cuSOLVERSp/Rf are deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. To continue using the sparse direct methods provided from these packages, please use cuDSS library instead for better performance and support. Code samples in this directory demonstrate the transition procedure from cuSOLVERSp/Rf to cuDSS.
Note: while the cuDSS team plans to extend the coverage, it is not planned to cover the 100% of functionalities provided from cuSolverSp/Rf.
A brief summary of deprecated APIs and its transition to cuDSS are illustrated in the below.
For more detailed and complete transition of the APIs, we recommend to check the example
codes cuSolverSp2cuDSS.hpp
and cuSolverRf2cuDSS.hpp
| Workflow | cuSolverSp/Rf (deprecated) | cuDSS (new) |
| Initialize | cusolverSpCreate | cudssCreate |
| | cusolverSpCreateCsr{chol,lu}Info[Host] | cudssConfigCreate |
| | cusparseCreateMatDescr | cudssDataCreate |
| | cusolverRfCreate | |
| Input matrix | cusparseSetMatType | cudssMatrixCreateCsr |
| handling | cusparseSetMatIndexBase | cudssMatrixCreateDn |
| | | cudssMatrixDestroy |
| Reorder & | cusolverSpXcsrmetisndHost | cudssConfigSet(config, CUDSS_REORDERING_ALG, ...) |
| Analyze | cusolverSpXcsr{chol,lu}Analysis[Host] | cudssExecute(cudss, CUDSS_PHASE_ANALYSIS, ...) |
| Factorize | cusolverSpXcsr{chol,lu}BufferInfo[Host]' | cudssExecute(cudss, CUDSS_PHASE_FACTORIZATION, ...) |
| | cusolverSpXcsr{chol,lu}Factor[Host]' | |
| Solve | cusolverSpXcsr{chol,lu}Solve[Host] | cudssExecute(cudss, CUDSS_PHASE_SOLVE, ...) |
| Refactorize & | cusolverRfCreate | cudssMatrixSetValues |
| Solve | cusolverSpXcsrluNnzHost | cudssExecute(cudss, CUDSS_PHASE_REFACTORIZATION, ...) |
| | cusolverSpXcsrluExtractHost | cudssExecute(cudss, CUDSS_PHASE_SOLVE, ...) |
| | cusolverRfSetMatrixFormat | |
| | cusolverRfSetupHost | |
| | cusolverRfAnalyze | |
| | cusolverRfResetValues | |
| | cusolverRfRefactor | |
| | cusolverRfSolve | |
| Finalize | cusolverRfDestroy | cudssDataDestroy |
| | cusparseDestroyMatDescr | cudssDataDestroy |
| | cusolverSpDestroyCsr{chol,lu}Info[Host] | cudssConfigDestroy |
| | cusolverSpDestroy | cudssDestroy |
This example is compatible to cuDSS 0.3.0 and CUDA Toolkit 12.x and higher. Download and install the packages from
To demonstrate the cmake build procedure, we use the following environment variables.
$ export CUDSS_ROOT=/cudss/install/path
$ export SAMPLE_SOURCE_PATH=/cudalibrarysamples/cuSOLVERSp2cuDSS
$ export SAMPLE_BUILD_PATH=/your/sample-build/path
Configure and build the examples using cmake.
$ mkdir -p ${SAMPLE_BUILD_PATH}
$ make
After successful sample build, it generates the executables in your build directory.
: sparse Cholesky factorization using cuSOLVERSp and cuDSS.cuSolverRf2cuDSS_double
: sparse LU factorization and refactorization using cuSOLVERSp/Rf and cuDSS.
The usage of each sample code can be listed with a --help
command line argument.
An example usage is shown in the below.
$ ./cuSolverSp2cuDSS_double -h
usage: ./cuSolverSp2cuDSS_double --solver <cudss;cusolver> --file <filename> --timer --verbose
--solver : select a linear solver; cudss, cusolver
--file : sparse matrix input as a matrix market format
--single-api,-s : use a single api for linear solve if available;
--timer,-t : enable timer to measure solver phases
--verbose,-v : verbose flag
--help,-h : print usage
Run the example code with a matrix market input file provided in this sample.
Outputs from cuSolverSp2cuDSS:
$ ./cuSolverSp2cuDSS_double --solver cusolver --file ${SAMPLE_SOURCE_PATH}/test_real.mtx
-- commandline input
solver: cusolversp, cholesky
filename: test_real.mtx
mode: phase-separated api e.g., analysis, factorize, solve
timer: disabled
verbose: 0
-- read matrixmarket file
-- |A| = 35.6371, |Ax-b| = 1.36877e-15, |Ax-b|/|A| = 3.84087e-17
$ ./cuSolverSp2cuDSS_double --solver cudss --file ${SAMPLE_SOURCE_PATH}/test_real.mtx
-- commandline input
solver: cudss, hpd
filename: test_real.mtx
mode: phase-separated api e.g., analysis, factorize, solve
timer: disabled
verbose: 0
-- read matrixmarket file
-- |A| = 35.6371, |Ax-b| = 2.60134e-15, |Ax-b|/|A| = 7.29952e-17
Outputs from cuSolverRf2cuDSS:
$ ./cuSolverRf2cuDSS_double --solver cusolver --file ${SAMPLE_SOURCE_PATH}/test_real.mtx
-- commandline input
solver: cusolversp, lu host
filename: test_real.mtx
timer: disabled
verbose: 0
-- read matrixmarket file
-- |A| = 35.6371, |Ax-b| = 3.39663e-15, |Ax-b|/|A| = 9.53117e-17
-- the entries of A are modified
-- A is refactorized
-- |A| = 35.9739, |Ax-b| = 5.42989e-15, |Ax-b|/|A| = 1.5094e-16
$ ./cuSolverRf2cuDSS_double --solver cudss --file ${SAMPLE_SOURCE_PATH}/test_real.mtx
-- commandline input
solver: cudss, general
filename: test_real.mtx
timer: disabled
verbose: 0
-- read matrixmarket file
-- |A| = 35.6371, |Ax-b| = 9.15513e-16, |Ax-b|/|A| = 2.56899e-17
-- the entries of A are modified
-- A is refactorized
-- |A| = 35.9739, |Ax-b| = 2.67377e-15, |Ax-b|/|A| = 7.43253e-17