- Improved stability with ssh connections again
- Improved stability with ssh connections
- Fixed bugs for create_target command
- Fixed some typos
- Added correct license file
- Improved setup (Only Python3 is allowed)
- Improved feature to read from config file for gvm-cli
- Added feature to read from config file for gvm-pyshell
- Added feature to disable timeout on sockets for all clients
- Added new script to delete overrides by filter
- Removed requirement for username in gvm-cli
- Minor code improvement
- Fixed hgignore file (Ignored important file)
- Fixed choice decision for the connectiontype
- Fixed quote bug in gvm_connection.py
- Changed quit function to sys.exit of non interactively used python files (f.e. scripts)
- Changed path of unixsocket from openvasmd.sock to gvmd.sock
- Added timeout functionality to all connection types
- Added GPL v3 licenses in all relevant files
- Added function create_report
- Added new script to sync tasks between to gsm
- Added new script to sync assets from a csv list
- Added experimental client gvm-dialog again
- Fixed wrong library path
- Changed directory structure and names, because of the generic names for python modules
- Directory libs is named gmp
- Directory clients is copied into gmp
- Changed name to gvm-tools
- Bugfixes at the scripts
- Added new script to create dummy data for gsm
- First stable release of gvm-tools