Author | 钟涛 |
Date | 2023-06-27 |
[email protected] |
sandbox 模块分为两个类:sandbox类代表一个抽象的sandbox实例,提供sandbox的创建、启动、删除等功能。sandboxManager类提供sandbox管理功能。
为了保证sandbox与container id与name的独特性,需抽象出一个公用id与name管理模块,主要维护两个map,一个为目前已被使用的id map,一个为目前已被使用的name的map,分别用锁保证其线程安全。
const std::string SANDBOX_METADATA_JSON = "sandbox_metadata.json";
const std::string SANDBOX_STATE_JSON = "sandbox_state.json";
const std::string NETWORK_SETTINGS_JSON = "network_settings.json";
// Keep consistent with the default values set in containerd and cri-o.
const uint32_t DEFAULT_STOP_TIMEOUT = 10;
const std::string DEFAULT_NETMODE = "cni";
enum SandboxStatus {
struct StatsInfo {
int64_t timestamp;
uint64_t cpuUseNanos;
struct RuntimeInfo {
// container runtime
std::string runtime;
// sandbox type
std::string sandboxer;
// cri runtime handler
std::string runtimeHandler;
struct SandboxState {
uint32_t pid;
uint64_t createdAt;
// now, updatedAt is unused
uint64_t updatedAt;
uint64_t exitedAt;
uint32_t exitStatus;
SandboxStatus status;
// 暴露给sandbox manage的构造函数
Sandbox(const std::string id, const std::string &rootdir, const std::string &statedir, const std::string name = "",
const RuntimeInfo info = {"", "", ""}, std::string netMode = DEFAULT_NETMODE, std::string netNsPath = "",
const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig sandboxConfig = runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig::default_instance());
// 判断sandbox状态
auto IsReady() const -> bool;
// 获取sandbox的基本信息
auto GetId() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetName() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetRuntime() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetSandboxer() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetRuntimeHandle() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetSandboxConfig() const -> const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig &;
auto GetMutableSandboxConfig() -> std::shared_ptr<runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig>;
auto GetRootDir() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetStateDir() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetResolvPath() const -> std::string;
auto GetHostnamePath() const -> std::string;
auto GetHostsPath() const -> std::string;
auto GetShmPath() const -> std::string;
auto GetStatsInfo() -> StatsInfo;
auto GetNetworkReady() const -> bool;
auto GetNetMode() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetNetNsPath() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetNetworkSettings() -> const std::string &;
auto GetCreatedAt() -> uint64_t;
auto GetPid() -> uint32_t;
auto GetTaskAddress() const -> const std::string &;
// 设置和更新sandbox的变量值
void SetNetMode(const std::string &mode);
void SetController(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller);
void AddAnnotations(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
void RemoveAnnotations(const std::string &key);
void AddLabels(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
void RemoveLabels(const std::string &key);
void UpdateNetworkSettings(const std::string &settingsJson, Errors &error);
auto UpdateStatsInfo(const StatsInfo &info) -> StatsInfo;
void SetNetworkReady(bool ready);
void SetNetworkMode(const std::string &networkMode);
auto FindAvailableVsockPort(uint32_t &port) -> bool;
void ReleaseVsockPort(uint32_t port);
auto CleanupSandboxFiles(Errors &error) -> bool;
// Save to file
auto Save(Errors &error) -> bool;
// Load from file
auto Load(Errors &error) -> bool;
// 状态改变callback函数
void OnSandboxReady();
void OnSandboxPending();
void OnSandboxExit(const ControllerExitInfo &exitInfo);
// sandbox的操作
auto UpdateStatus(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Create(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Start(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Stop(uint32_t timeoutSecs, Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Remove(Errors &error) -> bool;
void Status(runtime::v1::PodSandboxStatus &status);
// Singleton 获得sandbox管理实例
static SandboxManager *GetInstance() noexcept;
// 初始化sandbox manager
auto Init(Errors &error) -> bool;
// 创建 sandbox 实例
auto CreateSandbox(const std::string &name, RuntimeInfo &info, std::string &netNsPath, std::string &netMode, const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig &sandboxConfig, Errors &error) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
// 查询获得sandbox
auto GetSandbox(const std::string &idOrName) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
// 删除sandbox
auto DeleteSandbox(const std::string &idOrName, Errors &error) -> bool;
// restore sandboxes
auto RestoreSandboxes(Errors &error) -> bool;
// list all sandbox by filter
void ListAllSandboxes(const runtime::v1::PodSandboxFilter &filters, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>> &sandboxes);
// 初始化与释放
int id_name_manager_init(void);
void id_name_manager_release(void);
bool id_name_manager_add_entry_with_existing_id(const char *id, const char *name);
bool id_name_manager_add_entry_with_new_id(const char *name, char **id);
bool id_name_manager_add_entry_with_new_id_and_name(char **id, char **name);
bool id_name_manager_remove_entry(const char *id, const char *name);
bool id_name_manager_rename(const char *new_name, const char *old_name);
namespace sandbox {
const std::string SANDBOX_METADATA_JSON = "sandbox_metadata.json";
const std::string SANDBOX_STATE_JSON = "sandbox_state.json";
const std::string NETWORK_SETTINGS_JSON = "network_settings.json";
// Keep consistent with the default values set in containerd and cri-o.
