Releases: PCMDI/pcmdi_metrics
Releases · PCMDI/pcmdi_metrics
Modes of variability: xCDAT implemented
Sea-ice: more options and documentations added
What's Changed
- Feature/lee1043 mov modularize by @lee1043 in #1060
- Feature/lee1043 mov modularize by @lee1043 in #1062
- Add figure preprocessing scripts to precip variability metrics by @acordonez in #1069
- Improve the parallel coordinate plot code by @lee1043 in #1075
- Update by @kristinchang3 in #1078
- Update by @msahn in #1074
- Add data files and model mask to sea ice metrics by @acordonez in #1082
- Custom season for MoV by @lee1043 in #1085
- Parallel coordinate plot option added by @lee1043 in #1088
- Add pole hole option to sea ice metrics by @acordonez in #1087
- Update documentation for sea ice by @acordonez in #1089
- Update MoV code to use xCDAT by @lee1043 in #1020
- New version (v3.4) release prepare by @lee1043 in #1092
New Contributors
- @kristinchang3 made their first contribution in #1078
Full Changelog: v3.3.4...v3.4
Technical update (installation bug fix)
What's Changed
- Remove reference to PNGs in by @acordonez in #1071
Full Changelog: v3.3.2...v3.3.3
Technical update
What's Changed
- Remove warnings from sea ice metrics by @acordonez in #1048
- fix time bash order by @durack1 in #1049
- Update team.rst by @lee1043 in #1050
- demo download instruction update by @lee1043 in #1051
- Simplify demo 9b by @lee1043 in #1053
- Demo 9b sea-ice data explore notebook update by @lee1043 in #1054
- Add table of contents to sea ice demo by @acordonez in #1055
- to mute the warning message by @lee1043 in #1057
- Merge sea ice updates into tests branch by @acordonez in #1061
- Landsea mask generation: add PCMDI method as an option by @lee1043 in #1063
- Add landmask raw file for pcmdi method by @lee1043 in #1066
- Add tests to sea ice metrics by @acordonez in #1059
- mean climate bug fix for E3SMv2.1 evaluation by @lee1043 in #1068
- Clean up logos by @lee1043 in #1070
Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.3.2
Technical Update
What's Changed
- sea ice notebook tweaks (#405) by @durack1 in #1027
- formatting tweaks; augmented model info; augmented debugging e.g. by @durack1 in #1028
- BinderHub updates by @jasonb5 in #1029
- Tweak for sea-ice metric demo by @lee1043 in #1030
- Docs update by @lee1043 in #1035
- Update README for sea ice metrics by @acordonez in #1031
- Sea ice docs by @acordonez in #1033
- adding ESGF2-US logos; suggested text tweaks by @durack1 in #1034
- logo size fix in demo notebook by @lee1043 in #1038
- Add link to docs in Sea ice demo by @acordonez in #1039
- Update Contributing Guide by @acordonez in #1037
- Update Sea Ice param file comments by @acordonez in #1040
- Fixes for BinderHub by @jasonb5 in #1032
- Use open_dataset if single file by @lee1043 in #1042
- Remove copy statements in sea ice metrics by @acordonez in #1041
- Sea ice reference data added to demo 0 downloading by @lee1043 in #1043
- Sea ice reference dataset download from Demo 0 by @lee1043 in #1044
- demo 9b update by @lee1043 in #1045
- Create by @lee1043 in #1047
- Prepare for version update and release by @lee1043 in #1046
Full Changelog: v3.3...v3.3.1
New metric: sea-ice metric, implementation led by @acordonez
What's Changed
- Sea ice metrics beta by @acordonez in #1024 (Contributors: @durack1 @gleckler1 @lee1043)
- update readme by @lee1043 in #1016
- Clean up that were left from testing by @lee1043 in #1017
- Add more for stats branch by @lee1043 in #1018
- update by @lee1043 in #1019
- Stats function moved to be better shared across metrics by @lee1043 in #1014
- Update version number in by @lee1043 in #1021
- environment.yml for binderhub on LLNL nimbus by @lee1043 in #1023
- Fix typo in doc by @acordonez in #1025
Full Changelog: v3.2...v3.3
- Extreme metrics implemented
- Land sea mask estimation updated
What's Changed
- Update by @mfwehner in #567
- Update by @mfwehner in #568
