This Portfolio website is entirely build using NextJs.
This app is deployed at
yarn install
yarn dev
This will start the dev server in port 3000
Add cloud server docker to local docker CLI using docker context.
start a ssh agend and add your ssh key for server
eval `ssh agent` ssh-add [ssh key file location]
Create docker context
docker context create portfolio-DO --description "This is my docker client for Digital Ocean docker client" --docker "host=ssh://root@[server-ip]"
Change the docker context to point to server
docker context use portfolio-DO
Accure a SSL certificate for HTTPS.
docker compose -f docker-compose.ssl.yml up --build
Then bring down the container once we accure the token
Start your web containers.
docker compose -f up --build
For auto renewal of the SSL certificate.
docker exec -it [nginx container id] bin/sh certbot renew --dry-run