const uint32_t DEFAULT_STOP_TIMEOUT = 10;
const std::string DEFAULT_NETMODE = "cni";
enum SandboxStatus {
struct StatsInfo {
int64_t timestamp;
uint64_t cpuUseNanos;
struct RuntimeInfo {
// container runtime
std::string runtime;
// sandbox type
std::string sandboxer;
// cri runtime handler
std::string runtimeHandler;
struct SandboxState {
uint32_t pid;
uint64_t createdAt;
// now, updatedAt is unused
uint64_t updatedAt;
uint64_t exitedAt;
uint32_t exitStatus;
SandboxStatus status;
class Sandbox : public SandboxStatusCallback, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Sandbox> {
Sandbox(const std::string id, const std::string &rootdir, const std::string &statedir, const std::string name = "",
const RuntimeInfo info = {"", "", ""}, std::string netMode = DEFAULT_NETMODE, std::string netNsPath = "",
const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig sandboxConfig = runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig::default_instance());
virtual ~Sandbox() = default;
auto IsReady() -> bool;
auto GetId() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetName() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetRuntime() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetSandboxer() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetRuntimeHandle() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetSandboxConfig() const -> const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig &;
auto GetMutableSandboxConfig() -> std::shared_ptr<runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig>;
auto GetRootDir() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetStateDir() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetResolvPath() const -> std::string;
auto GetHostnamePath() const -> std::string;
auto GetHostsPath() const -> std::string;
auto GetShmPath() const -> std::string;
auto GetStatsInfo() -> StatsInfo;
auto GetNetworkReady() const -> bool;
auto GetNetMode() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetNetNsPath() const -> const std::string &;
auto GetNetworkSettings() -> const std::string &;
auto GetCreatedAt() -> uint64_t;
auto GetPid() -> uint32_t;
auto GetTaskAddress() const -> const std::string &;
void SetNetMode(const std::string &mode);
void SetController(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller);
void AddAnnotations(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
void RemoveAnnotations(const std::string &key);
void AddLabels(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
void RemoveLabels(const std::string &key);
void UpdateNetworkSettings(const std::string &settingsJson, Errors &error);
auto UpdateStatsInfo(const StatsInfo &info) -> StatsInfo;
void SetNetworkReady(bool ready);
void SetNetworkMode(const std::string &networkMode);
auto FindAvailableVsockPort(uint32_t &port) -> bool;
void ReleaseVsockPort(uint32_t port);
auto CleanupSandboxFiles(Errors &error) -> bool;
// Save to file
auto Save(Errors &error) -> bool;
// Load from file
auto Load(Errors &error) -> bool;
void OnSandboxReady();
void OnSandboxPending();
void OnSandboxExit(const ControllerExitInfo &exitInfo);
auto UpdateStatus(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Create(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Start(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Stop(uint32_t timeoutSecs, Errors &error) -> bool;
auto Remove(Errors &error) -> bool;
void Status(runtime::v1::PodSandboxStatus &status);
auto SaveState(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto SaveMetadata(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto SaveNetworkSetting(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto LoadState(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto LoadMetadata(Errors &error) -> bool;
void LoadNetworkSetting();
void SetSandboxConfig(const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig &config);
void SetNetworkSettings(const std::string &settings, Errors &error);
auto CreateHostname(bool shareHost, Errors &error) -> bool;
auto CreateHosts(bool shareHost, Errors &error) -> bool;
auto CreateResolvConf(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto CreateShmDev(Errors &error) -> bool;
auto SetupSandboxFiles(Errors &error) -> bool;
void DoUpdateStatus(std::unique_ptr<ControllerSandboxStatus> status, Errors &error);
void DoUpdateExitedStatus(const ControllerExitInfo &exitInfo);
auto GetMetadataJsonPath() -> std::string;
auto GetStatePath() -> std::string;
auto GetNetworkSettingsPath() -> std::string;
void FillSandboxState(sandbox_state *state);
void FillSandboxMetadata(sandbox_metadata* metadata, Errors &error);
auto GenerateSandboxStateJson(sandbox_state *state) -> std::string;
auto GenerateSandboxMetadataJson(sandbox_metadata *metadata) -> std::string;
auto ParseSandboxStateFile() ->std::unique_ptr<CStructWrapper<sandbox_state>>;
auto ParseSandboxMetadataFile() ->std::unique_ptr<CStructWrapper<sandbox_metadata>>;
auto DoStop(uint32_t timeoutSecs, Errors &error) -> bool;
auto IsRemovalInProcess() -> bool;
auto IsStopped() -> bool;
auto isValidMetadata(std::unique_ptr<CStructWrapper<sandbox_metadata>> &metadata) -> bool;
void CleanupSandboxDirs();
// Since the cri module will operate concurrently on the sandbox instance,
// use m_mutex to ensure the correctness of the sandbox instance
RWMutex m_mutex;
// use m_stateMutex to ensure the correctness of m_state, m_statsInfo and m_networkSettings
RWMutex m_stateMutex;
SandboxState m_state;
std::string m_id;
std::string m_name;
RuntimeInfo m_runtimeInfo;
// m_rootdir = conf->rootpath + / + sandbox + / + id
std::string m_rootdir;
std::string m_statedir;
std::string m_taskAddress;
StatsInfo m_statsInfo;
// Store network information in the sandbox, which is convenient for the cri module to obtain
// and update the network settings of the pause container in the shim-controller.
