing, clik on the button
labelled "retry" to try again
Det gick inte att förbereda dokumentet
Ett problem uppstod när dokumentet skulle signeras. Klicka på knappen
"försök igen" för att försöka igen
2.16. When there was a problem signing the document, this message is shown in the box representing the document.
There was a problem signing the document
Det uppstod ett problem vid signering av dokumentet
2.17. When there was a problem signing the document, this message is shown in the notifications area.
Problem getting signed documents, please try again later
Problem med att få signerade dokument, var god försök igen
2.18. When there was a problem signing the document, the contextual help on the box representing the invitation shows this (title and text).
Failed signing document
There was a problem signing the document, to try again click on the
checkbox to the left and then on the button labelled "Sign selected
Det gick inte att signera dokumentet
Det uppstod ett problem vid signering av dokumentet. För att försöka igen,
klicka på kryssrutan till vänster och sedan på knappen märkt "Signera
valda dokument"
2.19. The invitation form will not validate if there are 2 invitees with the same email, and the field with the 2nd ocurrence will show this error message:
That email has already been invited
Det e-post har redan bjudits in
2.20. The invitation form will not validate if one of the invitees is the actual user who is making the invitation, showing this message in the form field with the email.
Do not invite yourself
Bjud inte in dig själv
2.21. There is a limit on the number of invitees for each invitation, imposed by the number of signatures that fit in the signatures page. If this number is exceeded, this message is shown over the extra invitee.
It is only possible to invite at most {max_signatures} people
Det är endast möjligt att bjuda in som mest {max_signatures} personer
2.22. When a user tries to send invitations to sign, and the process fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem sending invitations to sign, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att skicka inbjudan, var god försök igen
2.23. When a user tries to edit an invitation, the app tries to lock the invitation in the backend so that no one can sign it while it is being edited. If this process fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem opening edit form, please try again later
Problem att öppna formuläret, försök igen senare
2.24. When a user tries to edit an invitation they had made and the procedure fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem editing invitation to sign, please try again
Problem att uppdatera inbjudan att signera, var vänlig försök igen.
2.25. If a user edits an invitation they have made, and removes all pending invites, and no one has yet signed it, the document is restored to the user's "personal" documents. If this fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem restoring document, please load it again
Problem att ladda dokumentet, försök igen
2.26. When a user tries to remove an invitation they have made, anthe process fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem removing multi sign request, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att ta bort dokumentet, var god försök igen
2.27. When the user does not provide the required LoA for an invitation, the contextual help on the box representing the invitation shows this (title and text).
Insufficient security level
Your account does not provide the required security level. Please take the
steps to provide it.
Inte tillräckligt hög säkerhetsnivå
Ditt konto have inte tillräckligt hög säkerhetsnivå. Var vänlig höj
säkerhetsnivån på ditt konto.
2.28. When a user tries to preview a document that they have or have been invited to sign, and there is some problem fetching the document, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem fetching document from the backend, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att ladda dokumentet, var god försök igen
2.29. When a user tries to decline an invitation and the procedure fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem declining signature
Ett problem uppstod att neka signering
2.30. When a user tries to skip the final signature in an invitation they have made, and the process fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem skipping final signature, please try again
Ett problem uppstod att hoppa över slutgiltiga signeringen, var god försök igen
2.31. When a user tries to fill in a PDF form, and the process fails, this is shown in the notifications area.
Problem filling in PDF form, please try again
Problem med att fylla i PDF-formuläret, försök igen