- Land sea mask generation by @lee1043 in #1006
- string constructor by @lee1043 in #1008
- landmask generation for non-regular lat/lon grid by @lee1043 in #1010
- Demo8 extremes update by @lee1043 in #1013
- Extremes Metrics by @acordonez in #962
- Extremes documentation for web by @acordonez in #990
- Add portrait plot demo to Extremes Documentation by @acordonez in #1015
Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.2
- Cloud feedbacks metrics code updated to use xCDAT
- Technical updates
What's Changed
- Update version release history for v3.1.1 by @lee1043 in #957
- MoV demo clean up by @lee1043 in #958
- Patch lee1043 by @lee1043 in #969
- Minor patch by @lee1043 in #970
- Add custom obs JSON by @acordonez in #971
- Add custom target grid to mean climate by @acordonez in #973
- Minor patch for parallel coordinate plot by @lee1043 in #976
- Fix typos by @omahs in #977
- Add region selection from file by @acordonez in #981
- Mean climate 3d field vertical coordinate QC by @lee1043 in #978
- Update MJO EWR calculation by @lee1043 in #983
- Improve mean climate workflow by @lee1043 in #982
- Remove genutil from precip variability by @acordonez in #984
- Update issue templates by @lee1043 in #987
- 986 contributing doc by @lee1043 in #988
- Add menu to contributing page in PMP documentation by @lee1043 in #989
- 979 cloudfeedback xcdat by @mzelinka in #985
- Add PMP intro video to docs by @lee1043 in #992
- Update .pre-commit-config.yaml by @lee1043 in #991
- Catch up with pre-commit by @lee1043 in #993
- Parallel coordinate plot advance by @lee1043 in #996
- Portrait plot annotate text color by @lee1043 in #999
- PMP mean climate regional application by @lee1043 in #931
- Patch for Parallel plot by @lee1043 in #1000
- graphics code minor patch by @lee1043 in #1001
- Add precip variability and distribution to docs by @acordonez in #966
- Update mov run by @lee1043 in #994
- Update target grid help in parser by @acordonez in #974
- new version update by @lee1043 in #1002
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.1.1...v3.1.2
Update Summary
- Technical update
- Documentation update
What's Changed
Change Log
- Simplify codes by @lee1043 in #928
- Merge changes from main branch by @msahn in #929
- technical update for more flexibility in plotting by @lee1043 in #930
- open xml from pmp workflow and allow wild card usage by @lee1043 in #933
- mjo analysis for highresmip by @lee1043 in #927
- use xml open capability from pmp instead of xcdat by @lee1043 in #934
- Add more inline documentation by @lee1043 in #936
- Simplify docs generating process by @lee1043 in #938
- Update by @lee1043 in #940
- Create readthedocs.yml by @lee1043 in #939
- Update dev.yml by @lee1043 in #941
- Update .readthedocs.yaml by @lee1043 in #942
- Update by @lee1043 in #943
- set up github action for github page by @lee1043 in #950
- Update by @lee1043 in #951
- Update docs readme by @lee1043 in #952
- Update by @lee1043 in #953
- Update metrics_enso.rst by @lee1043 in #955
- Precip variability add time-averaging metric by @lee1043 in #948
- Lambert map projection plots by @lee1043 in #954
- Update install.rst by @lee1043 in #956
Full Changelog: v3.1...v3.1.1
Update Summary
- [NEW] Precipitation distribution and bimodality metric
- Technical minor patches for mean climate including more flexibility in file opening, graphics, and output JSONs (add more metadata information)
- Github CI Build process updated by @tomvothecoder
What's Changed
- Merge branches by @lee1043 in #914
- Merge branches by @lee1043 in #915
- update by @lee1043 in #916
- use autoflake8 and black to apply pep8 code style by @lee1043 in #919
- Update by @lee1043 in #918
- Mean clim patch by @lee1043 in #920
- 868 msa precip distribution bimodality by @msahn in #913
- Open multiple files using xcdat by @lee1043 in #926
Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1