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File metadata and controls

188 lines (155 loc) · 7.62 KB


The archie server has a few cli options but requires a configuration file to operate.

CLI Options

➜ archie <args>
  -config string
        config file path (default "config.yaml")
  -log-level string
        set the log level (default: info)
Setting Description
--config config file path
--log-level set the log level (default: info)

Config File Options

Combine each of the following sections to create a valid config.yaml file.

Server Options

apiVersion: v1

logLevel: info
shutdownWait: 30s
skipEventBucketValidation: true
skipLifecycleExpired: true
maxRetries: 5
msgTimeout: 15m
    - ^\w{3}/(\w+)/\1\.tar\.zst$
    - ^\w{3}/(\w+)/\1\.tar\.zst$
waitForMatchingETag: false
Setting Description
apiVersion config file api version (required)
logLevel set the log level (default: info)
shutdownWait time to wait for running transfers to complete before exiting
skipEventBucketValidation don't check if the event's bucket name and source bucket name match
skipLifecycleExpired don't propagate deletes initiated by the minio lifecycle expiration
maxRetries the max retries for to retry when either the copy's source object or the object to be deleted are missing
msgTimeout the max duration for a transfer includes the jetstream stream message ack timeout and internal transfer context timeout
excludePaths.copyObject list of paths as regex patterns to exclude from copy operations (pcre support)
excludePaths.removeObject list of paths as regex patterns to exclude from delete operations (pcre support)
waitForMatchingETag when copying files wait for the matching etag

JetStream Options

  provisioningDisabled: false
  url: nats://nats.nats.svc.cluster.local:4222

  rootCA: /etc/nats-cert/nats-ca
  username: archie-sub
  password: abc123
  subject: archie-minio-events

    name: archie-stream
    replicas: 3
    retention: interest
    maxSize: 2147
    maxAge: 720h

    name: nice1
    maxAckPending: 1000
    republishSubject: archie-minio-events-archive
Flag Description
batchSize number of messages the subscriber should fetch with each pull (default: 1)
username jetstream server username
password jetstream server password
subject nats subject for the pull subscriber
url url to the nats jetstream server (default: nats://localhost:4222)
rootCA path to the root CA file stream name to use and/or create consumer name to use and/or create
provisioningDisabled disable creation and configuration of the stream and consumer
stream.replicas stream to replicate the stream data
stream.retention stream retention type to "limits", "interest", or "work-queue" (default: limits)
stream.maxSize stream max size in MB
stream.maxAge stream max age for messages using a go duration like "30m"
consumer.maxAckPending consumer max ack pending (default: 1000)
consumer.republishSubject consumer to re-publish messages to another subject

Transfer Source Options

  name: minio
  bucket: test
  endpoint: minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000
  useSSL: false
  accessKey: xxx
  secretKey: yyy
  googleCredentials: |
      "type": "service_account",
      "project_id": "xxx",
      "private_key_id": "123"
Flag Description
name label name for the file source
endpoint endpoint (default: localhost:9000)
useSSL enable ssl connection (default: false)
bucket bucket name
accessKey aws access key
secretKey aws secret access key
googleCredentials service account or refresh token JSON credentials

Transfer Destination Options

  name: b2
  bucket: bucket-name
  useSSL: true
  threads: 4
  partSize: 16
  accessKey: xxx
  secretKey: yyy
  googleCredentials: |
      "type": "service_account",
      "project_id": "xxx",
      "private_key_id": "123"
Flag Description
name label name for the file source
endpoint endpoint (default: localhost:9000)
useSSL enable ssl connection (default: false)
bucket bucket name
accessKey aws access key
secretKey aws secret access key
threads number of transfer threads (default: 4)
partSize size of parts for uploads in MiB (default: 16)
googleCredentials service account or refresh token JSON credentials

Health Check Server Options

  disabled: false
  port: 8080
Flag Description
disabled disable health check server
port server listen port

Metric Server Options

  port: 9999
Flag Description
port server listen port