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NTU-RGB+D contains 60 action classes and 56,880 video samples for skeleton-based action recognition. Please refer to its official websiteNTU-RGB+D for more details.
The dataset contains two splits when dividing the training set and test set. For Cross-subject, the dataset is divided according to character id, with 40320 samples in training set and 16560 samples in test set. For Cross-view, the dataset is divided according to camera division. The samples collected by cameras 2 and 3 are training sets, including 37930 samples, and the samples collected by camera 1 are test sets, including 18960 samples.
ST-GCN data prepare preceduce are introducted follow.
We provide the download link of the processed dataset NTU-RGB-D.tar(~3.1G). Please download and unzip with tar -zxvf NTU-RGB-D.tar
, the directory structure is as follows:
├── xsub
│ ├── train_data.npy
│ ├── train_label.pkl
│ ├── val_data.npy
│ └── val_label.pkl
└── xview
├── train_data.npy
├── train_label.pkl
├── val_data.npy
└── val_label.pkl
This is a copies from st-gcn.
CTR-GCN data prepare preceduce are introducted follow.
There is script download_dataset.sh
to download the dataset from official website NTU-RGB+D in dictory data\ntu-rgb-d
sh data/ntu-rgb-d/download_dataset.sh
File tree:
─── ntu-rgb-d
├── download_dataset.sh
├── nturgb+d_skeletons
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A001.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A002.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A003.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A004.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A005.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A006.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A007.skeleton
│ ├── ....
│ └── S017C003P020R002A060.skeleton
├── get_raw_denoised_data.py
├── get_raw_skes_data.py
├── seq_transformation.py
└── statistics
├── camera.txt
├── label.txt
├── performer.txt
├── replication.txt
├── setup.txt
└── skes_available_name.txt
run follow script, then data will be precessed to the data format need by CTR-GCN.
Note:if make dataset by yourself, please prepare
, which is the list of skeletons files that will be precessed.
cd ./data/ntu-rgb-d
# Get skeleton of each performer
python get_raw_skes_data.py
# Remove the bad skeleton
python get_raw_denoised_data.py
# Transform the skeleton to the center of the first frame
python seq_transformation.py
File tree:
─── ntu-rgb-d
├── download_dataset.sh
├── nturgb+d_skeletons
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A001.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A002.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A003.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A004.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A005.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A006.skeleton
│ ├── S001C001P001R001A007.skeleton
│ ├── ....
│ └── S017C003P020R002A060.skeleton
├── denoised_data
│ ├── actors_info
│ │ ├── S001C001P001R001A024.txt
│ │ ├── S001C001P001R001A025.txt
│ │ ├── S001C001P001R001A026.txt
│ │ ├── ....
│ │ ├── S017C003P020R002A059.txt
│ │ └── S017C003P020R002A060.txt
│ ├── denoised_failed_1.log
│ ├── denoised_failed_2.log
│ ├── frames_cnt.txt
│ ├── missing_skes_1.log
│ ├── missing_skes_2.log
│ ├── missing_skes.log
│ ├── noise_length.log
│ ├── noise_motion.log
│ ├── noise_spread.log
│ ├── raw_denoised_colors.pkl
│ ├── raw_denoised_joints.pkl
│ └── rgb+ske
├── raw_data
│ ├── frames_cnt.txt
│ ├── frames_drop.log
│ ├── frames_drop_skes.pkl
│ └── raw_skes_data.pkl
├── get_raw_denoised_data.py
├── get_raw_skes_data.py
├── seq_transformation.py
├── statistics
│ ├── camera.txt
│ ├── label.txt
│ ├── performer.txt
│ ├── replication.txt
│ ├── setup.txt
│ └── skes_available_name.txt
├── xview
│ ├── train_data.npy
│ ├── train_label.pkl
│ ├── val_data.npy
│ └── val_label.pkl
└── xsub
├── train_data.npy
├── train_label.pkl
├── val_data.npy
└── val_label.pkl
, that are temporal files, can be deleted, if extractedxview