std::string m_netMode;
std::string m_netNsPath;
std::string m_networkMode;
bool m_networkReady;
std::string m_networkSettings;
// TOOD: m_sandboxConfig is a protobuf message, it can be converted to json string directly
// if save json string directly for sandbox recover, we need to consider hot
// upgrade between different CRI versions
std::shared_ptr<runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig> m_sandboxConfig;
// it should select accroding to the config
std::shared_ptr<Controller> m_controller { nullptr };
// vsock ports
std::mutex m_vsockPortsMutex;
std::set<uint32_t> m_vsockPorts;
} // namespace sandbox
(1) 则OnSandboxReady(),OnSandboxExit与OnSandboxPending()不会造成状态变化
(2) 不允许进行start,stop以及再次进行remove操作。
- 状态信息
uint32_t pid;
uint64_t createdAt;
// now, updatedAt is unused
uint64_t updatedAt;
uint64_t exitedAt;
uint32_t exitStatus;
SandboxStatus status;
- sandbox基础信息
std::string m_id;
std::string m_name;
RuntimeInfo m_runtimeInfo;
// m_rootdir = conf->rootpath + / + sandbox + / + id
std::string m_rootdir;
std::string m_statedir;
std::string m_taskAddress;
StatsInfo m_statsInfo;
// Store network information in the sandbox, which is convenient for the cri module to obtain
// and update the network settings of the pause container in the shim-controller.
std::string m_netMode;
std::string m_netNsPath;
std::string m_networkMode;
bool m_networkReady;
std::string m_networkSettings;
// TOOD: m_sandboxConfig is a protobuf message, it can be converted to json string directly
// if save json string directly for sandbox recover, we need to consider hot
// upgrade between different CRI versions
std::shared_ptr<runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig> m_sandboxConfig;
// it should select accroding to the config
std::shared_ptr<Controller> m_controller { nullptr };
// vsock ports
std::mutex m_vsockPortsMutex;
std::set<uint32_t> m_vsockPorts;
- m_mutex: 保障并发sandbox的生命周期操作(start, stop, remove)
- m_stateMutex:保障并发对m_state,m_statsInfo,m_networkSettings的修改与读取
namespace sandbox {
class SandboxManager {
// Singleton
static SandboxManager *GetInstance() noexcept;
// initialize value
auto Init(Errors &error) -> bool;
// Create meanningful sandbox instance
auto CreateSandbox(const std::string &name, RuntimeInfo &info, std::string &netNsPath, std::string &netMode,
const runtime::v1::PodSandboxConfig &sandboxConfig, Errors &error) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
auto GetSandbox(const std::string &idOrName) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
auto DeleteSandbox(const std::string &idOrName, Errors &error) -> bool;
auto RestoreSandboxes(Errors &error) -> bool;
// list all sandboxes by filter
void ListAllSandboxes(const runtime::v1::PodSandboxFilter &filters, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>> &sandboxes);
SandboxManager() = default;
SandboxManager(const SandboxManager &other) = delete;
SandboxManager &operator=(const SandboxManager &) = delete;
virtual ~SandboxManager() = default;
void StoreAdd(const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr<Sandbox> sandbox);
void StoreRemove(const std::string &id);
void StoreGetAll(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>> &sandboxes);
auto StoreGetById(const std::string &id) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
auto StoreGetByName(const std::string &name) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
auto StoreGetByPrefix(const std::string &prefix) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
void NameIndexAdd(const std::string &name, const std::string &id);
void NameIndexRemove(const std::string &name);
auto NameIndexGet(const std::string &name) -> std::string;
auto NameIndexGetAll(void) -> std::map<std::string, std::string>;
auto IDNameManagerRemoveEntry(const std::string &id, const std::string &name) -> bool;
auto IDNameManagerNewEntry(std::string &id, const std::string &name) -> bool;
void SaveSandboxToStore(const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr<Sandbox> sandbox);
void DeleteSandboxFromStore(const std::string &id, const std::string &name);
auto GetSandboxRootpath() -> std::string;
auto GetSandboxStatepath() -> std::string;
bool ListAllSandboxdir(std::vector<std::string> &allSubdir);
auto LoadSandbox(std::string &id) -> std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>;
void CleanInValidSandboxDir(const std::string &id);
static std::atomic<SandboxManager *> m_instance;
std::string m_rootdir;
std::string m_statedir;
// id --> sandbox map
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Sandbox>> m_storeMap;
// name --> id map
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_nameIndexMap;
// Read-write locks can only be used if the C++ standard is greater than 17
RWMutex m_storeRWMutex;
RWMutex m_indexRWMutex;
} // namespace sandbox