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123 lines (112 loc) · 5.39 KB


For the lastest installation instructions for this repo please see this blog post: IR TALES: THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY SIEM: GRAYLOG + AUDITD + OSQUERY

This Ansible playbook will allocate half of the systems memory to Elasticsearch. For example, if a machine has 16GBs of memory, 8GBs of memory will be allocated to Elasticsearch.

Init Ansible playbook

  1. vim macos-workshop/ChooseYourSIEMAdventure/hosts.ini and add the Graylog server IP address under [graylog]
  2. vim macos-workshop/ChooseYourSIEMAdventure/group_vars/all.yml and set:
  3. base_domain<external_domain - group_vars/all.yml>
  4. timezone – OPTIONAL – The default timezone is UTC+0
  5. siem_username – Ignore this setting
  6. siem_password – Set the Graylog admin password
  7. Graylog group_vars/all.yml
  8. vim macos-workshop/ChooseYourSIEMAdventure/group_vars/graylog.yml and set:
  9. hostname – Set the desired hostname for the server
  10. graylog_version – Set the desired version of Graylog to use
  11. beats_port – OPTIONAL – Set the port to ingest logs using BEAT clients
  12. elastic_version – OPTIONAL – Set the desired version of Elasticsearch to use with Graylog – best to leave as default
  13. mongo_version – OPTIONAL – Set the desired version of Mongo to use with Graylog – best to leave as default
  14. mongo_admin_username – OPTIONAL – Set Mongo admin username – best to leave as default
  15. mongo_admin_password – Set the Mongo admin user password
  16. mongo_graylog_username – Set Mongo username for Graylog user
  17. mongo_graylog_password – Set Mongo password for Graylog user
  18. Graylog group_vars/graylog.yml

Run Ansible playbook

  1. ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini deploy_graylog.yml -u ubuntu
  2. Graylog ansibe playbook

Generate Let's Encrypt certificate

  1. SSH into Elastic EC2 instance
  2. sudo su
  3. apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y
  4. certbot --nginx -d graylog.<external domain>
  5. Enter the e-mail for the admin of the domain
  6. Enter A for Terms of Service
  7. Enter N to share e-mail with EFF
  8. Enter 2 to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS
  9. Review NGINX config: /etc/nginx/conf.d/graylog.conf
  10. systemctl restart nginx

Create workshop user

  1. Open browser to https://graylog.<external domain> and login
  2. Enter admin for username
  3. Enter <siem_password> into Password
  4. System > Users and Teams
  5. Select "Create User" in top right
  6. Enter threathunter into username
  7. Enter threathunter into full name
  8. Leave e-mail blank
  9. Enter 6 for user session timeout
  10. Enter a password for the user
  11. Select User inspector for roles
  12. Create Graylog workshop user
  13. Select "Create user"

Create Graylog indexes and streams

Create indexes

  1. System > Indicies
  2. Select "Create index set" in the top right
  3. Enter Osquery for name
  4. Enter Osquery logs for description
  5. Enter osquery for index prefix
  6. Leave everything as default
  7. Graylog Osquery index
  8. Select "Save"
  9. Repeat the steps above to create an index called "test" and "sysmon

Create streams

  1. Select "Streams" at the top
  2. Select "Create stream" in the top right
  3. Enter Osquery-stream for name
  4. Enter Osquery stream for description
  5. Select "Osquery" for index set
  6. Check "Remove matches from 'All messages' stream"
  7. Graylog Osquery stream
  8. Select "Save"
  9. Repeat the steps above to create an index called "test"
  10. Select "Manage Rules" for Osquery stream
  11. Select “Add stream rule” on the right
  12. Enter event_module for field
  13. Select match exactly for type
  14. Enter osquery for value
  15. Graylog Osquery stream rule
  16. Select "Save"
  17. Select "I’m done" in bottom left
  18. Select "Start stream" for Osquery stream
  19. Repeat the steps above for test

Create input for Kafka

  1. System > Inputs
  2. Select "Raw/Plaintext Kafka" from Input drop down
  3. Select "Launch new input"
  4. Enter Kafka input into Title
  5. UNcheck Legacy Mode
  6. Enter into Bootstrap servers
  7. Enter into Zookeeper address
  8. Enter osquery into topic filter regex
  9. graylog_kafka_input
  10. Select "Save"
  11. Repeat the steps above to create an index called "test" and "sysmon
