- Build the new Kubernetes node template:
- move to the
directory - run packer:
packer build -var-file vars.hcl exoscale-kube-node.pkr.hcl
- grab the template ID from the output:
--> exoscale.base: Kubernetes 1.24.1 node @ de-fra-1 (fee05f1e-28f5-42df-a3a6-0f4ddd542b80)
- move to the
- Update the Kubernetes node instance-pool:
- Update the value for
in yourlocals.tf
file with the template ID from step 1. Keep the older value for the cleanup step - move to the
directory - run
terraform apply
, this should update each node instance-pool template ID
- Update the value for
- List nodes to upgrade:
- Move to the
directory - Run
export KUBECONFIG=./admin.kubeconfig
- Run
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get nodes # 【output】 # NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION # paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx Ready <none> 13d v1.24.1 # paas-staging-general-012d4-knhgn Ready <none> 13d v1.24.1 # paas-staging-ingress-default-4bdd4-rbicn Ready <none> 13d v1.24.1 # paas-staging-ingress-internal-23596-ajqcq Ready <none> 10d v1.24.1
- Move to the
- Drain a node, to orchestrate its hosted workload on another one:
kubectl drain paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx --ignore-daemonsets # 【output】 # node/paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx already cordoned # WARNING: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: kube-system/cilium-fngs9 # evicting pod kube-system/konnectivity-agent-5649884967-6gjpq # evicting pod ingress-nginx-default/ingress-nginx-admission-patch-pqm2r # evicting pod cert-manager/cert-manager-cainjector-5f6fd79648-qmpk5 # evicting pod reloader/reloader-f877dcc64-kskhp # evicting pod kube-system/coredns-678bbdfc47-hs6lj # evicting pod ingress-nginx-internal/external-dns-85797b897f-zgk45 # evicting pod kube-system/metrics-server-648f457f4f-z8qs9 # evicting pod ingress-nginx-internal/ingress-nginx-admission-patch-qjhmw # pod/ingress-nginx-admission-patch-pqm2r evicted # pod/ingress-nginx-admission-patch-qjhmw evicted # pod/external-dns-85797b897f-zgk45 evicted # pod/cert-manager-cainjector-5f6fd79648-qmpk5 evicted # pod/metrics-server-648f457f4f-z8qs9 evicted # pod/reloader-f877dcc64-kskhp evicted # pod/konnectivity-agent-5649884967-6gjpq evicted # pod/coredns-678bbdfc47-hs6lj evicted # node/paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx evicted
- With
CLI, or by other means, delete the related instance (instance name is exactly the same as the node name)exo compute instance delete paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx # 【output】 # [+] Are you sure you want to delete instance "paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx"? [yN]: y # ✔ Deleting instance "paas-staging-general-012d4-kdlvx"... 12s
- A new instance will be automatically created to replace the one you just deleted. Wait for a new node to appear.
The new node must be in
status, and the related CSRs approved (by cloud controller manager):kubectl get nodes,csr # NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION # node/paas-staging-general-012d4-aigxl Ready <none> 34s v1.24.1 # node/paas-staging-general-012d4-bugfj Ready <none> 88s v1.24.1 # node/paas-staging-general-012d4-knhgn Ready <none> 13d v1.24.1 # node/paas-staging-ingress-default-4bdd4-rbicn Ready <none> 13d v1.24.1 # node/paas-staging-ingress-internal-23596-ajqcq Ready <none> 10d v1.24.1 # # NAME AGE SIGNERNAME REQUESTOR REQUESTEDDURATION CONDITION # certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-56tms 87s kubernetes.io/kubelet-serving system:node:paas-staging-general-012d4-bugfj <none> Approved,Issued # certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/csr-cfqst 33s kubernetes.io/kubelet-serving system:node:paas-staging-general-012d4-aigxl <none> Approved,Issued # certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/node-csr--12jWovspWiKeOCVDEK5cZ2sYRP5yx3JMZ3x4V3uxbM 34s kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet system:bootstrap:44x74t <none> Approved,Issued # certificatesigningrequest.certificates.k8s.io/node-csr-kHmpsjs8yGRGaRQ1jZidJN2JGTFVT4RF9sgtre-OGQQ 88s kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client-kubelet system:bootstrap:44x74t <none> Approved,Issued
- Repeat operations from step 4 for other nodes found in step 3.
- Delete the older template (value before the step 2 update) as it's not used anymore:
exo compute template delete -z de-fra-1 ec9b5fd9-bc18-496e-9daa-64e9dbde6fe1 # 【output】 # [+] Are you sure you want to delete template ec9b5fd9-bc18-496e-9daa-64e9dbde6fe1 ("Kubernetes 1.24.1 node")? [yN]: y # ✔ Deleting template ec9b5fd9-bc18-496e-9daa-64e9dbde6fe1... 3s