This platform relies on pre-configured instance templates. This approach allows faster and simpler provisioning, as templates are preconfigured, and they ship some helper scripts.
Each template is based on Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS)
(Vault cluster member)- Hashicorp Vault is used as a management system for most PKI, IAM, and other secrets for use by the whole infrastructure
(Etcd cluster member):- Etcd is used as a data store for the Kubernetes control plane.
- Vault agent to retrieve and update TLS certificates from the Vault cluster.
- Helper script to create or join the cluster automatically, based on instance pool members.
(Kubernetes control plane):- Kubernetes control plane components:
. - Vault agent to retrieve and update TLS certificates and other secrets from the Vault cluster.
- Kubernetes control plane components:
(Kubernetes node):- Kubelet service.
is NOT installed because the CNI plugin replaces its features (Cilium is deployed in the cluster in strictkube-proxy
replacement mode).
See the initial provisioning runbook for build instructions.