v1.0.0 Changelog
Bumped electron version to 10.3.2 for Windows and MacOS
Debian and RedHat packages are now available for Linux platform
Prevent microphone from being active when not in use
Fixed assistant error on first launch which occurred due to window positioning and desktop resolution
Added support for "Hey Google / Ok Google" wake word detection (experimental)
Added proper auto-update functionality for certain package/app formats over multiple platforms
Added option to configure custom assistant hotkey (keyboard shortcut)
Added "Troubleshoot" submenu in the tray context menu
Added ability to set display monitor preference for multi-monitor setup
Added ability to select custom microphone and speaker source
Launching the assistant from launcher now focuses the running instance automatically instead of showing an error
Now the user will be shown token expiry error instead of the generic "invalid_grant" error with an option to quickly reset the access tokens
Prevent shutdown interruption on MacOS
Fixed most of the issues relating to "Close on Blur" window behavior
Added multiple window-border options to create separation between the app and background
Fixed issue where clicking the suggestion chip did not respond
Assistant can now infer supported assistant language based on system preferences
Improvements to assistant display languages (special thanks to the community)
Use up/down arrow keys on "Ask me anything..." box to flip through history
Added option to use the Esc key to close or minimize the assistant window
Now the typed queries by default do not reply the user back via voice (behavior can be customized)
Added "Feedback & Links" section in settings for helpful links
Consistent notification display on all platforms during initial app launch
Warn user when "savedTokensPath" is not writable (probably due to permission)
Other minor changes
Added support for copying authentication link and retrying in the "Get Token" screen
Prevent token saving when initially starting app as hidden
Added command line verbose logging for debugging purposes
Prevent triggering microphone when assistant is not initialized
Added option to toggle sending notification on startup
Added option to toggle hiding the assistant on first launch
Minor consistency in display language
Other minor enhancements and bug fixes
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