- Attachments. Thanks, @rzane!
- CMS: 1.12 compatibility, better error messages.
- REP will fall back to :en if its set locale is not in the list of available locales
- Fixes for CMS integration
- UI language is now set to :en by default, to avoid #32
- Rails 3 compatibility issues fixed
- Fix preview generator
- minor bugfixes
- UI improvements
- clean up dependencies
- squell compatibility
- german translation thanks to @baschtl
- email iframe resizes on window resize
- bugfixes
- simplified setting custom layout with
- bugfixes
- updated bootstrap, turbolinks
- internal: tests + screenshots in spec/screenshots/ after each test run
bugs fixed, looks improved
- config.style to customize classes in REP views
- UI enhancements
- CMS integration bug fixes
- Send email bug fixes
- Send Email from REP
- inline_main_app_routes! (enables easy layout switching)
- parent_controller (enables easy authorization integration)
- Backwards incompatible: root_url is now rep_root_url, internal routes are prefixed too.