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107 lines (76 loc) · 4.94 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (76 loc) · 4.94 KB


So why this homework?

Express is such a core library for NodeJs that can help us with many things when building out a fully fledged webserver.

Please help us improve and share your feedback! If you find better tutorials or links, please share them by opening a Pull Request.


Lets use express routes to create a small calculator

  1. Create new empty folder called warmup. Open it in Visual Studio Code. Open the terminal.
  2. Initialize a new Npm project using npm init, install express library, create index.js to run new express server on port 3000.
  3. Add 2 routes to your index.js:
  • GET /numbers/add?first=<number here>&second=<number here>. In response send sum (first + second).
  • GET /numbers/multiply/<first number here>/<second number here>. in response send multiplication (first * second).

Example: going to localhost:3000/numbers/add?first=3&second=7 should respond with 10


  • Find express documentation online.
  • Use req.query and req.params properties on req object.

Meal sharing website

Lets continue building on our meal sharing website

Using the same structure and data objects as last week:

-> src
---> backend
-----> data
-------> meals.json
-------> reservations.json
-------> reviews.json
-----> routes
-------> meals.js
-------> reservations.js
-------> reviews.js
-----> index.js

We will start with only having these routes:

Route Description
/meals/{id} Respond with the json for the meal with the corresponding id
/meals Respond with the json for all the meals
/reservations/{id} Respond with the json for the reservation with the corresponding id
/reservations Respond with the json for all reservations
/reviews/{id} Respond with the json for the review with the corresponding id
/reviews Respond with the json for all reviews

A review consists of content, numberOfStars and createdAt.


The /meals route should support some query parameters:

Parameter Description Data type Example
maxPrice Get meals that has a price smaller than maxPrice Number /meals?maxPrice=90
title Get meals that partially match a title. Rød grød med will match the meal with the title Rød grød med fløde String /meals?title=Indian%20platter
createdAfter Get meals that has been created after the date Date /meals?createdAfter=2019-04-05
limit Only specific number of meals Date /meals?limit=4

Some extra things to think about:

  • What if there is no meal with the requested id in meals.json?
  • What if the users writes a string as id? fx "/meals/lol"
  • What if the users writes a query parameter that is not supported?

Hand in Homework:

Watch this video for a more detailed go-through of how to hand in homework!

  • Create a new branch called node.js/week2
  • Add all your changes to this branch in the node.js/week2 folder.
  • Go through the Homework checklist
  • Create a pull request using the node.js/week2 branch
  • Wait for mentor feedback
  • Implement feedback, add, commit and push the changes
  • Now you can merge the changes into master
  • When merged you can share the github link to your classes slack channel if you are proud of what you did 💪
  • Now celebrate 🎉🎉🎉

Homework checklist

Go over your homework one last time:

  • Does every file run without errors and with the correct results?
  • Have you used const and let and avoided var?
  • Do the variable, function and argument names you created follow the Naming Conventions?
  • Is your code well-formatted (see Code Formatting)?