CSI230-101 Fall 2016 Teams:
- Brian Baron
- Colin Brady
- Robert Gentile
- Gabriel Pereyra
- Lucas Spiker
- Duncan Carrol
- Justin Mulkin
Build Instructions: - In /src/scripts/dependencies, find the script applicable to your OS and run it this will install everything needed to compile the project - Run build.sh in /src/scripts adding the platform as an argument (for example: "./build.sh el6") this builds the project's 3rd party components, and runs the platform dependencies script if needed - Run build.sh with "--cleanup" in order to clear unnecessary files and remove dependencies
Currently Known Bugs: - Cannot build openframeworks as they are currently having some issues with their linux version According to their repo they know of the issue and are working on it
Team 1: libfreenect2, and opencv
Instructions: Install: cd to /OpenISS/src make (installs all dependencies)
Compile: Happens during make process
Clean: cd to /OpenISS/src
make clean
Bugs: N/A
Special Features: N/A