- basic understanding of programming an FRC robot
- comfort reading code
- RoboRIO - onboard computer. It runs code that we write and tells devices how to behave
- Motor Controller - dictates when to send voltage to motor
- Electric Motor - many different types are available
- CAN wiring - nervous system for hardware that identifies devices and communicates with them
- Laptop
- VSCode - programming IDE, gives hints about writing code correctly
- Java - the programming language Team 4786 uses
- WPILib - FRC libraries to make it easy to work with devices
- Open VSCode
- Click on WPI Logo (upper right) to open a menu
- Create a New project
- Select a project type > Template > Java > Timed Robot
- Select a new project folder: "C:\Users\fearXX\git
- Project Name: "Programming 101"
- Team Number: 4786
- You should see a project on the left side
- Navigate into src/main/java/frc/robot
- Start exploring
- Robot.java is where the action begins
- Control+Click TimedRobot to open the library that is behind our project and appreciate how much is already done for you
- Code is just a tool. You have to learn to use the tool and this can a complicated tool that takes time to understand
- Java notes
- Java is "strongly typed", this means that we have to declare what "type" each variable is (String, Double, Boolean)
- Every statement must end in a semi-colon. That is how Java knows when you have completed your thought.
- Variables can have qualifiers (final = won't change, static = same everywhere, public = available everywhere, private = only available to it's parent class)
private String my_variable = "Hello"; // You can put comments in to explain yourself
public Double rampRate = 4.6; // Comments get ignored by Java so they don't need semicolons
private final CANSparkMax motor1; // Create a variable that will be a reference to an electric motor
- Looking at the Robot.java file
- robotInit - code that runs once, when the robot starts
- robotPeriodic - code that runs every 20ms (50 times a second), when the robot is Enabled
- autonomousInit - code that runs once, when Autonomous mode begins
- autonomousPeriodic - code that runs every 20ms, while the robot is Enabled in Autonomous Mode
- teleopInit - code that runs once, when the Teleop (Driver controlled) mode begins
- teleopPeriodic - code that runs every 20ms, while the robot is Enabled in Teleop Mode
- What can we do with programming on a robot?
- Control motors -- turn them on/off or adjust speed by specifying an amount of power (voltage)
- Control solenoids -- make a pistons go out or in
- Read sensors -- encoders tell us how many times a motor has turned, ultrasonic tell us how far we are from something solid
- Send data/video back to driver’s station
- Read data from a camera to find targets and judge distance from targets
- Power a motor
- Deploy code to RoboRio, control using FRC Driver’s Station
- Auto chooser in SmartDashboard
- Poke around, learn the tools
- Identify the motor in code
- We often use CanSparkMax motor controllers so we will set one up now.
Robot.java (at the top where the other imports are)
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkMax;
import com.revrobotics.CANSparkMaxLowLevel.MotorType;
📝 Note: This shows up as red & underlined because it is an error. VSCode is letting you know something is wrong.
The problem is that you referenced code libraries (com.revrobotics) that don't exist
Import necessary libraries
- WPI>Manage Vendor Deps>Install new libraries (online)
- Paste in this url to install the library: https://www.revrobotics.com/content/sw/max/sdk/REVRobotics.json
Set up and use a motor
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
private static CANSparkMax motor1;
public void robotInit() {
motor1 = new CANSparkMax(4, MotorType.kBrushless); // <-- 4 means the ID of the motor controller
public void autonomousPeriodic() {
switch (m_autoSelected) {
case kCustomAuto:
// Put custom auto code here
motor1.set(.3); // <-- this tells your new motor to run at 30%
case kDefaultAuto:
// Put default auto code here
motor1.set(.1); // <-- this tells your new motor to run at 10%
- Deploy and test
- Power on the RoboRio
- Connect a USB cable from your laptop to the RoboRio
- Click the WPI logo in VSCode
- Type "deploy" in the box and choose: Deploy Robot Code
📝 Note: This will deploy your code to the robot
If it didn’t work try to determine what is wrong (read the error message in the console)
One thing that could be a problem is the ID of the motor controller (see ID the CANSparkMax) - Open FRC Driver Station (the software that we use for controlling the robot)
- Make sure someone is holding the motor (not by the shaft)
- Choose "Autonomous" mode
- Click "Enable" to start the robot
- Click "Disable" to stop
- Go into ShuffleBoard/SmartDashboard and change the auto mode. "Enable" again and the motor should go faster.
- Connect to a CANSparkMax motor controller using a USB-C cable
- On the laptop open RevSparkMax Client tool. Connect and set the ID to 4 (the same as we specified in the code)
- Re-deploy and test
- Rewrite code we don't like
- There is a switch/case for the autonomousPeriodic that is overly complex
- Let's rewrite it as a simple if/else statement
- Both ways work and do the same thing, but one is a bit more readable
public void autonomousPeriodic() {
if (m_autoSelected == kCustomAuto) {
motor1.set(.3); // <-- this tells your new motor to run at 30%
else if (m_autoSelected == kDefaultAuto) {
motor1.set(.1); // <-- this tells your new motor to run at 10%
- Close VSCode
- Delete this project from the computer C:\Users\fearXX\git\Programming101
Victor Motor Controller
- Import Vendor Deps: https://maven.ctr-electronics.com/release/com/ctre/phoenix/Phoenix-frc2022-latest.json
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
private final WPI_VictorSPX motor1;
motor1 = new WPI_VictorSPX(4); // <-- 4 means the ID of the motor controller
TalonSRX Motor Controller
- Import Vendor Deps: https://maven.ctr-electronics.com/release/com/ctre/phoenix/Phoenix-frc2022-latest.json
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_VictorSPX;
private final WPI_TalonSRX motor1;
motor1 = new WPI_TalonSRX(4); // <-- 4 means the ID of the motor controller